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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread - The 14th Annual Greatest Games Event

Alright, the final five. We've made it again. These shouldn't be too hard, and thanks again to all the guessers!

5: This entry does not feature any of the franchise's main subjects; among other things, not the title character, the divine relic, and not the land itself. Guessed by drbunnig - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
4: If you don't want to hear it, "just get good", is what I would say. Guessed by drbunnig - Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
3: A vague texture somewhere caused a big rumour. Guessed by drbunnig - Super Mario 64
2: This game explains why there's humans all across the galaxy. Guessed by UnderwaterFunktown - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
1: The best game, the most objective source agrees with me. Guessed by UnderwaterFunktown - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 28 December 2023

Around the Network
S.Peelman said:

Alright, the final five. We've made it again. These shouldn't be too hard, and thanks again to all the guessers!

5: This entry does not feature any of the franchise's main subjects; among other things, not the title character, the divine relic, and not the land itself.
4: If you don't want to hear it, "just get good", is what I would say.
3: A vague texture somewhere caused a big rumour.
2: This game explains why there's humans all across the galaxy.
1: The best game, the most objective source agrees with me.

5 - Link's Awakening

4 - Yoshi's Island

3 - Super Mario 64

drbunnig said:
S.Peelman said:

Alright, the final five. We've made it again. These shouldn't be too hard, and thanks again to all the guessers!

5: This entry does not feature any of the franchise's main subjects; among other things, not the title character, the divine relic, and not the land itself.
4: If you don't want to hear it, "just get good", is what I would say.
3: A vague texture somewhere caused a big rumour.
2: This game explains why there's humans all across the galaxy.
1: The best game, the most objective source agrees with me.

5 - Link's Awakening

4 - Yoshi's Island

3 - Super Mario 64

Correct on all three!

Link's Awakening does not feature Zelda, Hyrule or the Triforce. It also doesn't feature Ganon (except as a 'nightmare', one of the forms of the final boss) or the Master Sword. The baby sound in Yoshi's Island is often a complaint, but personally I feel it's part of the game's charm and it never bothered me. In Mario 64 there's a texture on a statue in the courtyard where the Boo level is that kind of looks like it says "L is real", which started the rumour that Luigi is somehow somewhere in the game.

With these you can't be passed anymore, so congrats.

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 27 December 2023

drbunnig said:

- In this game, you’ll visit France, Mexico, and various different locations in the US.
- The bonus levels see you dropped in on a platform in the middle of the ocean, as well as having the opportunity to roam around Heaven itself.
- These locations are so appealing that even ol’ Spidey can get in on the action if you unlock him.
- He’ll only be slinging webs when he brings his board back as part of a special trick.

08 (incorrect guesses - Super Mario RPG)
- 11 96
- 11 is for the minimalists and speedrunners; 96 is for the completionists.
- This game introduced a beloved character to the series. The character’s main function was conceived as an idea for previous games, but the hardware at the time was not powerful enough for it to come to fruition.
- The name of the first world in the game has a reference to the character in the above clue, although you’ll first be able to encounter him in the second world.

- To 100% the game, you’ll have to interact with every living creature.You’ll have to interact with them in just the right way though, otherwise your collaborator will have difficulty doing his part.
- In the original version of this game, you could connect a handheld device to your console to use an item given to you by someone who you freed from jail.

- The first time in this series (that I know of) that you can get a power up that mimics that of an enemy.
- The first time in this series that you use a map screen to access levels.

- You may come across numerous dragons throughout the game, but you’ll only get to fight one in the penultimate level.
- To be exact, there’s 48 dragons you may come across, before you fight one in level 17.

09 - @Mnementh is correct, this is Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2. Spiderman is an unlockable character in the original releases, and the other clues relate to all the levels (the secret levels being Chopper Drop and Skate Heaven).

08 - @S.Peelman is correct, this is Super Mario World. The last two clues refer to Yoshi and Yoshi's Island. The first two clues reference the number of exits you need to complete the game. 11 is the least amount you can complete the game with, and what speedrunners will aim for. 96 is the number of all available exits in the game.

05 - @S.Peelman is correct, this is The Wind Waker. The first clue refers to the Pictographs, and figurines that get made by Carlov. The second clue refers to the Tingle Tuner.

03 - @UnderwaterFunktown is correct, this is Super Mario Bros 3. The first clue was in reference to the Hammer Suit.

UnderwaterFunktown said:

Guess I'll have to add extra hints to the 5 Ultimate Games of Games:

5) There are four campaigns, three corresponding to the races and a... "spooky" one

I've completed all of them on Brutal of course (feel free to applaud)

4) [SPACE] Speak


3) The game that turned a semi-obscure licensed IP into a massive phenomenon

Even though it isn't the first in the series

2) In my childhood this was the game to play at LANs. Few people actually owned it since everybody just got it off a USB drive

In more ways than one this game gave birth to others that sadly overshadowed it in success

1) Unlike many I prefer the instrumental english opening

Which in a way is also is more fitting given the title of the game

By the way here are the standings right before the finish line. I think the winner is fairly locked in at this point but second place isn't just yet...

  • Machina – 16
  • Veknoid_Outcast – 6
  • S. Peelman – 5
  • Mnementh – 5
  • Darashiva – 5
  • Farsala - 3
  • TruckOSaurus – 1
  • mZuzek – 1
  • haxxiy - 1

You guessed most of mine so let's help you out.

5 is starcraft?

3 is WoW?

2 is Warcraft 3?

Around the Network
Mnementh said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

Guess I'll have to add extra hints to the 5 Ultimate Games of Games:

5) There are four campaigns, three corresponding to the races and a... "spooky" one

I've completed all of them on Brutal of course (feel free to applaud)

4) [SPACE] Speak


3) The game that turned a semi-obscure licensed IP into a massive phenomenon

Even though it isn't the first in the series

2) In my childhood this was the game to play at LANs. Few people actually owned it since everybody just got it off a USB drive

In more ways than one this game gave birth to others that sadly overshadowed it in success

1) Unlike many I prefer the instrumental english opening

Which in a way is also is more fitting given the title of the game

By the way here are the standings right before the finish line. I think the winner is fairly locked in at this point but second place isn't just yet...

  • Machina – 16
  • Veknoid_Outcast – 6
  • S. Peelman – 5
  • Mnementh – 5
  • Darashiva – 5
  • Farsala - 3
  • TruckOSaurus – 1
  • mZuzek – 1
  • haxxiy - 1

#3: Maybe Baldur's Gate 3. It is D&D license, and D&D is semi-obscure.

#2: Huh. In my childhood Doom, Duke Nukem 3D and Starcraft were the LAN games. But the second hint points to a less successful earlier game. So maybe Warcraft?

3) Nope, we are dealing with a fantasy IP but I wouldn't call D&D semi-obscure. "Massive phenomenon" might be slighly exaggerated, but it certainly took the IP to a new level

2) Very close, but...

Farsala said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

Guess I'll have to add extra hints to the 5 Ultimate Games of Games:

5) There are four campaigns, three corresponding to the races and a... "spooky" one

I've completed all of them on Brutal of course (feel free to applaud)

4) [SPACE] Speak


3) The game that turned a semi-obscure licensed IP into a massive phenomenon

Even though it isn't the first in the series

2) In my childhood this was the game to play at LANs. Few people actually owned it since everybody just got it off a USB drive

In more ways than one this game gave birth to others that sadly overshadowed it in success

1) Unlike many I prefer the instrumental english opening

Which in a way is also is more fitting given the title of the game

By the way here are the standings right before the finish line. I think the winner is fairly locked in at this point but second place isn't just yet...

  • Machina – 16
  • Veknoid_Outcast – 6
  • S. Peelman – 5
  • Mnementh – 5
  • Darashiva – 5
  • Farsala - 3
  • TruckOSaurus – 1
  • mZuzek – 1
  • haxxiy - 1

You guessed most of mine so let's help you out.

5 is starcraft?

3 is WoW?

2 is Warcraft 3?

5) Super close!

3) No, but I have that at number 17

2) Warcraft 3 is right!

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2025 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues

S.Peelman said:

Alright, the final five. We've made it again. These shouldn't be too hard, and thanks again to all the guessers!

5: This entry does not feature any of the franchise's main subjects; among other things, not the title character, the divine relic, and not the land itself. Guessed by drbunnig - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
4: If you don't want to hear it, "just get good", is what I would say. Guessed by drbunnig - Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
3: A vague texture somewhere caused a big rumour. Guessed by drbunnig - Super Mario 64
2: This game explains why there's humans all across the galaxy.
1: The best game, the most objective source agrees with me.

1) OoT :P

2) Probably KotoR

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2025 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues

One game left to be guessed

- You may come across numerous dragons throughout the game, but you’ll only get to fight one in the penultimate level.
- To be exact, there’s 48 dragons you may come across in the first 16 levels, before you fight one in level 17.
- Jade, gold, and silver (or is it stone?)

Current list -

UnderwaterFunktown said:
S.Peelman said:

Alright, the final five. We've made it again. These shouldn't be too hard, and thanks again to all the guessers!

5: This entry does not feature any of the franchise's main subjects; among other things, not the title character, the divine relic, and not the land itself. Guessed by drbunnig - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
4: If you don't want to hear it, "just get good", is what I would say. Guessed by drbunnig - Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
3: A vague texture somewhere caused a big rumour. Guessed by drbunnig - Super Mario 64
2: This game explains why there's humans all across the galaxy.
1: The best game, the most objective source agrees with me.

1) OoT :P

2) Probably KotoR

Both correct!

In KotOR, it is rumored that the Rakata species used humans as slaves and spread them all over to work for them, many thousands of years ago. And lastly of course, Ocarina of Time has the highest ever score on Metacritic.

Guessed by @Veknoid_Outcast

I think what draws me the most about The Legend of Zelda series is just how much it feels like a legend. You'd boot up a Zelda game and immediately be treated to some imagery that seemed like it came straight from thousands of years ago, musical anthems that felt timeless, stories that intertwined in such ways that always felt like a different reinterpretation, just as happens with legends over the passage of time - or as Fi would put it, "the oral tradition, one of the least reliable methods of information retention and transmission". By putting itself in the position of origin story, a prequel to everything we knew about these legends, there was a risk of it coming off as heavy-handed or that it'd diminish the mythos by revealing too many details, but instead, Skyward Sword became the most legendary tale out of all these.

Well, in my opinion, anyway.

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