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Soundwave said:

Switch is "cool" and a core gamer device that is a very high end for a portable tablet like device (especially for 2017), it's more like N64 honestly in terms of "cool factor", the N64 still had some "cool" factor to it because of things like GoldenEye, Turok, Wave Race, 1080, Kobe Bryant NBA, Ken Griffey MLB, wrestling games, and even things like Mario 64 and Zelda: OoT were big, epic revolutionary games so they were accepted by hardcore gamers.

The Switch I'd honestly argue is the first "cool" console that Nintendo has made since the N64. Look at it, the main grey/black model they used in the marketing looks like something Nolan Batman movies or The Matrix films. It has an epic, bad ass Zelda which cribs from Skyrim and games like that as the signature software title. The commercials are generally cool and not embarrassing cringe and they look professional and on par with the commercials Sony or MS make. They're also not trying be too hard to be cool which just ends up being the opposite of cool (the GameCube suffered from this, the launch commercials were trying too hard and not being funny/down to earth enough).

I mean the initial reveal trailer may have kinda painted the Switch like that. But the system also ultimately launched with this...

As its main color scheme. And this...

Was one of its killer apps at launch besides Zelda.

Even most of the marketing after the initial launch is more like this...

Than the initial reveal trailer. It's true the Switch has a "cool" factor the Wii U never had. But anybody who says it was never marketed in a casual-friendly/family-centric manner is straight up lying to themselves.

Last edited by TheMisterManGuy - on 27 November 2023