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Forums - Sales Discussion - October Circana (NPD) 2023 Thread

curl-6 said:

Jesus, not to sound like I'm trolling, but Xbox Series being 11% behind the Xbone is just dismal.

And coming in third behind a system in it's 7th year, in Xbox's third year, in it's strongest territory no less... Xbox feels like a dead man walking.

PS+XB is essentially flat compared to last generation which supports the idea that success/failure of one directly correlates with the success/failure of the other. If one goes up, the other must go down.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Around the Network
DroidKnight said:
curl-6 said:

Jesus, not to sound like I'm trolling, but Xbox Series being 11% behind the Xbone is just dismal.

And coming in third behind a system in it's 7th year, in Xbox's third year, in it's strongest territory no less... Xbox feels like a dead man walking.

I had higher expectations for it.  For worldwide lifetime sales I had high predictions, but those predictions no longer look reachable.  It's still going to have many big game releases coming up, and how much those will help hardware sales is unknown.  I don't believe it has had it's peak years yet, but what the hell do I know?  The Xbox Series isn't even halfway through the generation yet, so they have plenty of time to alter their hardware goals and build up enthusiasm.  I don't think they have given up on hardware or the brand.  With all the recent acquisitions and employee promotions with strategic repositioning of roles; it appears they are laying down the foundation for a promising future.  

I wouldn't call time of death just yet.

I'm not calling time of death, but at this point, if Starfield couldn't move the needle, I don't think there's much hope left of it selling as well or better than the Xbone.

curl-6 said:
DroidKnight said:

I had higher expectations for it.  For worldwide lifetime sales I had high predictions, but those predictions no longer look reachable.  It's still going to have many big game releases coming up, and how much those will help hardware sales is unknown.  I don't believe it has had it's peak years yet, but what the hell do I know?  The Xbox Series isn't even halfway through the generation yet, so they have plenty of time to alter their hardware goals and build up enthusiasm.  I don't think they have given up on hardware or the brand.  With all the recent acquisitions and employee promotions with strategic repositioning of roles; it appears they are laying down the foundation for a promising future.  

I wouldn't call time of death just yet.

I'm not calling time of death, but at this point, if Starfield couldn't move the needle, I don't think there's much hope left of it selling as well or better than the Xbone.

The Xbox Series just barely hit the 3 year mark 6 days ago.  With the generation expected to go to 2028 and likely to still be in production after the new console launches for at least another year, there is plenty of room for hope it does well.  This month's Black Friday and next month's Christmas will have big numbers (pending stock and restock will determine how big).  

The VGChartz hardware charts have NA lifetime for Xbox One at 32.97.  Xbox Series on the same chart is at 13.2, putting it at 4 million away from the halfway point.  It will likely cross that halfway mark before the Xbox Series reaches the mid point of its production life cycle.

Worldwide? Plenty of time to surpass the Xbox One's lifetime numbers.  Starfield should have good long term legs.  And if Starfield isn't everyone's cup of tea, there is plenty of exclusives on the way that may appeal to consumers, but I don't think Starfield moved zero net gain consoles.

Last edited by DroidKnight - on 16 November 2023 avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

DroidKnight said:
curl-6 said:

I'm not calling time of death, but at this point, if Starfield couldn't move the needle, I don't think there's much hope left of it selling as well or better than the Xbone.

The Xbox Series just barely hit the 3 year mark 6 days ago.  With the generation expected to go to 2028 and likely to still be in production after the new console launches for at least another year, there is plenty of room for hope it does well.  This month's Black Friday and next month's Christmas will have big numbers (pending stock and restock will determine how big).  

The VGChartz hardware charts have NA lifetime for Xbox One at 32.97.  Xbox Series on the same chart is at 13.2, putting it at 4 million away from the halfway point.  It will likely cross that halfway mark before the Xbox Series reaches the mid point of its production life cycle.

Worldwide? Plenty of time to surpass the Xbox One's lifetime numbers.  Starfield should have good long term legs.  And if Starfield isn't everyone's cup of tea, there is plenty of exclusives on the way that may appeal to consumers, but I don't think Starfield moved zero consoles.

It's still possible to right the ship, but given they've been promising to so do for the last ten years and consistently failed to deliver, I don't have much faith in them.

In the Americas their strongest territory, Xbox is down 23% YOY, in its third year, that's not a sign of a healthy platform.

curl-6 said:
DroidKnight said:

The Xbox Series just barely hit the 3 year mark 6 days ago.  With the generation expected to go to 2028 and likely to still be in production after the new console launches for at least another year, there is plenty of room for hope it does well.  This month's Black Friday and next month's Christmas will have big numbers (pending stock and restock will determine how big).  

The VGChartz hardware charts have NA lifetime for Xbox One at 32.97.  Xbox Series on the same chart is at 13.2, putting it at 4 million away from the halfway point.  It will likely cross that halfway mark before the Xbox Series reaches the mid point of its production life cycle.

Worldwide? Plenty of time to surpass the Xbox One's lifetime numbers.  Starfield should have good long term legs.  And if Starfield isn't everyone's cup of tea, there is plenty of exclusives on the way that may appeal to consumers, but I don't think Starfield moved zero consoles.

It's still possible to right the ship, but given they've been promising to so do for the last ten years and consistently failed to deliver, I don't have much faith in them.

In the Americas their strongest territory, Xbox is down 23% YOY, in its third year, that's not a sign of a healthy platform.

You're correct.  They definitely have messaging issues and have failed to deliver.  Right the ship or sink it and move on. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Around the Network
DroidKnight said:
curl-6 said:

It's still possible to right the ship, but given they've been promising to so do for the last ten years and consistently failed to deliver, I don't have much faith in them.

In the Americas their strongest territory, Xbox is down 23% YOY, in its third year, that's not a sign of a healthy platform.

You're correct.  They definitely have messaging issues and have failed to deliver.  Right the ship or sink it and move on.  

They won't sink it though, there is already too much invested in it and consumers also have a vested interest on the ship being righted. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Don't get me wrong, I take no pleasure in dunking on Xbox; if anything, I do so because I want them to do better.
The industry is better off when there's close competition, it drives innovation and improvement.

zorg1000 said:

PS+XB is essentially flat compared to last generation which supports the idea that success/failure of one directly correlates with the success/failure of the other. If one goes up, the other must go down.

Sorry, i'm drunk and wanted a chance to post this old Highlander gif.

Removed gif as it broke the thread ~ TrunksWD

Last edited by trunkswd - on 17 November 2023

In the UK:

Sep (UK):
PS5 down 4% (waiting for new models, stuck reduction, spiderman bundles ect).
XBX/S down over 33%
Switch Sales up 15% (but still in 3rd place)

Oct (UK):
PS5 ~97K (~+58% yoy)
X|S ~40K (~ -40% yoy)
NSW ~36K

The Xbox numbers are nuts.
Its only the 3rd year, and its down 33%+ (yoy) in sep, and 40% (yoy) in Oct.

Then the fact that in terms of units sold, it was in 3rd place, in the US, its strongest market.
Why are Xbox sales slowing down so much?

I think the lagging Xbox Series console sales can be attributed to Day and Date PC releases. There's more overlap between console & PC owners than many projected, and that number will be growing every year.

For Microsoft, it ultimately doesn't matter because of GamePass, but its growth in the mid term depends on their console sales.