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Forums - PC Discussion - Nvidia 4000 series super announcement

Any thoughts on the super cards announced yesterday?  The 4070 super and 4070ti super get healthy vram increases.  The 4080 super has a better price point.  I was hoping the 4080 would have gotten bumped to 20 gb vram.

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I'm waiting for the Super Alpha Turbo Hyper Ultimate Remix Edition.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:

I'm waiting for the Super Alpha Turbo Hyper Ultimate Remix Edition.

This is not Street Fighter 🤭

Was hoping they'd do a 4060 Super that was better value than the current 4060 offerings but I guess not.

I might grab a 4080 super. Upgrade from 4070, which has too little vram.

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bartkuz said:
Leynos said:

I'm waiting for the Super Alpha Turbo Hyper Ultimate Remix Edition.

This is not Street Fighter 🤭

 No matter, the next logical step of consumption is to go with the Ultra series !

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

I'm so tempted to upgrade but I'll hold out until the next generation of graphic cards.

I'm quite tempted to get a 4080 Super since while I could wait for the 5000 series another year with my current PC wouldn't be ideal.