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Forums - Sales Discussion - Famitsu Sales: Week 18+19, 2023 (Apr 24 - May 07)

IcaroRibeiro said:

What I don't understand is why there is no data about digital sales

Oricon has been tracking digital sales and streaming numbers for music, books, comics and home media for ages now

Because companies have to agree to share that data. Same reason why we know The exact number of switch shipments but no the number of xboxes. Nintendo share their Hardware shipments every quarter Microsoft doesn't. None of the the three share Digital sales outside of some milestone.

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Blood_Tears said:
Kakadu18 said:

Physical software sales are significantly worse on the PS5 than they were on the PS4 launch aligned. Hardware sales are what is better.

I assume that's a given considering the digital rate for Sony is much higher in 2023 than it was in 2016. 

They are multiple times worse. That is not a given.

Chicho said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

What I don't understand is why there is no data about digital sales

Oricon has been tracking digital sales and streaming numbers for music, books, comics and home media for ages now

Because companies have to agree to share that data. Same reason why we know The exact number of switch shipments but no the number of xboxes. Nintendo share their Hardware shipments every quarter Microsoft doesn't. None of the the three share Digital sales outside of some milestone.

Digital sales are counted in the UK for playstation and Xbox, so it must vary by region and I think it is more publisher related than platform. 

Pinkie_pie said:
-Adonis- said:

Just saw that PS5 is actually doing better than PS4 in Japan.

I wouldn't think so. Compared to PS4 it still doesn't have any big exclusive in Japan. Ratchet is currently the biggest exclusive on PS5 but Ratchet isn't popular in Japan 

It's not a debate, the numbers show it.

I didn't say "I think", I said "I saw".

Last edited by -Adonis- - on 19 May 2023

It used to be Globally in the US but changed a few months/years to Globally in Japan.