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smroadkill15 said:
enditall727 said:

I’m only worried about them Strengthening “Playstation Studios” honestly

them buying capcom would be them playing right into the competitions hands. They’ll get IP’s and Capcoms current Studios but… what did they really gain?

Their competition can’t really acquire another big publisher right now. They WILL GET BLOCKED this time. Who else is really out here buying Publishers? its only really been 1 company, correct me if I'm wrong

If Sony DOES acquire Capcom, guess what they just did? They just gave the competition a free “We-Can-Acquire-Another-Publisher-Because-Sony-Just-Did-Which-Proves-That-The-Industry-IS-In-Fact-Consolidating”

^^after this, guess what their competition is going to do? they will ACQUIRE “TAKE TWO”

if the company that already has “Bethesda”, “Activision-Blizzard”, and “Mojang” Acquires “Take Two”…….. IT… IS…. OVER!



…and Sony will have DESERVED exactly what they got for playing CHECKERS when the competition was playing CHESS

With your logic, the best thing Sony should do is not buy a publisher to avoid giving MS a reason to make another huge publisher purchase.
Let's say Sony wants to take a bid on Take-Two, I doubt they would be the only ones. 
Sony should stick to single studio buys. It's much more cost effective and keeps them out of a bidding war with MS and anyone else.

I'm seeing a lot of hot reactions because of the ABK deal. Sony is still ahead of Xbox in revenue and outsells Xbox 2:1 in the console space. I really don't understand why Sony needs to make a panic purchase like Take-Two. The only way they lose significant ground to Xbox would be decisions that cause self-harm to the brand. Any long as Sony sticks to their strengths, they will be fine. Panic decisions is exactly what will be their downfall.

CoD and Minecraft are still coming to Playstation so they lose nothing besides marketing for CoD. ES, Diablo, and Fallout IP's are essentially on the scale of popularity as Sony's largest IP's like Spider-man, God of War, and Last of Us. I really don't see this huge edge Xbox has in the exclusives department, which will turn the tides in any dramatic way. 

I would like Sony to continue investing in new talent, new ideas, new studios and IPs, as it has done for 30 years. I wouldn't like to see the "easy" route of buying everything with a "absurd amount of money", but... as I said in this thread, I don't think that's a smart option for them.

MS just bought ABK and they went through a huge amount of scrutiny to do so. A new large purchase will not happen anytime soon, regulators will not allow it, the time for Sony to act is now, while MS is "unable to make big offers" in the next few years. Also, Regardless of what Playstation does, at some point Xbox will try to buy something big again, and will continue to do so until they reach the position they want or a new CEO decides that "Xbox is not a good deal." Another factor, not making acquisitions would demonstrate the company's passivity, which could be interpreted as weakness and leave shareholders dissatisfied, as well as alienating potential investors.

About Xbox Vs Playstation. Right away, Xbox poses absolutely no threat to Sony. These new exclusives based on small Ip's probably won't make any significant impact, Fable, Avowed, Hellblade 2, etc. The problem for Sony is what comes later, in 5-10 years. Diablo, Warcraft, CoD, Overwatch, The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Skylanders, Doom and many other names... the number of big Ip's Xbox crontrol is absurd, more than Sony and Nintendo put together! If they can expand such gigantic and loved IP's in other genres and manage to deliver a good level of quality they will have a major advantage at hands, one that Sony will not be able to overcome if it does not take action years before.

Having said all that, IMHO, not expanding or making acquisitions is very risky for the future of Playstation.