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Forums - Sales Discussion - European console sales data from October 2023.

Meanwhile Sony completely dropping the ball with the Slim release on Japan.

I know Europe is Sonyland but look at this absurd contrast about how they treated EU and JP...

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BraLoD said:

Meanwhile Sony completely dropping the ball with the Slim release on Japan.

I know Europe is Sonyland but look at this absurd contrast about how they treated EU and JP...

Didn't the ps5 just had it's 2nd best week of all time in japan just behind the launch week..?

Zeltaz13 said:
BraLoD said:

Meanwhile Sony completely dropping the ball with the Slim release on Japan.

I know Europe is Sonyland but look at this absurd contrast about how they treated EU and JP...

Didn't the ps5 just had it's 2nd best week of all time in japan just behind the launch week..?

The slim was always gonna sell well launch week especially in Japan. They like smaller things since their houses are small. Still the slim launch week didn't make up for the disaster 3-4 weeks

Is Sony back to luck boxing its way to this level of success?

The consensus on this site in 2020 was that the combination of Microsoft buying studios along with Gamepass, coupled with its two tier attack with the S and X, along with the Switch stealing 3rd party titles away from Sony in Japan would mean trouble for Playstation for the PS5 generation. I'm trying to figure out how that all is panning out now.

Zeltaz13 said:
BraLoD said:

Meanwhile Sony completely dropping the ball with the Slim release on Japan.

I know Europe is Sonyland but look at this absurd contrast about how they treated EU and JP...

Didn't the ps5 just had it's 2nd best week of all time in japan just behind the launch week..?

During October PS5 had almost no stock, it managed to even sell less than the PS4 for a week.

Around the Network
Train wreck said:

Is Sony back to luck boxing its way to this level of success?

The consensus on this site in 2020 was that the combination of Microsoft buying studios along with Gamepass, coupled with its two tier attack with the S and X, along with the Switch stealing 3rd party titles away from Sony in Japan would mean trouble for Playstation for the PS5 generation. I'm trying to figure out how that all is panning out now.

Playstation has only ever succeed because of miraculous strings of luck events, that's why their sales average almost 120M each gen.

Train wreck said:

Is Sony back to luck boxing its way to this level of success?

The consensus on this site in 2020 was that the combination of Microsoft buying studios along with Gamepass, coupled with its two tier attack with the S and X, along with the Switch stealing 3rd party titles away from Sony in Japan would mean trouble for Playstation for the PS5 generation. I'm trying to figure out how that all is panning out now.

The sum of all the Sony's success is something like this:

- PS1, "No competition and a cheap cd player console"

- PS2, "No competition and a cheap DVD player console"

- PS3, "You see what happens when they have competition, but a cheap Bluray player anyways"

- PS4, "No competition and MS screwing up"

- PS5, "No competition" Insert your excuses here.

Thing, there are still some people thinking it will sell less than 100m units LTD.

How accurate is 24m for XS yet month to month report in its always down or last and not a single official ship or sold numbers are even revealed by MS?

kazuyamishima said:
Hiku said:

Am I reading it wrong? It says Switch is up 10% for the month. But down 20% year-on-year.

He's not wrong, October 2023 is down 20% compared to October 2022, but up 10% compared to September 2023.

That's what I said.
But he said "Switch down 20% for the month"

Train wreck said:

Is Sony back to luck boxing its way to this level of success?

The consensus on this site in 2020 was that the combination of Microsoft buying studios along with Gamepass, coupled with its two tier attack with the S and X, along with the Switch stealing 3rd party titles away from Sony in Japan would mean trouble for Playstation for the PS5 generation. I'm trying to figure out how that all is panning out now.

Well when you have some people who predicted that PS4 wouldn't outsell Wii... you know that you must be careful on some predictions that you can read.

Last edited by -Adonis- - on 22 November 2023