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Forums - Sony Discussion - Studios Sony Is To Acquire


Should Sony acquire a big publisher or only focus on smaller developers?

They should acquire a big Publisher 5 13.51%
They should focus on smaller developers 19 51.35%
They should do a little bit of both 13 35.14%
SAguy said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

You can sum base version + Iceborn sales here

I didn't answer to you, but the guy stating the best route for JRPGs are to become Switch/PC releases which is a baseless assumption

Did you read the link that you posted? its still only at 20 million with most of the sales coming from PC.

Did you read it yourself? It says OUTSIDE Japan. With Japan included Playstation version outsells the PC version by a considerable margin

Regardless even if PC version was selling better than the Playstation version it's not the point. I asked how much Rise sold on Switch. I don't know whether it outsold World on Playstation or not. 

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IcaroRibeiro said:
SAguy said:

Did you read the link that you posted? its still only at 20 million with most of the sales coming from PC.

Did you read it yourself? It says OUTSIDE Japan. With Japan included Playstation version outsells the PC version by a considerable margin

Regardless even if PC version was selling better than the Playstation version it's not the point. I asked how much Rise sold on Switch. I don't know whether it outsold World on Playstation or not. 

As of June Rise sold 13.2 million units, it was at 11.7 million at the start of the year. Considering a lot of the 20 million sales of World are from PC, it's a safe assumption it already has or soon will.8

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

Pemalite said:
enditall727 said:

Their competition can’t really acquire another big publisher right now. They WILL GET BLOCKED this time. Who else is really out here buying Publishers? its only really been 1 company, correct me if I'm wrong

Depends on the purchase.
But getting it past the shareholders would be the biggest burden... Even though Microsoft seems like it has an empty money pit, it's primary purpose is a return for it's shareholders.

In saying that... Microsoft is NOT the only company going on a buying spree.

Embracer Group has a long list...
Take-Two just bought Zynga while Zynga was on a buying spree...
Tencent has a colourful list as well.
EA has been buying up studios as well, having purchased Glu Mobile, Codemasters, Playdemic etc'

enditall727 said:

if the company that already has “Bethesda”, “Activision-Blizzard”, and “Mojang” Acquires “Take Two”…….. IT… IS…. OVER!



Far from it. Sony failed to push Nintendo out of the Market... And the Switch is set to outsell the Playstation 4.
Sony has some valuable I.P that you can not experience anywhere else, that is the value of a "platform".

Sony unlike Microsoft is able to attract high-budget japanese titles with little investment or hard work, which is also attractive to certain demographics over in the west.

Sony isn't going anywhere.

Minecraft is one of those perpetual "games as a service" titles that receive constant improvement and changes to accrue new sales with each successive hardware release, so it's actually in Minecraft's best interest to support every platform under the sun.

Same goes for Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto, which... Like Minecraft is probably "to big to go single platform".

Besides... Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto 5 isn't on Switch... And still the Switch has outsold the Playstation 4. Food for thought.

Microsoft is NOT the only company going on a buying spree.

Embracer Group has a long list...
Take-Two just bought Zynga while Zynga was on a buying spree...
Tencent has a colourful list as well.
EA has been buying up studios as well, having purchased Glu Mobile, Codemasters, Playdemic etc

^^^ That's cool and all but my point still stands. Nobody else is out here buying big Publishers. It's really only 1 company

Far from it. Sony failed to push Nintendo out of the Market... 

^^ Sony tried to push Nintendo out of the market?? They were LITTERALLY about to be business partners up until the last minute. Their partnership fell through and Sony just jumped straight into the gaming market with the PS1. They didn't "Fail" at pushing Nintendo out of the market because they didn't aim to do that. They SUCCEEDED by jumping head first into the gaming market with absolute JUGGERNAUGHTS of competition in Sega and Nintendo, then sold 100 million on 5th get hardware.

all in all, i DO get what you're trying to say here. Nobody wants Sony to be Nintendo though. Sony needs to be Sony lol

Sony unlike Microsoft is able to attract high-budget japanese titles with little investment or hard work, which is also attractive to certain demographics over in the west.

^^ That sh!t is tiring.. they need to strengthen Sony Japan! ... maybe i should say restrengthen the Japanese side side of Playstation Studios?

Besides... Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto 5 isn't on Switch... And still the Switch has outsold the Playstation 4. Food for thought.

^^^ I see what you mean BUT we don't want Sony to be Nintendo. Sony needs to be Sony. Call Of Duty AND grand Theft Auto NOT being on a Playstation Console doesn't feel "DEFINITELY" impacts Playstation

aint nobody looking forward to a Playstation that's being FORCED into a Nintendo like position due to competitors acquiring whole Publishers.

if i jumped 15 years forward and seen Playstion in a Nintendo position, i would say "this is not the Playstation that i know"

even with switch being successful, these developers just CHOOSE not to put their games on Switch. Why is Call Of Duty NOT on Switch? why is Microsoft having to FORCE Activision to make Call Of Duty on Switch? Activision goes out of their way to not put it on Nintendo...

I digress lol

PotentHerbs said:
enditall727 said:

Low-key, Sony has no choice strategically. If they acquire a Publisher like “Bandai Namco”, The competition is going to instantly counter it by getting “Take Two”. Sony has to be strategic with this. If Sony does NOTHING, the competition can’t make anymore moves because they’ll get blocked being that nobody else is really buying big publishers, except them. At that point, it's not the industry consolidating, its just 1 company trying to buy all the Publishers.

The main dev that would try to “outbid” them can’t do it because they’ll be blocked lol… THEY ALREADY BOUGHT 3 BIG PUBLISHERS. They “WILL NOT” get away with buying 4 BIG Publishers if another company isn’t out here buying Publishers aswell

I haven’t seen google make an attempt to acquire a Publisher thus far so….

Also, these Publishers can’t elevate Sony. The only way it elevates them is by them acquiring and keeping its games OFF the other consoles the way Bethesda’s games are being done. Sony does NOT need to do this at all.

These Publishers aren’t going to come in and show Sony some huge amount of money that they haven’t already seen before.

The only company that could receive a any type of REAL elevation by a Publisher is a company in an extremely weak position 

Take Two would just need to bring Sony balance and leverage

If Microsoft were planning to acquire Take Two, they would pursue it regardless of what Sony does going forward, not as some response. I also wouldn't count on Microsoft getting blocked if they attempted another acquisition of a publisher. That's setting yourself up for disappointment lol. 

The reality is, Sony is outmatched in this arms race when it comes to buying power, but they still need to make strategic moves to ensure their position in the market. Square, Capcom, Sega, Bandai Namco do that, even if it doesn't counter Activision Blizzard in its totality, it strengthens their platform and portfolio. Sony has stated they are attempting to double their first party revenue/unit sales, so they can be less reliant on third party, and while their first party already does that, Sony wants to grow those margins even more (from 15% to 30%). 

As a multimedia goliath, Sony buying any mid sized publisher will elevate them to varying degrees, simply because they can leverage IP in a variety of mediums. Take Two brings Sony a lot of things, and while they may be the best move on the board, its not the only effective move they can make. 

If Microsoft were planning to acquire Take Two, they would pursue it regardless of what Sony does going forward, not as some response.

^^^ ..and they will get BLOCKED *sips tea*

I also wouldn't count on Microsoft getting blocked if they attempted another acquisition of a publisher. That's setting yourself up for disappointment lol. 

^^^ The disappointment is believing that the competition will be able to acquire a 4th publisher when they almost got blocked in their last big-publisher-acquistion(Activision Blizzard). It got dragged out for like 2 years.

The reality is, Sony is outmatched in this arms race when it comes to buying power

^^^ ..and this is EXACTLY why Sony needs to be strategic. This is EXACTLY why Sony needs to get Take Two if they do decide to jump in this race where their competition outmatches them.

but they still need to make strategic moves to ensure their position in the market. Square, Capcom, Sega, Bandai Namco do that, even if it doesn't counter Activision Blizzard in its totality, it strengthens their platform and portfolio.

^^ No. Sony would be the idiots of the century if they did this.

None of these would "strengthen" Sony because they are already on Sony’s platform. The goal is to aim for Take Two to ADD BALANCE vs Activision Blizzard and Call Of Duty. It’s NOT to remove a game from a specific platform

Sony has stated they are attempting to double their first party revenue/unit sales, so they can be less reliant on third party, and while their first party already does that, Sony wants to grow those margins even more (from 15% to 30%). 

As a multimedia goliath, Sony buying any mid sized publisher will elevate them to varying degrees, simply because they can leverage IP in a variety of mediums. Take Two brings Sony a lot of things, and while they may be the best move on the board, its not the only effective move they can make. 

^^ I’m guessing you’re speaking from the perspective of wanting Sony to buy a publisher to make all their games exclusive. That’s cool and all but I personally don’t want Sony to do this.

G2ThaUNiT said:

Sony is still on layaway with Bungie and y'all actually thinking they could afford Take-Two??? Take-Two's stock is trading at over $40 more a share than Activision Blizzard was!

In the long run, they WILL be able to.

Like i said a bit back, with the new slimmed down PS5 model out(which is much cheaper to make and still being sold at the same price as the previous PS5), The money/profit is DEFINITELY coming. 

All Sony has to do is sit pretty

The competition WILL be blocked if they attempt to acquire another big Publisher so long as Sony doesn’t do anything foolish like buying a big publisher like Konami or something

Sony just has to sit pretty, leave their hands OUT of the Big Publisher pot FOR NOW until they’ve made enough funds to get Take Two without breaking the bank

There’s a 10 year deal in place for Call Of Duty to stay on Playstation

That means that Sony has A FULL 10 YEARS of time to bring in the funds to acquire TAKE TWO. THEY HAVE 10 YEARS!

10 Full years of bringing in constant $$BANK$$. The money is coming

Last edited by enditall727 - on 01 January 2024

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I had to make MAJOR adjustments to the OP.


enditall727 said:

^^^ That's cool and all but my point still stands. Nobody else is out here buying big Publishers. It's really only 1 company

Holy thread revival batman.

Embracer acquired the publisher THQ...
Tencent acquired the publisher 1C Entertainment... Bit of a stretch but they do own a minority stake in the publisher Epic Games.
EA with Playdemic...

There has been publisher buyouts, Microsoft's is just notable for being the largest ones, when you are one of the most successful companies on Earth, I guess you can do that.

enditall727 said:

^^ Sony tried to push Nintendo out of the market?? They were LITTERALLY about to be business partners up until the last minute. Their partnership fell through and Sony just jumped straight into the gaming market with the PS1. They didn't "Fail" at pushing Nintendo out of the market because they didn't aim to do that. They SUCCEEDED by jumping head first into the gaming market with absolute JUGGERNAUGHTS of competition in Sega and Nintendo, then sold 100 million on 5th get hardware.

all in all, i DO get what you're trying to say here. Nobody wants Sony to be Nintendo though. Sony needs to be Sony lol

Keep in mind that Sony's is in direct competition with Nintendo.
You don't start a business venture without the goal of making as much money as you can, which means taking your competitors marketshare.
So yes, Sony failed to push Nintendo out of the market like they did with Sega.

If it wasn't for mobile supporting Nintendo all along, Sony may have actually held enough marketshare with the Playstation 2 to push Nintendo out of the market as the Gamecube and WiiU were fairly notable low-points for hardware sales.

And I never asserted that anyone wants Sony wants to be Nintendo.

enditall727 said:

^^ That sh!t is tiring.. they need to strengthen Sony Japan! ... maybe i should say restrengthen the Japanese side side of Playstation Studios?

Need the business case for it.

If it wasn't for the west adding to the sales of Japanese titles, would high budget Japanese titles even be financially viable?

Keep in mind that Japan as a nation has actually been on a population decline, so it's actually a shrinking market.

enditall727 said:

^^^ I see what you mean BUT we don't want Sony to be Nintendo. Sony needs to be Sony. Call Of Duty AND grand Theft Auto NOT being on a Playstation Console doesn't feel "DEFINITELY" impacts Playstation

No one is demanding Sony to be like Nintendo.

enditall727 said:

aint nobody looking forward to a Playstation that's being FORCED into a Nintendo like position due to competitors acquiring whole Publishers.

I wouldn't be against Sony having more exclusive content.

I have invested in the Switch, Series X and Playstation 5.

But if I can get those same experiences on PC, I am playing it there... Because better graphics, better framerates, more precise controls.

enditall727 said:

if i jumped 15 years forward and seen Playstion in a Nintendo position, i would say "this is not the Playstation that i know"

The issue with Xbox and Playstation is that outside of a few exclusives, they are very similar experiences.
Same graphics.

Majority of games are multiplatforms... If the platforms all have an extremely different identity with the gaming experiences they offer, I don't see it as a bad thing.

Nintendo actually offers that... And thus ends up being an "also-buy" for the console market to augment a Playstation or Xbox or even a PC.

I would like to see Microsoft and Sony differentiate themselves far more heavily, just like Nintendo does.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Sony needs to aquire more studios if it wants to keep up with the Microsoft


Imho, Playstation's problem isn't about "studio ownership" count, but Studios/IPs with big name and appeal creating Playstation exclusives.

They need more appeal with IPs and Studios, they need big names making exclusives. Ownership is not needed, partnership is enough, as long as they can make criticaly acclaimed GoTY contenders that have great sales numbers.

hellobion2 said:

Sony needs to aquire more studios if it wants to keep up with the Microsoft

They cannot keep up with Microsoft, they are already laying off people within their own studios and closed one of their small studios. PlayStation has pretty much reached its maximum organisational size.

I can see MS trying to by Take2 after GTA6 is released. As long as there are bigger fish in the gaming market MS should be able to buy more publishers.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar