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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rumor: NG Switch "confirmed" to have Ray-Reconstruction, DLSS 3.5, custom SOC - capable of producing visuals comp'd to PS5/XSX

NintendoPie said:

he's not a random person.

natedrake is a verified insider source on famiboards, resetera, etc. this is why his info pretty much means "confirmed." still, i can change the title if that appeases people.

take it as you will but, just because you don't know of someone does not mean they aren't a real source.

Doesn't change the fact that the only source that can "confirm" anything right now is Nintendo. Credibility isn't the factor here, just the source making the statement.

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Machiavellian said:
aTokenYeti said:

For anyone who does not follow PC hardware, Nvidia currently has a multi generational advantage over AMD when it comes to ray tracing performance and image reconstruction.

The idea that the switch 2 will have better RT performance than the PS5 and Series X is not at all implausible to me. AMD is just that far behind

At what cost.  Time and again, Nintendo has shone no interest in chasing high performance hardware and thus saying that Nintendo will have a chipset that outperforms PS5 and Series X when both systems still cost a pretty penny is where I see the grain of salt.  From my understanding Nintendo rarely if ever sell their hardware at loss so just because their new system may have certain features that Nvidia cards have, we will need to see how well those features actually work within the chipset Nintendo is willing to pay for.

The thing that makes this rumor plausible to me is that all of Nvidia’s recent innovations have been geared towards cutting down the transistor cost required to complete gaming related tasks. This is the promise of DLSS: you can render a game at 720p while still getting image quality comparable to a 1440p or 4k image. 

Nintendo will be able to get outstanding RT performance and good image quality for a very modest silicon budget, the same type of budget they had for the original switch 

Nintendo with their IPs, the best indie games and the big AAA third party games? I would be worried if I were Sony or MS.

NintendoPie said:

natedrake is a verified insider source on famiboards, resetera, etc. this is why his info pretty much means "confirmed." still, i can change the title if that appeases people.

take it as you will but, just because you don't know of someone does not mean they aren't a real source.

I didn't know that he is that trusted. Still, I think it's better to err on the side of caution with this. Or, at least, make sure that expectations are held appropriately. Like I said, Switch had comparable experiences as the PS4 and Xbox One, but they were also compromised in ways too. 

Ray tracing in Luigi's Mansion and New Donk City would be cool, but I just don't see Nintendo creating the Switch 2 with ray tracing in mind.

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Rumor, not confirmed as it's a 3rd party source.

Obviously Ray Tracing will be in the next Switch... It's what will form the basis of Generation 9's hardware feature set and thus define the generation as a whole.

Even nVidia's low-end mobile chips feature the technology.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Doctor_MG said:

I wouldn't call this confirmed. It's still a rumor. However I fully believe that the Switch 2 will have a chipset that is far more customized than what we've had from Nintendo in the past.

But things like "better raytracing than PS5" or "comparable visuals" are suspect. Richard Ledbetter from digital foundry provided an excellent comparison with the Switch. Imagine if, before launch, we heard that the NX was gonna be running Doom (2016) and The Witcher 3. We would have all thought "this thing is as powerful as an Xbox One minimum". We now know what that really meant, but it's an interesting thought experiment.

Point is, don't let your imagination run wild. Switch 2 will be a considerable leap up from Switch 1, but expecting PS5 comparable games is setting yourself up for disappointment

Yeah, we're talking about a mobile GPU that's like half of an RTX 3050 and underclocked to boot.

DLSS will help it punch way above its weight but some people are going crazy.






NintendoPie said:

natedrake is a verified insider source on famiboards, resetera, etc. this is why his info pretty much means "confirmed." still, i can change the title if that appeases people.

take it as you will but, just because you don't know of someone does not mean they aren't a real source.

Thanks for the info. I’ll give the podcast a listen.

BTW, I wasn’t trying to be critical of your post or the podcast, I was curious about what kind of podcast it was since I’m unfamiliar with it. Some podcasts and news sites are journalistic and have sources - confirmation is irrelevant because sources for sensitive information usually can’t be revealed. But most are infotainment, and will talk about/respond anything to fill a content quota and get clicks. I was wondering if you knew if this guy was category A or category B.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Machiavellian said:
aTokenYeti said:

For anyone who does not follow PC hardware, Nvidia currently has a multi generational advantage over AMD when it comes to ray tracing performance and image reconstruction.

The idea that the switch 2 will have better RT performance than the PS5 and Series X is not at all implausible to me. AMD is just that far behind

At what cost.  Time and again, Nintendo has shone no interest in chasing high performance hardware and thus saying that Nintendo will have a chipset that outperforms PS5 and Series X when both systems still cost a pretty penny is where I see the grain of salt.  From my understanding Nintendo rarely if ever sell their hardware at loss so just because their new system may have certain features that Nvidia cards have, we will need to see how well those features actually work within the chipset Nintendo is willing to pay for.

natedrake, nor i, have stated that the actual chipset will "outperform" the PS5 or XSX. rather, the usage of nvidia's innovations in DLSS and RR technology in nintendo's custom SOC will enable the NG switch to produce visuals that may look similar to the PS5. this has been said by multiple sources in the industry at this point. whether you want to believe them is your prerogative but, the possibility of nintendo not shooting for this because "that's just what nintendo does/did in the past" is not a real argument against it.

Jumpin said:
NintendoPie said:

natedrake is a verified insider source on famiboards, resetera, etc. this is why his info pretty much means "confirmed." still, i can change the title if that appeases people.

take it as you will but, just because you don't know of someone does not mean they aren't a real source.

Thanks for the info. I’ll give the podcast a listen.

BTW, I wasn’t trying to be critical of your post or the podcast, I was curious about what kind of podcast it was since I’m unfamiliar with it. Some podcasts and news sites are journalistic and have sources - confirmation is irrelevant because sources for sensitive information usually can’t be revealed. But most are infotainment, and will talk about/respond anything to fill a content quota and get clicks. I was wondering if you knew if this guy was category A or category B.

no offense taken at all! it's completely fair to question the authenticity of sources, i do the same. i decided to post this rumor here bc it just seems that a lot of what's happening in other forums surrounding rumors/leaks doesn't seem to make its way here now-a-days and i felt this was from a reputable enough source to carry it over.

the podcast is definitely interesting and covers multiple things other than what i made the thread about, so i'd recommend a listen.

Last edited by NintendoPie - on 19 October 2023

Machiavellian said:
aTokenYeti said:

For anyone who does not follow PC hardware, Nvidia currently has a multi generational advantage over AMD when it comes to ray tracing performance and image reconstruction.

The idea that the switch 2 will have better RT performance than the PS5 and Series X is not at all implausible to me. AMD is just that far behind

At what cost.  Time and again, Nintendo has shone no interest in chasing high performance hardware and thus saying that Nintendo will have a chipset that outperforms PS5 and Series X when both systems still cost a pretty penny is where I see the grain of salt.  From my understanding Nintendo rarely if ever sell their hardware at loss so just because their new system may have certain features that Nvidia cards have, we will need to see how well those features actually work within the chipset Nintendo is willing to pay for.

Before this post i dont think i seen anyone say how it will have a chipset that outperforms the PS5 and XSX. Only in Ray Tracing and that is very much possible. As when it comes to Ray Tracing and Dlss Nvidia is so far beyond AMD its not even funny at this stage. It is a joke to all PC gamers how much AMD is behind here.

As for your other part Nintendo only has to pay for the hardware that supports the features nothing more so like i said even if it cant use the same level of graphics and rays as say a 4090 it will still be possible to do them better than the PS5 and the XSX