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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 1999, (Runoff) Game of the Year


1999, Game of the Year (Runoff)

Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal 10 19.23%
Final Fantasy VIII 11 21.15%
Super Smash Bros 11 21.15%
Age of Empires II 14 26.92%
Homeworld 1 1.92%
Gran Turismo 2 1 1.92%
Resident Evil 3 4 7.69%

When System Shock 2 loses its shortlist spot to Donkey Kong 64, mama mia! (But yea hard to narrow it down ofc).

Actually another packed year, System Shock 2 and Silent Hill could bould have taken the crown, but once again my pick will be a game I had forgotten was even from this year: Pokémon Gold/Silver (since the version I played is Crystal). Not counting its remake it's still the greatest Pokémon game they've ever put out, and even more so comparative to the time it was released. My full top 5:

  1. Pokémon Gen 2
  2. System Shock 2
  3. Silent Hill
  4. Super Smash Bros.
  5. Hmm... Rayman 2 maybe?

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I voted FF8 from the list. But loved me some Omega Boost, CTR, Soul Reaver and Driver.

Note, Legend of Dragoon didn't come out until 2001 here in the UK.

Last edited by The Fury - on 16 October 2023

Hmm, pie.

I actually prefer the 'other notable games' to the main ones. I didn't play it at the time - didn't even realise it was a thing until the 2015 remastered collection came out - but Homeworld is my pick here. So far ahead of its time that it stands up well even now. Great narrative and concept, excellent music, and some very ambitious RTS gameplay.

This year gets a little tougher, 1999 is still an excellent year.

Here, my favourites from the OP posts are RollerCoaster Tycoon, Super Smash Bros., Crazy Taxi, Age of Empires II, Quake III Arena, SimCity 3000, Pokémon Stadium and Star Wars Episode I: Racer. Besides those I also played Shenmue, Grand Theft Auto II, Unreal Tournament, Driver and Pokémon Snap. 1999 was also the year of the PlayStation game Asterix, released on PC as Asterix the Gallic Wars which is a strategy game a bit like the Total War franchise; Dynamite Cop, a beat-em-up on Dreamcast from the Arcade and SoulCalibur. SoulCalibur is one of my favourites and I was expecting it here in this year, but looking it up I see the Arcade version was released in 1998 which means it should've been mentioned last year (yet it wasn't).

This year is closer than last year, and 1997 and 1996, but still the winner for me is clear. RollerCoaster Tycoon was huge for me, though it got completely overshadowed and rendered obsolete by its successor, so SimCity 3000, the Asterix strategy game and SoulCalibur are my top-favourites of the year. Of these, SimCity 3000 (so vote for 'Other') wins out. That game was made for me.

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 16 October 2023

What a fucking year for gaming, my vote is ff8


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Donkey Kong 64. My favorite N64 game

Nothing in that list beats 2nd gen Pokemon - Gold/Silver/Crystal was the complete package Pokemon game (especially when comparing it to the recent gens lol).

Also two whole regions in one cartridge.

Wish they would make multiregion Pokemon games again (I know they cant because its 3D but imagine if the remakes had DLC that let you go back to Kanto, Johto, etc).

I do love DK64, Shenmue, Soul Reaver, and Dino Crisis. But my vote goes to Resident Evil 3.

Age of Empires 2 it is for me.
Spyro 2 and Pokemon Gold/Silver close runners up.

Usually this year is easy for me. I always go to SoulCalibur. But the release date rules make it ineligible, so now I don’t know.

I will go for Quake III. While it could certainly have more single-player content, the multiplayer component is unimpeachable. Expert map design, stunning graphics for the time, amazing gun balance, and a breathless sense of speed and momentum.

Overall, 1999, for me, rates as a lesser year between two greats in 1998 and 2000 — particularly with SoulCalibur out of the mix.