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Forums - General Discussion - What do you eat for breakfast?

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Mostly nothing mixed with coffee...which is great for someone who already have minor anxiety in an area where people drive like morons...

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The same thing pretty much every morning these days. Sautéed veggies (onions, bellpeppers, mushrooms, tomatoes) in a scramble. And I snack on some nuts and dried fruit.

Trying to lose my beer belly (yes I'm also cutting way back on drinking but I'm trying to fast track it) so these days I usually cut out breakfast, or I'll just have something small. If I do eat breakfast, I usually try to go with something cheap, lazy, and/or healthy so my go-tos are:
- Strawberries and cheese
- Greek Yogurt
- Eggs and cheese
- Bulletproof coffee (basically just hot coffee, a little vanilla creamer, and a dab of coconut oil


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden

I usually don't eat breakfast, unless I have something physically demanding ahead of me (like a gym session). I simply don't feel hungry early in the day, and regardless of what I eat, I can be left feeling a bit nauseated from breakfast. I have the same issue with eating late at night, which is a good thing. I find that having limited intake of food early and late in the day helps me maintain a lower overall calorie intake. For me, five meals a day is impossible, eating would be more of a chore than anything.

Last edited by Mummelmann - on 01 July 2023

Nothing, I like to save my calories for night time. If I'm absolutely hungry, eggs with cheese and everything but the bagel seasoning lol

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Scrambled eggs on buttered toast (seeded bread)

Typical breakfast for me is in the form of the following...

Kerala Style Fish Fry (Salmon, Shark, King Fish, Yellow Fin Tuna or Cat Fish) - (Reference:
Chinese Long Green Beans Thoran (for those that want to know what a Thoran is: )
Mushroom Curry (light on the curry part)

Sometimes substitute the fish fry with a boiled egg
Sometimes substitute chinese long green beans thoran with another thoran (like Beet root, broccoli, potatoes & Carrots, cauliflower, red cabbage)

Assortment of Fruit - in this example - some strawberries chopped up in pieces

Substitute with Sliced apples, Banana, pear, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries)

For Drink - I drink water from my water container I take with me to work (which you can see in the background of the below picture) or a bottle of water at home

Also I drink a bottle of Skim/Fat Free Dairy milk from my local grocery store (the only thing that I consume that is processed - I dont eat anything else that is processed, frozen, etc unless I go to a restaurant but thats like at most once a month).


i eat the same thing every breakfast and look forward to it every morning: three over-easy eggs on three pieces of low-cal toast (gotta stay skinny and snatched) with three pieces of turkey bacon sprinkled with parmesan cheese and cayenne pepper powder. it's so good.

sometimes i go crazy and scramble the eggs and make a breakfast taco instead of on toast.

Kakadu18 said:


Dear kakadu18, necro-bumping dormant threads is against forum rules.

Plz don't do it again.

nothing just coffee