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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Remember when the Wii U was aiming for the "core gamer"?

TheMisterManGuy said:

Also, Gyro aiming is not crap...

Gyro is crap

Never ever turned the motion controls on Mario Odyssey and it runs flawlessly. No More Heroes and Arms are irrelevant, Arms is one of the biggest Nintendo failures this gen, totally forgotten already. The only relevant games in the library to really use motion controls are Ring Fit (this one is really good, and a clever use of motion controls) and Switch Sports which is lackluster in both quality and sales, this is how far motion controls go on Switch

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IcaroRibeiro said:

Gyro is crap

Never ever turned the motion controls on Mario Odyssey and it runs flawlessly. No More Heroes and Arms are irrelevant, Arms is one of the biggest Nintendo failures this gen, totally forgotten already. The only relevant games in the library to really use motion controls are Ring Fit (this one is really good, and a clever use of motion controls) and Switch Sports which is lackluster in both quality and sales, this is how far motion controls go on Switch

Most Switch owners will disagree with you on gyro, but I digress.

Even if you can play Odyssey with normal controls, the game is still designed to be played with motion controls. No More Heroes III is one of the Switch's biggest third party exclusives, and is a fan favorite because of motion. Also, selling over 2.5 million is a failure? Lol okay. Even disregarding that, Switch Sports, Pokemon Let's Go! Super Mario Party, Just Dance are all some of the Switch's best selling games, and are all focused on motion controls Even if motion control isn't the main focus, there's still a big audience for it on the Switch.

Last edited by TheMisterManGuy - on 27 November 2023

I hate to say it because I don't want to sound disrespectful, but I'm glad Iwata (R.I.P.) and Reggie are no longer in charge of Nintendo. They were running the company straight into the ground. The new presidents have been killing it ever since they took over: No Miis, no useless peripherals, no silly gimmicks, no endless Brain Age or Nintendogs games, no weird, half-baked spinoff games nobody asked for, and the Switch actually enjoys healthy third party support now.

Again no disrespect, but Nintendo was in dire need of new management and I'm glad it got it before it was too late.

Last edited by Paperboy_J - on 27 November 2023

Paperboy_J said:

I hate to say it because I don't want to sound disrespectful, but I'm glad Iwata (R.I.P.) and Reggie are no longer in charge of Nintendo. They were running the company straight into the ground. The new presidents have been killing it ever since they took over: No Miis, no useless peripherals, no silly gimmicks, no endless Brain Age or Nintendogs games, and the Switch actually enjoys healthy third party support now.

Again no disrespect, but Nintendo was in dire need of new management and I'm glad it got it before it was too late.

I mean, I wasn't particularly fond of how Iwata handled the Wii U days either. But let's not pretend that Iwata also didn't give us the DS, Wii, 3DS, and even the Switch. It's still filled with gimmicks and games with casual appeal, but it's also a desirable product that appeals to everyone. Switch is still very much an Iwata product.

Last edited by TheMisterManGuy - on 27 November 2023

There's no way you could really look at the Wii U and say it was aimed a hardcore gamers.

The "Wii" brand itself at that time was associated with like soccer moms and casual players (see The Inbetweeners episode where they are ragging on the Wii as a the mom's choice console).

It had Call of Duty on it ... but COD was already on XBox 360 and PS3 for years so that really didn't sway anyone's opinion.

Switch is "cool" and a core gamer device that is a very high end for a portable tablet like device (especially for 2017), it's more like N64 honestly in terms of "cool factor", the N64 still had some "cool" factor to it because of things like GoldenEye, Turok, Wave Race, 1080, Kobe Bryant NBA, Ken Griffey MLB, wrestling games, and even things like Mario 64 and Zelda: OoT were big, epic revolutionary games so they were accepted by hardcore gamers.

With the GameCube, Nintendo lost the FPS shooter crown and the kiddie design of the console hurt them, making Zelda look like a kid's cartoon (a big difference is the modern Zelda games look like an anime ... but anime is cool or at least acceptable).

Then Wii was kind of cool in a party/social gaming sense for a few years, but I think by about 2009/2010 it became stigmatized about being something formulaic and goofy for grandpas and moms and that carried over to the Wii U which was just lamer and marketed even worse.

The Switch I'd honestly argue is the first "cool" console that Nintendo has made since the N64. Look at it, the main grey/black model they used in the marketing looks like something Nolan Batman movies or The Matrix films. It has an epic, bad ass Zelda which cribs from Skyrim and games like that as the signature software title. The commercials are generally cool and not embarrassing cringe and they look professional and on par with the commercials Sony or MS make. They're also not trying be too hard to be cool which just ends up being the opposite of cool (the GameCube suffered from this, the launch commercials were trying too hard and not being funny/down to earth enough). 

Nintendo's never going to really be full "cool" because they still have to have their family-centric appeal and they're likely not going to make many violent games like God Of War and Last of Us (well there is Bayonetta), but there are nuances to that and the Switch definitely is an edgier console than the overly kiddy/casual Wii U.

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Soundwave said:

Switch is "cool" and a core gamer device that is a very high end for a portable tablet like device (especially for 2017), it's more like N64 honestly in terms of "cool factor", the N64 still had some "cool" factor to it because of things like GoldenEye, Turok, Wave Race, 1080, Kobe Bryant NBA, Ken Griffey MLB, wrestling games, and even things like Mario 64 and Zelda: OoT were big, epic revolutionary games so they were accepted by hardcore gamers.

The Switch I'd honestly argue is the first "cool" console that Nintendo has made since the N64. Look at it, the main grey/black model they used in the marketing looks like something Nolan Batman movies or The Matrix films. It has an epic, bad ass Zelda which cribs from Skyrim and games like that as the signature software title. The commercials are generally cool and not embarrassing cringe and they look professional and on par with the commercials Sony or MS make. They're also not trying be too hard to be cool which just ends up being the opposite of cool (the GameCube suffered from this, the launch commercials were trying too hard and not being funny/down to earth enough).

I mean the initial reveal trailer may have kinda painted the Switch like that. But the system also ultimately launched with this...

As its main color scheme. And this...

Was one of its killer apps at launch besides Zelda.

Even most of the marketing after the initial launch is more like this...

Than the initial reveal trailer. It's true the Switch has a "cool" factor the Wii U never had. But anybody who says it was never marketed in a casual-friendly/family-centric manner is straight up lying to themselves.

Last edited by TheMisterManGuy - on 27 November 2023

TheMisterManGuy said:
Soundwave said:

Switch is "cool" and a core gamer device that is a very high end for a portable tablet like device (especially for 2017), it's more like N64 honestly in terms of "cool factor", the N64 still had some "cool" factor to it because of things like GoldenEye, Turok, Wave Race, 1080, Kobe Bryant NBA, Ken Griffey MLB, wrestling games, and even things like Mario 64 and Zelda: OoT were big, epic revolutionary games so they were accepted by hardcore gamers.

The Switch I'd honestly argue is the first "cool" console that Nintendo has made since the N64. Look at it, the main grey/black model they used in the marketing looks like something Nolan Batman movies or The Matrix films. It has an epic, bad ass Zelda which cribs from Skyrim and games like that as the signature software title. The commercials are generally cool and not embarrassing cringe and they look professional and on par with the commercials Sony or MS make. They're also not trying be too hard to be cool which just ends up being the opposite of cool (the GameCube suffered from this, the launch commercials were trying too hard and not being funny/down to earth enough).

I mean the initial reveal trailer may have kinda painted the Switch like that. But the system also ultimately launched with this...

As its main color scheme. And this...

Was one of its killer apps at launch besides Zelda.

Even most of the marketing after the initial launch is more like this...

Than the initial reveal trailer. It's true the Switch has a "cool" factor the Wii U never had. But anybody who says it was never marketed in a casual-friendly/family-centric manner is straight up lying to themselves.

Nobody knows what the hell Snipperclips is, it's like on a list of "most important Switch titles" it wouldn't even made the top 150. Breath of the Wild is the iconic Switch title that is associated with the system mostly heavily. 

The Wii is like Facebook it was something that was briefly cool until your mom and grandparents got onto it, that basically ruined its "cool appeal", Wii U was always headed off a cliff as a result, just the same way Facebook can't really be "cool" again and the "cool kids" have migrated more over to Instagram and Tiktok. 

Wii U is one of the dumbest designs for a home console. Power brick for the console and a power brick for the controller. God forbid you use an external because I could only get the shelf powered ones to work, so yet a another power cable. Plus sensor bar wire to the wii u. So many cables.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Soundwave said:

Nobody knows what the hell Snipperclips is, it's like on a list of "most important Switch titles" it wouldn't even made the top 150. 

The point is, the Switch is far from a "core gamer" focused device as evidenced by the other examples I gave. If Nintendo wanted to make a console primarily aimed at hardcore gamers, it'd be something more akin to the Steam Deck. Big, complicated, insanely powerful. But they didn't, they went with a small dockable tablet with candy-coated mini-wiimotes that you can share with a friend. That's about the furthest thing from a "Core gamer" focused device as you can get.

TheMisterManGuy said:
Soundwave said:

Nobody knows what the hell Snipperclips is, it's like on a list of "most important Switch titles" it wouldn't even made the top 150. 

The point is, the Switch is far from a "core gamer" focused device as evidenced by the other examples I gave. If Nintendo wanted to make a console primarily aimed at hardcore gamers, it'd be something more akin to the Steam Deck. Big, complicated, insanely powerful. But they didn't, they went with a small dockable tablet with candy-coated mini-wiimotes that you can share with a friend. That's about the furthest thing from a "Core gamer" focused device as you can get.

The Switch is the Steam Deck of 2017 ... the Steam Deck is only more powerful because it's like 4 years later tech, if they made Steam Deck in 2017 ... it would be Switch tier hardware. The Steam Deck OLED even uses apparently the exact same display the Switch OLED uses, lol, so they're copying Nintendo's hardware roadmap. 

People freaking out in 2017 too about "OMG! Switch is so big! You can't put that in a pocket! It destroy's the DS/3DS/GBA pocketability!". 

Nintendo will always have to appeal to a family segment to some degree, they don't have an Uncharted or Gran Turismo or Halo or even a GoldenEye anymore really, so their franchises lean heavily towards that, but you could lose all of Switch Sports, Snipperclips (lol), 1,2 Switch, and even Ring Fit ... and I don't think it would make a huge difference in Switch sales at all. It's not like the system would go from 125 million sold to like only 80 million. You remove Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Just Dance, etc. from the Wii and it's not even probably selling 40 million units. 

The Wii/Wii U were largely dependant on that said audience, the Switch would do fine without those kinds of games. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 27 November 2023