curl-6 said:
I'd really like to see new games employ the Joycons for sword combat like Red Steel 2, Skyward Sword, and Wii Sports Resort did on Wii. Gyro's awesome, but the motion functionality on Switch feels a bit under-utilized outside of party games. |
I think that kind of motion control seems more at home in VR. Especially a game like Red Steel 2, which would be awesome as a VR game.
That said, Switch Sports has Chambara, if you're into that.
And I wouldn't say motion controls on Switch are underutilized per-sae, since I gave plenty of examples outside Gyro aiming. I think it's more that developers have learned that they don't have to shove them into every game they can like they did on the Wii. A lot of people didn't like they early Wii era of constant waggle to replace a button press, due to the controller's lack of buttons.
The Joy-Con have a full controller layout, so developers don't have to use motion controls if they don't want to, and most developers implement them only if they actually have an idea for them. It's like the DS where it has a touch screen, but games didn't have to use it if they didn't want to.