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Forums - Sales Discussion - Famitsu Sales: Week 33, 2023 (Aug 07 - Aug 13)

as i said earlier the ps5 will outsell the ps3 and may even outsell the wii reaching 13 million units over a lifetime

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Evergreens greenin'

Slownenberg said:

Wow crazy numbers again. What is going on with Switch software its all going up! I guess that's what happens when you're selling 90k+ systems

Obon started at the tailend of the tracked week, so more existing Switch owners than usual did themselves a favor. Next week should see similarily good software sales.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Nintendo Switch Sports overtook Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics.

Switch's 2023 has a good chance of topping it's 2022 given current trends and with Wonder still to come.

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That's pretty crazy the Switch kept such good pace during the summer. TotK and Pikmin 4 having really healthy holds definitely tells us they are the main factor. Pikmin might finally become a more recurrent franchise now. Pikmin 4 should be able to do 3.5-5 millions global lifetime i'd say.

jvmkdg said:

as i said earlier the ps5 will outsell the ps3 and may even outsell the wii reaching 13 million units over a lifetime

Does it count though, if half of those are exported to China. Because software sales are pretty much dead for PS5.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

Qwark said:
jvmkdg said:

as i said earlier the ps5 will outsell the ps3 and may even outsell the wii reaching 13 million units over a lifetime

Does it count though, if half of those are exported to China. Because software sales are pretty much dead for PS5.

Yeah this is a weird one cuz its very obvious lots of the Japan PS5 sales are going outside the country given that PS5 software sales have been basically dead since launch day. Even this year when PS5 has had huge HW japan sales its software only makes a mark for a few weeks after release or during bundle promotions and then it all fades into oblivion.

It's just surprising to see 2 consoles doing so well in Japan. Haven't seen this since the DS / Wii / PSP years.

Correct me if i'm wrong, but this will easily be Sony's best year for a home console since the PS2, and best year overall since the PSP days

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