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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

A203D said:

Lets get started then. Who decides the enemies of the United States?

Now to answer this question I want you to cast your mind back a few years. Have you seen a film called 'Vice' or 'Offical Secrets'? Christian Bale was nominated for an Oscar for his performance as Dick Cheeny in Vice. Its a brilliant film. The premise of these movies is that both the United States and the United Kingdom initiated an illegal war on terror with regards to the invasion of Iraq. Bear in mind that when this happened Joe Biden was also Vice President to Barack Obama who was another proponent of the war on terror. What we have found in the years following is that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and they never did. There's a great documentary about this I would be happy to share with you if you wish.

The point I wish to make is that you have been told about the enemies of the United States. Yet you are told that Iraq is an enemy of the United States, by whom? The same minority of people who have declared an illegal act of war on a country that didn't have and never had weapons of mass destruction.

Now I have a question for you. Did the Government accidentally mislead or did they deliberately mislead you?

Now, why is that relevant?

I have given you an example of where the United States government has misled its citizens into justifying an illegal act of war. We have enough information at this point in time to know that the US and the UK acted illegally.

Now, you have presented me with several issues that I could talk about each one for hours. Yet the first thing I want to address is this subject of a vaccine. This is something relatively easy for me to prove. Please look at the link below:

That takes you to the CDC website (Center of Disease Control). If you read the possible side effects of this vaccine it details things like 'myocarditis'. This is now something openlly admitted on the CDC website and other offical websites. You can't believe how intrigued I was when you told me you were Australian. As you are Australian you will obviously know who Scott Morrison is. This insane individual forced through this vaccine mandate and has recently turned around and said that he did not advocate this position offically:

Now, I have another question for you. You were told these vaccines were 'safe and effective'. You are now being told by the offical sources that they 'may' contain potentally life threatening consequences. You were not told that at the time Scott Morrision issued his vaccine mandate. So of course you know what I'm going to ask you.

Were you misled accidentally, or were you misled deliberately?

>You were told these vaccines were 'safe and effective'.

All of these things are relative.  

Walking is safe and effective exercise, but people trip. 

Looking both ways before crossing the street is also safe and effective, until someone is a maniac and drives at 75 miles per hour through a residential zone. 

We have been well aware that the vaccines carry a small risk of myocarditis for a few years at this point, the key part is that risk is lower than the actual virus. 

That is how all of life works. We assess risks vs benefits of two things. The risk of something is basically never zero. 

Elevators can malfunction and fall apart.

Bridges fall apart, should we stop using bridges? Are we insane for continuing to use bridges? 

Boats sink, planes fall apart. Are we insane for using those dangerous things? 

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A203D said:

Lets get started then. Who decides the enemies of the United States?

Those who are hostile? No one "decides" who the enemies are. They just are.

However there are multiple countries where the United States has no foreign relations.
See here:

There are many nations that are of particular concern to the USA and that is a bi-lateral issue.

It's not a secret that Russia, China and North Korea are not buddies with the USA and thus push fake propaganda to undermine the USA.

A203D said:

Now to answer this question I want you to cast your mind back a few years. Have you seen a film called 'Vice' or 'Offical Secrets'? Christian Bale was nominated for an Oscar for his performance as Dick Cheeny in Vice. Its a brilliant film. The premise of these movies is that both the United States and the United Kingdom initiated an illegal war on terror with regards to the invasion of Iraq. Bear in mind that when this happened Joe Biden was also Vice President to Barack Obama who was another proponent of the war on terror. What we have found in the years following is that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and they never did. There's a great documentary about this I would be happy to share with you if you wish.

Completely irrelevant tangent to the discussion at hand.

Nor should you assume my ignorance on this topic either.

A203D said:

The point I wish to make is that you have been told about the enemies of the United States. Yet you are told that Iraq is an enemy of the United States, by whom? The same minority of people who have declared an illegal act of war on a country that didn't have and never had weapons of mass destruction.

Making some bold and incorrect assumptions there.
I haven't been "told" anything.

The fact is... Iraq had a history of building weapons of mass destruction, specifically chemical weapons.. And Iraq was consistent in it's refusal to adhere to United Nations security council resolutions, pacts and agreements.

Obviously they had ceased manufacturing prior to the invasion and had no stockpiles, but that wasn't discovered until after the fact.
But they definitely still had the precursors to make them.

However I don't agree with the war and nor should you presume I do... Nor is Iraq the complete start and end of the list of nations that tend to be against the USA's ideology.

A203D said:

Now I have a question for you. Did the Government accidentally mislead or did they deliberately mislead you?

I am not an American. American politics has no bearing on my belief, opinions, education or otherwise.

But nice try.

A203D said:

I have given you an example of where the United States government has misled its citizens into justifying an illegal act of war. We have enough information at this point in time to know that the US and the UK acted illegally.

Who cares? I'm neither American or British.

A203D said:

Now, you have presented me with several issues that I could talk about each one for hours. Yet the first thing I want to address is this subject of a vaccine. This is something relatively easy for me to prove. Please look at the link below:

That takes you to the CDC website (Center of Disease Control). If you read the possible side effects of this vaccine it details things like 'myocarditis'. This is now something openlly admitted on the CDC website and other offical websites. You can't believe how intrigued I was when you told me you were Australian. As you are Australian you will obviously know who Scott Morrison is. This insane individual forced through this vaccine mandate and has recently turned around and said that he did not advocate this position offically:

Scott Morrison is a joke.
1) He believes in a God that cannot be proven with evidence.
2) He went on a Holiday to Hawaii when myself and thousands of other firefighters put our lives on the line while our country started to burn to the ground.
3) He was a narcissistic liar.

Your links that you have provided have NOT substantiated your previous and blatant lie that COVID was a hoax... In-fact it recognizes and substantiates that COVID was not a hoax, so thanks for proving yourself wrong with your own evidence, that takes a very special individual to achieve. Well done. Bravo.

So if you cannot provide empirical evidence that COVID is a hoax, then please don't propagate lies.

As for the veracity of vaccines... It may help you going forth in this discussion if you actually knew how they fundamentally worked, vaccines that target viruses have NEVER stopped someone from:
1) Contracting said viral disease that the vaccine is designed to protect against with impunity.
2) Pass on said disease after being vaccinated.
3) 100% safe with zero effects.

So why get vaccinated? It's simple.

A vaccine is a "device" that is used to train your immune system.
- It doesn't replace it.
- It doesn't modify it.

Thus you are still able to contract said viral disease and pass it on... However if an immune system has been trained to fight a particular disease, then it can more effectively initiate an effective immune response resulting a significantly lower viral load and a shorter infection time. - For the specific individual that means they are less likely to pass on the disease due to the shorter window, less likely to suffer catastrophic effects due to a reduced viral load.

This is basic medical science.

The vaccines do work.

And yes, there is a very very very tiny percentage of individuals who will have an adverse reaction, but that goes for anything.
There are people alive who are allergic to water... And that condition is known as Aquagenic urticaria. - Do we ban all water? No. No we fucking dont. We need it to live.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

I always chortle when someone claims covid was a hoax to get rid of Trump. Yes, a worldwide well coordinated hoax that all world leaders agreed too, even our enemies. That sounds plausible.


"Obviously they had ceased manufacturing prior to the invasion and had no stockpiles, but that wasn't discovered until after the fact.
But they definitely still had the precursors to make them."

We are not talking about a minor thing here. The declaration of war was made on the basis of weapons of mass destruction. There were never any weapons. Lets look at the proponents of who instigated this war. The Preisdent at the time was George Bush, he VP was Dick Cheeney father of establisment Republican Liz Cheeney. When Barack Obama took office he continued this alleged war on terror. The VP at the time was Joe Biden with the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wife of former Preisdent Bill Clinton. There are a lot of other players involved but these are the people that everyone has heard of.

This is not Chinese or Russian disinformation. This is the top of both political parties instigating an illegal war on a country and justifying it to the people with no evidence. Thats the reason these people hate Donald Trump. Trump put a stop to the 'forever wars' in the Middle East and he called out the people who made that decision. They don't want someone who stands up to them, because you are the little people who must accept what they say. Trump put you in the room in 2016 and showed you how corrupt these people are.

The people in China, North Korea and Russia are not my enemies. They are not your enemies. You have been given an imagined threat by your Government to fuel your own prejudice and use your fear against you. Let me ask you, who benefits most from war? Especailly the wars in the Middle East.

I'm actually glad you mentioned some of the things your mentioned, but before we get into that I want to talk a bit about where you said:

"This is basic medical science."

Basic medical science according to who? Tony Fauci? All of this stuff that you say is basic science comes from the same source. You can tell me your Austrialian and that you are not British or American, yet the Austrialian government takes medical directives from the WHO (World Health Organisation) and actually the head of your country is the Governer General who reports to the British monarcy. You may think your country is independent but the Austrailian government is the same as every other government, and actually its the United States Federal Government who are the biggest donors to the WHO, so its the United States who decided what you say is 'basic medial science'.

"And yes, there is a very very very tiny percentage of individuals who will have an adverse reaction, but that goes for anything."

I'm not saying that though am I. I am asking if you if you were told that infomation prior to being forced to take experimental gene therapy. Did Scott Morrison mislead you accidentally or did he mislead you deliberately?

Theres a lot more I want to talk about regarding whether COVID was a hoax or not, but the deeper we go the more disturbing this will become.

Last edited by A203D - on 30 March 2024

Chrkeller said:

I always chortle when someone claims covid was a hoax to get rid of Trump. Yes, a worldwide well coordinated hoax that all world leaders agreed too, even our enemies. That sounds plausible.

So to summarize what we've got so far:

1. Republicans and democrats are the same because they can both agree on issues like "terrorism, most notably what happened on 9/11, against the USA is very bad."

2. Trump is the peacebringer to the Middle East, even though it was him who moved the American embassy in Israel which in turn laid the groundwork for the current Israel-Gaza war.

3. Russia is not our enemy, even though seemingly every other month one of their many propaganda operations gets exposed.

4. Scientists as a whole can't be trusted, so whoever repeats what scientists have found out in their research cannot be trusted either.

5. MRNA vaccines were experimental gene therapy, because non-scientists said so.

6. The discussion is supposed to become more disturbing with each post, even though disturbance isn't a synonym for hilarity.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

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  • Threatens America and its allies practically a weekly basis, both through Russian State Media and Russian Politicians.
  • Assassinates people on our soil with the reckless use of deadly nerve agents.
  • Shoots down planes with civilians onboard from the West.
  • Attacks American soldiers in Syria via Wagner.
  • Tries to interfere/influence our elections and bribe our politicians.
  • Has LGBTQ listed as a terrorist organisation.
  • Says our Western culture is from Satan.
  • Invades a European country for no reason other than a land grab.
  • Kills hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians.
  • Sends millions of migrants into European countries through their violence, attempting to overload our public systems.
  • Invades multiple countries in recent history, including Afghanistan, Chechnya, Georgia and creates conflict in Moldova via proxies.
  • Violates NATO airspace with missiles and drones used to kill Ukrainians.
  • Dozens upon dozens of horrific human right violations in Syria and Ukraine.


"The Nazis aren't our enemies!" - Some delusional fools during WW2.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 30 March 2024

I don't know about anyone else (/s) but I for one knew that COVID vaccines carried a very small risk of side effects, surprisingly like every other vaccine in history (!) because I learnt about this basic shit on how vaccines actually work in both high school and college. 🤣 So yes, I took the COVID vaccine knowing full well the risks, they literally give you a booklet before taking the vaccine listing all the risks!

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 30 March 2024

Ryuu96 said:

I don't know about anyone else (/s) but I for one knew that COVID vaccines carried a very small risk of side effects, surprisingly like every other vaccine in history (!) because I learnt about this basic shit on how vaccines actually work in both high school and college. 🤣 So yes, I took the COVID vaccine knowing full well the risks, they literally give you a booklet before taking the vaccine listing all the risks!

COVID absolutely dominated the news cycle back then, so the topic of a vaccine got a lot of time on air when it was still in development. Scientists had already ruled out complete immunity through vaccination when they had run the first round of tests. Since the population was a lot more at home during COVID, it was really hard to miss information about COVID because the information got repeated ad nauseum on TV. Likewise, information on how vaccines work in general and for COVID specifically were omnipresent too. It was more challenging not to know than to know.

But admittedly, the USA works differently. There's an entire fake news channel (FOX News) dedicated to feeding bullshit to people, like the stolen election of 2020 where the FOX News anchors were ultimately caught texting in private that they know that it's all bullshit, but they'd still repeat all the lies for the money. For us from the outside, FOX News looks kinda like a weird variant of The Daily Show with the difference that one is intended to be serious while the other is satire, yet both are full of laughs.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

RolStoppable said:
Chrkeller said:

So to summarize what we've got so far:

1. Republicans and democrats are the same because they can both agree on issues like "terrorism, most notably what happened on 9/11, against the USA is very bad."

2. Trump is the peacebringer to the Middle East, even though it was him who moved the American embassy in Israel which in turn laid the groundwork for the current Israel-Gaza war.

3. Russia is not our enemy, even though seemingly every other month one of their many propaganda operations gets exposed.

4. Scientists as a whole can't be trusted, so whoever repeats what scientists have found out in their research cannot be trusted either.

5. MRNA vaccines were experimental gene therapy, because non-scientists said so.

6. The discussion is supposed to become more disturbing with each post, even though disturbance isn't a synonym for hilarity.

Lets go through your arguments:

"Republicans and democrats are the same because they can both agree on issues like "terrorism, most notably what happened on 9/11, against the USA is very bad"

Your now changing the original statement I made. I haven't said anything about 9/11. We were talking about the illegal invasion of Iraq. Both Democrats and Republicans instigated the invasion of country which had no involvment in 9/11 and never had any weapons of mass destruction. As I mentioned before who do you think benefits most in a war. If you have seen the film Vice then you should know the answer to this. In fact lets take it one step further. What does Iraq have that the United States wants?

"Trump is the peacebringer to the Middle East, even though it was him who moved the American embassy in Israel which in turn laid the groundwork for the current Israel-Gaza war."

Well actually lets get into this argument for a bit. The political dispute between Israel and Palestine started in 1948, long before Donald Trump was the President. In fact the question that any MAGA supporter will ask you is, what does a war in the Middle East have to do with the people of the United States of America?

"Russia is not our enemy, even though seemingly every other month one of their many propaganda operations gets exposed."

Who is telling your Russia is your enemy? The Federal Government? If you want to know more about whats going on between Russia and Ukraine I suggest you watch Tuker Carson's interview with Vladimir Putin.

"MRNA vaccines were experimental gene therapy, because non-scientists said so"

Why don't you take a look at the information from the NIH (National Instutite of Heath); the same NIH of which Tony Fauci was the head of. These same 'scientists' you believed seemed to think that mRNA vaccines are experimental gene therapy.

In fact, your 'scientist' Dr Anthony Fauci even says that these vaccines are 'safe and effective':

He dosen't say anything about the possible side effects, or even the possibility of death from these vaccines. As I said before, what follows will become even more disturbing. If you think this is funny then laugh, but you should know now, I'm not the one laughing. The people laughing are the Democrats and the 'scientists' who misled you into accepting their false science or 'scientisim'. They are laughing all the way to the bank with all the money they have made from the pharmacetual drug companies.

"If you want to know more about whats going on between Russia and Ukraine I suggest you watch Tuker Carson's interview with Vladimir Putin"

"If you want to know more about whats going on between Germany and Poland I suggest you watch Tuker Carson's interview with Adolf Hitler"

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 30 March 2024