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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

firebush03 said:
Hiku said:

Not for a lack of trying though.
The GOP wanted to strip away a huge portion of that healthcare (flawed as it is), without any concrete plan of how it would supposedly be replaced. They just failed to pass it by I believe 1 vote.

I love that line. "Well at least he tried. :/" Yeah well Biden technically did try to enforce gun reform, address emissions, enforce a more progressive taxation system, raise the minimum wage, etc etc....but none of it happened. Gee it sure is a coincidence that politicians simply will say something, endorse a bill knowing well it will never pass, and then act outraged when it doesn't go through. If Trump were a good president, he would've gotten the bill through. It's not a matter of if he tried to get it through, he should've gotten it through.

You missunderstood what I was trying to say.
"He tried" to take away healthcare from people. It's not a compliment. He tried to do something neferious, and nearly succeeded.

The reason they are more or less in the same situation for healthcare is because GOP were unsuccessful at stripping away a large portion of it (ACA), effectively removing insurance from 32+ million people, while they had controll of the Senate. 

That said, the DNC's healthcare policies end up being more like GOP Light, and not close to the "radical left socialism" the GOP tends to accuse them of.
Every developed nation on earth has socialized healthcare, except USA, who remain heavily for-profit focused.

Some within the DNC such as Bernie Sanders want to move USA to where the rest of the developed world is. This is primarily pushed by the portion of the DNC who have pledged to not accept corporate donations (bribes), and instead rely on small donations from many individual voters.
But when so many elected officials accept large donations (bribes) from big pharmaceutical companies every year, they're not going to pass votes that go against those companies interests.

But they still put up the pretence that they care, so they have to throw the people a bone here and there eventually. The recent reduction of insulin cost for example.

The GOP on the other hand are focused on rolling back as many of these 'steps forward' as possible, and supposedly replace it with something that they have yet to lay out a plan for. (Even though they've had over a decade to figure out how to replace it.) Remove first. 'Figure it out' later. (A.k.a., they're not really going to replace it with anything worthwhile. They're doing it for their corporate donors.)

Last edited by Hiku - on 28 January 2024

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The table looks very trump-biased, I assume that was intentional?

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:

The table looks very trump-biased, I assume that was intentional?

The lack of info on the Biden side makes it seem so. As does he wording in some of the comparisons, like in this example.

The very vague descriptions primarily on the Trump side as well.
Here are a few examples:

- Restore Medical Freedom (How?)
- Help people stop dying from war (How?)

- Defend America against all threats (?)
- Protect America against all dangers (Repeated, but worded slightly different)
- Remove radical left ideology out of the military (There's no "Remove radical right ideology (white suppremacists, etc) from the military" written on the opposite side.)

Lol, I find your listed comparisons to be very biased in favor of Trump. And some of these things you've listed under Trump he has done the opposite or stated he'd do the opposite in his last presidency.

zorg1000 said:

So Trump and Biden are the same on healthcare because Trump tried to strip away healthcare but failed while Biden has attempted to expand healthcare and failed? Weird logic.

Weird logic aside, that’s not even true about Biden. While he hasn’t gotten everything he wants passed on healthcare, he has gotten some notable wins.

Between the Safer Communities Act, Honoring our Pact Act & Inflation Reduction Act, we have gotten expanded access, education & training in regards to mental health care, expanded access to healthcare for veterans exposed to toxic substances during military service, increased ACA marketplace subsidies to low and medium income households, set an out of pocket cap on medications for Medicare recipients and allow Medicare to negotiate the price of medication with drug manufacturers to bring down costs.

This “both sides are the same” argument is so stupid because we have seen Trump repeatedly call for the repeal of the ACA, which would kick millions of people off their health insurance while we have seen Biden sign bills into law that expand access to healthcare for people with mental heath disorders, veterans, the elderly and low/medium income households.

(i) Weird logic? It’s really not all that weird lmao. I’m just calling out the game the play like it is: They endorse bills they know will never pass just so that they can say “Oh we really tried our best.” The bills were never intended to pass, and even if they do, it will have been after a long period of dialing every little bit of progress to nothing.

(ii) Safer Communities Act is a joke. Bill was stalled in Congress for the sake of being “bipartisan”. $13bil is not sufficient, nor should this be considered a victory by any metric. For context, the US sent $14.3bil to Israel during December alone. PACT Act seems like it did some good, I will concede. I have no idea how Biden factors into this bill becoming enforced, it was unanimously supported, and was introduced via House Representation Mark Takano…but okay I guess. Inflation Reduction Act was a disappointment to put it kindly. Started off with lots of promise, but eventually would have essentially all its good stripped out by the time Manchin came in and forced the bill to drop pretty much all of its benefits. Nice incremental step, again, but nothing more. (It’s a common trend here, I hope you have noticed. Politicians will play the game of “doing something” and act likes they’ve actually accomplished a good deed for society.) Also, again, all that other stuff you have listed is entirely incremental, and looking at data contradicts the illusion of progress in lowering prices. Indeed, most of what you have listed were passed in the afforementioned bills: Why mention them again? Just to “fluffen-up” the “victories” of Biden? Again, I understand cognitive dissonance is a difficult thing to grapple with. It’s okay to change your views. :)

(iii) Seems that last paragraph is just a summary of the prior: okay, I’m not convinced. I’ve had hawk-eyes on this almost ration for the past three years, and there has yet to been a single victory come out of it. Utterly shameful.

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This is easy. Vote Biden. Trump has too many negatives. His temperament is very poor and it likely that he is a rapist. Also he wants absolute power which isn't something anyone should have. Biden has overseen great economic growth, millions of jobs, investment in infrastructure (which helps us all) respect from our allies and he actually fought for workers and got them better pay. He did other things too no one talks about like reducing drug prices on several highly used meds and he made it easier for people to get mental health and behavioral health care. These things matter.

I don't really think this is a serious choice unless you really are a nihilist.

I love how the "protect the unborn" types immediately stop caring about the child when it is born. Most have no interest in ensuring an unwanted child is well cared for.

Anti abortion was never about the child, it always was (and still is) about controlling women.


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Pemalite said:

The table looks very trump-biased, I assume that was intentional?

Hiku said:
Pemalite said:

The table looks very trump-biased, I assume that was intentional?

The lack of info on the Biden side makes it seem so. As does he wording in some of the comparisons, like in this example.

The very vague descriptions primarily on the Trump side as well.
Here are a few examples:

- Restore Medical Freedom (How?)
- Help people stop dying from war (How?)

- Defend America against all threats (?)
- Protect America against all dangers (Repeated, but worded slightly different)
- Remove radical left ideology out of the military (There's no "Remove radical right ideology (white suppremacists, etc) from the military" written on the opposite side.)

NobleTeam360 said:

Lol, I find your listed comparisons to be very biased in favor of Trump. And some of these things you've listed under Trump he has done the opposite or stated he'd do the opposite in his last presidency.

Did you even check the sources? Please tell me where I can find more Biden-related running platform values.

The information on these tables are almost direct quotes from the sources.

Y’all sound so immature thinking more on Trump’s end means I am biased. I’m stating what has been written as their platforms, or what their 2024 platform is for and against.

I forgive y’all for your foolishness.

Now this is just to anyone that clicks this thread.
What would happen if a platform value became implemented?

For example: What would happen, if everyone was given 2 free years of community college? 
Another example: What would be the consequences, if there was a merit-based immigration system that protects American labor and promotes American values? 
Final in this specific post: What would be the result as a whole for America, if transgender women are restricted from competing in women’s sports?.

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Shtinamin_ said:

Did you even check the sources? Please tell me where I can find more Biden-related running platform values.

The information on these tables are almost direct quotes from the sources.

1) I posited a question, didn't assert anything.

2) You may have intentionally garnered more sources for one candidate over the other.

3) The wording utilised in many parts of the table seems to discredit Biden and favor Trump.
My suggestion going forth is try to be a little more impartial.

4) I don't have a biased horse in this race. I'm Australian, hence the question I put forth as I don't pay *that* much attention to American politics... I'm here for the comedic gold.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Hiku said:
Pemalite said:

The table looks very trump-biased, I assume that was intentional?

The lack of info on the Biden side makes it seem so. As does he wording in some of the comparisons, like in this example.

The very vague descriptions primarily on the Trump side as well.
Here are a few examples:

- Restore Medical Freedom (How?)
- Help people stop dying from war (How?)

- Defend America against all threats (?)
- Protect America against all dangers (Repeated, but worded slightly different)
- Remove radical left ideology out of the military (There's no "Remove radical right ideology (white suppremacists, etc) from the military" written on the opposite side.)

I'm guessing "medical freedom" means allowing people to go running to the governor or a judge over vaccine mandates and 16-year-old Susie at Mom and Pop's Ice Cream Parlor asking them to put on a mask, as well as allowing anti-vax messaging to be spread unchallenged. That's a huge part of the platform of DeSantis, and other Republican governors like Stitt (Oklahoma) have embraced this as well.