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Forums - Movies & TV - Favourite Indiana Jones movie?

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The best movie is:

Raiders of the Lost Ark 21 38.18%
The Temple of Doom 2 3.64%
The Last Crusade 30 54.55%
The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 1 1.82%
The Dial of Destiny 1 1.82%

I don’t really remember them that well, as I saw them when I was a kid, but the one where the Nazis burned all those Hustler magazines.

I didn’t really know about the Nazis yet—too young. It was like an intro. It really made me think “these Nazi types are real pieces of shit.”

Changed my life

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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Last crusade followed by Temple of Doom.

Never got the appeal of Raiders of the lost Ark. I mean, Indy absolutely does nothing to the plot apart from digging at a different spot despite being the central character. It would even have ended the exact same way with or without him anyway.

Temple of Doom for the memories.


They teach ROTLA in Screenwriting 101 as an example of the perfect script.

Movies: The Last Crusade
Games: Fate of Atlantis

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Conina said:

Movies: The Last Crusade
Games: Fate of Atlantis

I remember, after playing it back in 92, both I and some of my friends of mine, who loved it as much, were really hoping that Lucas would make a film out of Fate of Atlantis - it was only 3 years after Last Crusade, and we were hoping that such a great game would materialize as another Indy big screen adventure.

Unfortunately, that never happened, but Fate of Atlantis remains as the best Indiana Jones game to date for me as well, and one of the best P&C adventure games overall.

1) Last Crusade - Ford and Connery played off of each other very well
2) Temple of Doom - this should be third but nostalgia drives the ranking. I was young and shortround really allowed me to connect with the movie.
3) Raiders of the Lost Ark - just a good movie

4) Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - "Look what they've done to my poor boy"
Unranked) Dial of Destiny - Yeah after Kingdom, I'm not in a hurry to watch a really old Harrison do stunts while likely having the writing drag down a series I was always fond of but have now lost faith in.

Kaunisto said:

For me Crusade is by far the best.
Temple is not that far behind Raiders.
I haven't yet seen Dial, hopefully it'll be better than Kingdom.

So now I just did watch Dial of Destiny. And it certainly is better than Crystal Skull.

In fact, objectively as a single movie I might even call it better than Temple or even Raiders.

But as an Indiana Jones movie it's only 4th. If Crystal Skull (and Temple, for my taste) got too ridiculous, Dial is too serious for an Indy film. It's also packed full of action, without breathers for rhythm which Spielberg used so well. More an action film than an adventure.

Another complaint is that the fan service went too far, movie shouldn't be this full of references and inside jokes.

And I do feel that the two previous films gave the series more satisfying ending than this one.


Kaunisto said:
Kaunisto said:

For me Crusade is by far the best.
Temple is not that far behind Raiders.
I haven't yet seen Dial, hopefully it'll be better than Kingdom.

So now I just did watch Dial of Destiny. And it certainly is better than Crystal Skull.

In fact, objectively as a single movie I might even call it better than Temple or even Raiders.

But as an Indiana Jones movie it's only 4th. If Crystal Skull (and Temple, for my taste) got too ridiculous, Dial is too serious for an Indy film. It's also packed full of action, without breathers for rhythm which Spielberg used so well. More an action film than an adventure.

Another complaint is that the fan service went too far, movie shouldn't be this full of references and inside jokes.

And I do feel that the two previous films gave the series more satisfying ending than this one.

The Rhythm in Raiders is wordlclass, so much so that is the rhythm/pacing exemplar in college screenwriting.  I hate it when they over-do the fan service inside jokes; it's so corny and outside the tone of a good film.