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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Physical or digital?


How do you buy your games?

Physical 26 36.11%
Digital 17 23.61%
Both 29 40.28%

I:m one of those that usually seeks out a physical copy of any Indie game I wish to buy in the future, so you can imagine how's the proportion with 3rd party and 1st party releases lol.

Like 95% physical. My stance on the debate of physical is the same as it ever was even during the 3DS/WiiU days

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It's about 50-50. At present, there's merit for both: Digital games are much easier to find, while Physical games are often a little cheaper.

Some games I have affective memory, so I want them physical. I also love being able to share them with friends and family. I never really bothered with selling used games, I always donate them, to physicals has this value of giving them as gifts

But not every game is released physically and sometimes the digital version is just either much less expensive or easier to get.

So both. I'd say 80% of my games are digital though

On consoles it's probably 95 % physical.
On PC that sadly isn't really an option any longer (I did get a physical launch edition of Elden Ring, though it's just a flimsy cardboard box instead of a dvd case which is pretty iffy).

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2024 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues:

Nintendo | PlayStation | Multiplat

Both. Lean more torwards physical but theres way too many good deals and sales in digital to ignore.

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Overwhelmingly digital for PlayStation and overwhelmingly physical for Switch when applicable. I mostly get Switch games physically to save digital storage space and because a lot of eShop prices aren't the best for them.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 48 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

On consoles specifically I'm completely physical simply because it's £35-45 for boxed copies vs the £60-70 that digital versions are. Although I don't buy anywhere near as much on consoles these days other than Nintendo games most of my purchases are on PC where digital is the only option but I don't bite at the price games launch at and mostly just raid the Steam Sale bargain bin.

Mummelmann said:

On PC I buy only physical since over a decade back, but on consoles I still mostly buy physical. This is due to a number of reasons, the foremost being small storage drives and woeful digital prices. But very slow download speeds is another. Plus, when it comes to console games, I actually enjoy having my covers on a shelf next to the TV, it's simply an important a part of my decoration. It's different on the PC, it's in its own room, and there's limited space, and people rarely see it, whereas the consoles and their games are in the living room, out in the open and being part of a whole scene.

Yes having a couple nice stacks of games and movies to look forward to next to the tv is much better finding what I have started playing / haven't played yet in a digital menu. Plus if I can't remember the name of a game or movie, all I have to do is look at my shelves. Much faster to find stuff in my physical 'library' then looking through Steam, GoG, Humble bundles, Netflix played list, PSN library mess, Xbox purchase history, Nintendo don't even know where to look.

For music I still live by albums. I don't play individual songs, but have lots of favorite albums I can easily find by album cover.

The one disadvantage of physical is my kids putting the discs back in the wrong cases grrr. I finally found the missing case for a CD that has been migrating between currently playing albums for months lol. Digital is more kid proof!

Since I'm on PC, I don't really have a choice. lol

Over time it became more and more digital but the past few years, especially when it comes to mainly big titles I like it's reverted back to the physical side, mostly because of the price difference between physical and digital for new releases here in Australia, an example digital PS5 first party games in Australia are on the PS Store at $119 for the standard edition but retail for $89.00 that along with most big 3rd party digital new releases varying  between a $109 to $119 price point retailing between $79.00 and $89.00 so also maintaining that $30.00 a game price differential gives physical a big edge, so that pricing combined with the fact that we were already being charged $10.AU per game above the exchange rate has seen me revert to physical for my must have titles while still checking out the digital sales for other games.

Last edited by mjk45 - on 10 July 2023

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