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Forums - Sony Discussion - Studios Sony Is To Acquire


Should Sony acquire a big publisher or only focus on smaller developers?

They should acquire a big Publisher 5 13.51%
They should focus on smaller developers 19 51.35%
They should do a little bit of both 13 35.14%
Vodacixi said:
enditall727 said:


are we…. are we talking about the same Nintendo who created monumental video game history with “Rare”, didn’t make them an official member of the Nintendo Family, then got Rare SNATCHED from them in a bidding war in 2002?

Gamecube was out for 1 year, then "Rare" got HUSTLED off Nintendo 1 DAY AFTER “Star Fox Adventures” released

Are we talking about the same FRIENDLY ass Nintendo that talked about having strong “Partnerships” with companies that said “ Nintendo doesn’t understand that their future lies OFF their own hardware”?,Bowser%20said%20in%20the%20interview.

^^ This FRIENDLY ass shit is what made me a believer that Nintendo will get acquired 1 day. 

I’m not trying to here anything Nintendo and their FRIENDLY ass’s has to say regarding “Acquisitions”

I guess he means things like Hyrule Warriors, Fire Emblem Warriors, Astral Chain, Bayonetta 2 and 3, The Wonderful 101, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle and Spark of Hope, Pokkén Tournament, Mario and Sonic, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Cadence of Hyrule... and putting both third party content on Nintendo games and vice versa like Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Rayman Legends, Sonic Lost World DLC, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, etc.

I'm aware of these. A lot don't have that "Nintendo" feel. 

Do you want to know the Dev that DID have that Nintendo feel?


If Nintendo was as "friendly" back then as they are today, they might've made Rare an official member of the Nintendo family. The Stamper Brothers probably wouldn't have left the industry either...

Lol don't mind me.. I just don't like this FRIENDLY ass attitude from the Nintendo of late...

Company-that-Nintendo-is-being-FRIENDLY-AS-FUCK-with: "Nintendo doesn't realize that their future lies OFF their own consoles"

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smroadkill15 said:
enditall727 said:

I’m only worried about them Strengthening “Playstation Studios” honestly

them buying capcom would be them playing right into the competitions hands. They’ll get IP’s and Capcoms current Studios but… what did they really gain?

Their competition can’t really acquire another big publisher right now. They WILL GET BLOCKED this time. Who else is really out here buying Publishers? its only really been 1 company, correct me if I'm wrong

If Sony DOES acquire Capcom, guess what they just did? They just gave the competition a free “We-Can-Acquire-Another-Publisher-Because-Sony-Just-Did-Which-Proves-That-The-Industry-IS-In-Fact-Consolidating”

^^after this, guess what their competition is going to do? they will ACQUIRE “TAKE TWO”

if the company that already has “Bethesda”, “Activision-Blizzard”, and “Mojang” Acquires “Take Two”…….. IT… IS…. OVER!



…and Sony will have DESERVED exactly what they got for playing CHECKERS when the competition was playing CHESS

With your logic, the best thing Sony should do is not buy a publisher to avoid giving MS a reason to make another huge publisher purchase.
Let's say Sony wants to take a bid on Take-Two, I doubt they would be the only ones. 
Sony should stick to single studio buys. It's much more cost effective and keeps them out of a bidding war with MS and anyone else.

I'm seeing a lot of hot reactions because of the ABK deal. Sony is still ahead of Xbox in revenue and outsells Xbox 2:1 in the console space. I really don't understand why Sony needs to make a panic purchase like Take-Two. The only way they lose significant ground to Xbox would be decisions that cause self-harm to the brand. Any long as Sony sticks to their strengths, they will be fine. Panic decisions is exactly what will be their downfall.

CoD and Minecraft are still coming to Playstation so they lose nothing besides marketing for CoD. ES, Diablo, and Fallout IP's are essentially on the scale of popularity as Sony's largest IP's like Spider-man, God of War, and Last of Us. I really don't see this huge edge Xbox has in the exclusives department, which will turn the tides in any dramatic way. 

Nah, it's moreso that Sony should be STRATEGIC and think it fully through before acquiring a Publisher.

I personally would rather they NOT acquire a Big Publisher BUT if they did, it HAS to be "Take Two"

Also, you have to remember. If the Competition decides tomorrow that they want Minecraft to be exclusive with its next release, they can do that.

They wanted Starfield to be Exclusive and guess what? It's exclusive, right?

^^ and it's fine. I'ts just something to be aware of.

Best case scenario, if all these studios are going to be bought as MS seems to want, is for Sony to get them and make Bungie deals. Wouldn't begrudge them for nabbing Capcom, Square, and/or Sega and just making the big IP exclusive since MS started that crap though with Bethesda and their big IP

I am Iron Man

No big publishers should be bought so we can keep having big games as multi platform for all kinds of gamers. But if you leave that aside and thinking of it purely from Sony's perspective: I think Square and/or Capcom are no brainers and Sony should push to get them immediately. They have huge franchises that can rival the Acti/Blizz purchase by MS. Konami's gaming IP should be cheaper but who knows if that deal can be made.

enditall727 said:

Low-key, Sony has no choice strategically. If they acquire a Publisher like “Bandai Namco”, The competition is going to instantly counter it by getting “Take Two”. Sony has to be strategic with this. If Sony does NOTHING, the competition can’t make anymore moves because they’ll get blocked being that nobody else is really buying big publishers, except them. At that point, it's not the industry consolidating, its just 1 company trying to buy all the Publishers.

The main dev that would try to “outbid” them can’t do it because they’ll be blocked lol… THEY ALREADY BOUGHT 3 BIG PUBLISHERS. They “WILL NOT” get away with buying 4 BIG Publishers if another company isn’t out here buying Publishers aswell

I haven’t seen google make an attempt to acquire a Publisher thus far so….

Also, these Publishers can’t elevate Sony. The only way it elevates them is by them acquiring and keeping its games OFF the other consoles the way Bethesda’s games are being done. Sony does NOT need to do this at all.

These Publishers aren’t going to come in and show Sony some huge amount of money that they haven’t already seen before.

The only company that could receive a any type of REAL elevation by a Publisher is a company in an extremely weak position 

Take Two would just need to bring Sony balance and leverage

If Microsoft were planning to acquire Take Two, they would pursue it regardless of what Sony does going forward, not as some response. I also wouldn't count on Microsoft getting blocked if they attempted another acquisition of a publisher. That's setting yourself up for disappointment lol. 

The reality is, Sony is outmatched in this arms race when it comes to buying power, but they still need to make strategic moves to ensure their position in the market. Square, Capcom, Sega, Bandai Namco do that, even if it doesn't counter Activision Blizzard in its totality, it strengthens their platform and portfolio. Sony has stated they are attempting to double their first party revenue/unit sales, so they can be less reliant on third party, and while their first party already does that, Sony wants to grow those margins even more (from 15% to 30%). 

As a multimedia goliath, Sony buying any mid sized publisher will elevate them to varying degrees, simply because they can leverage IP in a variety of mediums. Take Two brings Sony a lot of things, and while they may be the best move on the board, its not the only effective move they can make. 

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PotentHerbs said:
enditall727 said:

Low-key, Sony has no choice strategically. If they acquire a Publisher like “Bandai Namco”, The competition is going to instantly counter it by getting “Take Two”. Sony has to be strategic with this. If Sony does NOTHING, the competition can’t make anymore moves because they’ll get blocked being that nobody else is really buying big publishers, except them. At that point, it's not the industry consolidating, its just 1 company trying to buy all the Publishers.

The main dev that would try to “outbid” them can’t do it because they’ll be blocked lol… THEY ALREADY BOUGHT 3 BIG PUBLISHERS. They “WILL NOT” get away with buying 4 BIG Publishers if another company isn’t out here buying Publishers aswell

I haven’t seen google make an attempt to acquire a Publisher thus far so….

Also, these Publishers can’t elevate Sony. The only way it elevates them is by them acquiring and keeping its games OFF the other consoles the way Bethesda’s games are being done. Sony does NOT need to do this at all.

These Publishers aren’t going to come in and show Sony some huge amount of money that they haven’t already seen before.

The only company that could receive a any type of REAL elevation by a Publisher is a company in an extremely weak position 

Take Two would just need to bring Sony balance and leverage

If Microsoft were planning to acquire Take Two, they would pursue it regardless of what Sony does going forward, not as some response. I also wouldn't count on Microsoft getting blocked if they attempted another acquisition of a publisher. That's setting yourself up for disappointment lol. 

The reality is, Sony is outmatched in this arms race when it comes to buying power, but they still need to make strategic moves to ensure their position in the market. Square, Capcom, Sega, Bandai Namco do that, even if it doesn't counter Activision Blizzard in its totality, it strengthens their platform and portfolio. Sony has stated they are attempting to double their first party revenue/unit sales, so they can be less reliant on third party, and while their first party already does that, Sony wants to grow those margins even more (from 15% to 30%). 

As a multimedia goliath, Sony buying any mid sized publisher will elevate them to varying degrees, simply because they can leverage IP in a variety of mediums. Take Two brings Sony a lot of things, and while they may be the best move on the board, its not the only effective move they can make. 

Considering they don't have unlimited capital and assuming this is an "us or them" kinda situation, I would much rather Sony go for the "smaller" (relatively speaking) deals of Square, Sega, and/or Capcom vs Take 2 which I think is close in value to all 3 of those.

I am Iron Man

smroadkill15 said:
enditall727 said:

I’m only worried about them Strengthening “Playstation Studios” honestly

them buying capcom would be them playing right into the competitions hands. They’ll get IP’s and Capcoms current Studios but… what did they really gain?

Their competition can’t really acquire another big publisher right now. They WILL GET BLOCKED this time. Who else is really out here buying Publishers? its only really been 1 company, correct me if I'm wrong

If Sony DOES acquire Capcom, guess what they just did? They just gave the competition a free “We-Can-Acquire-Another-Publisher-Because-Sony-Just-Did-Which-Proves-That-The-Industry-IS-In-Fact-Consolidating”

^^after this, guess what their competition is going to do? they will ACQUIRE “TAKE TWO”

if the company that already has “Bethesda”, “Activision-Blizzard”, and “Mojang” Acquires “Take Two”…….. IT… IS…. OVER!



…and Sony will have DESERVED exactly what they got for playing CHECKERS when the competition was playing CHESS

With your logic, the best thing Sony should do is not buy a publisher to avoid giving MS a reason to make another huge publisher purchase.
Let's say Sony wants to take a bid on Take-Two, I doubt they would be the only ones. 
Sony should stick to single studio buys. It's much more cost effective and keeps them out of a bidding war with MS and anyone else.

I'm seeing a lot of hot reactions because of the ABK deal. Sony is still ahead of Xbox in revenue and outsells Xbox 2:1 in the console space. I really don't understand why Sony needs to make a panic purchase like Take-Two. The only way they lose significant ground to Xbox would be decisions that cause self-harm to the brand. Any long as Sony sticks to their strengths, they will be fine. Panic decisions is exactly what will be their downfall.

CoD and Minecraft are still coming to Playstation so they lose nothing besides marketing for CoD. ES, Diablo, and Fallout IP's are essentially on the scale of popularity as Sony's largest IP's like Spider-man, God of War, and Last of Us. I really don't see this huge edge Xbox has in the exclusives department, which will turn the tides in any dramatic way. 

I would like Sony to continue investing in new talent, new ideas, new studios and IPs, as it has done for 30 years. I wouldn't like to see the "easy" route of buying everything with a "absurd amount of money", but... as I said in this thread, I don't think that's a smart option for them.

MS just bought ABK and they went through a huge amount of scrutiny to do so. A new large purchase will not happen anytime soon, regulators will not allow it, the time for Sony to act is now, while MS is "unable to make big offers" in the next few years. Also, Regardless of what Playstation does, at some point Xbox will try to buy something big again, and will continue to do so until they reach the position they want or a new CEO decides that "Xbox is not a good deal." Another factor, not making acquisitions would demonstrate the company's passivity, which could be interpreted as weakness and leave shareholders dissatisfied, as well as alienating potential investors.

About Xbox Vs Playstation. Right away, Xbox poses absolutely no threat to Sony. These new exclusives based on small Ip's probably won't make any significant impact, Fable, Avowed, Hellblade 2, etc. The problem for Sony is what comes later, in 5-10 years. Diablo, Warcraft, CoD, Overwatch, The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Skylanders, Doom and many other names... the number of big Ip's Xbox crontrol is absurd, more than Sony and Nintendo put together! If they can expand such gigantic and loved IP's in other genres and manage to deliver a good level of quality they will have a major advantage at hands, one that Sony will not be able to overcome if it does not take action years before.

Having said all that, IMHO, not expanding or making acquisitions is very risky for the future of Playstation.

Even if Sony does buy take two GTA will have to be multiplatform much like cod is and Minecraft. Chances are ms will get there first

dane007 said:

Even if Sony does buy take two GTA will have to be multiplatform much like cod is and Minecraft. Chances are ms will get there first

True, GTA VI would be multiplatform, but not GTA VII or RDR 3 or other future games. Just like COD is guaranteed multi. for 10 years, Sony or MS would only need to make similar deal for limited time.

Imho, Take Two would be enough to keep Sony as the market leader.

Last edited by Manlytears - on 31 October 2023

Sony is still on layaway with Bungie and y'all actually thinking they could afford Take-Two??? Take-Two's stock is trading at over $40 more a share than Activision Blizzard was!