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Forums - General Discussion - How to Cope with Body Insecurity?

Is it your hands that are small or your fingers? i.e. square palm and short fingers? Well if you believe that these attributes play a part in personality, just means you are a practical person vs people with long fingers who are more feeling.

My hands have square palms with shorter fingers but i got a big head which isn't good when finding hats lol. Only time I think about missing out on longer fingers is when carrying something heavy and wish they were longer to get a better grip. Other than that no one has said to me your hands look weird or whatever, so I is it just you overthinking others will mock you or has it happened?



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I major thing is acceptance.

The reality is that whatever you're concerned with will be noticed and matter to some. But those "some" are simply not the people you're destined to be with/befriend. There's still a massive pool of people who you can build strong connections with, both platonic and romantic.

Insecurity is the fear, and it's nothing to fear, but just something to accept. A guy who is 5foot 5 will not have the pool of women interested in him as someone who is 6 foot. That is not something to fear, just something to accept. There other things like your confidence, openness which you can do work on which will allow you to make the most from what you've got

You just have to cope. Your body is one thing that is not easily changed, especially something like hand size and shape.

I try to go out into the world thinking my body is perfect, but of course it isn't. I am 6 foot tall, but I wanted to be taller in the past, especially since my feet are massive for my height. But I can't change that so instead I think positively and assume that my body is perfect for me.

Just assume that your hands are the perfect size for something. Like maybe your future girlfriend loves fisting or something. Maybe you need to save someone's keys stuck in a tiny grate, that your hands can fit through.

numberwang said:
Radek said:

Thank You. I will try, but after years of thinking about them I'm scared to meet with women especially. While I realize some people have things worse, such as missing limbs or being blind or deaf, I still can't get over my hands as if it's the biggest deal in the world. I think my palm size is OK lenght, but the fingers are definitely short and thin, very unusual for people of every race and gender.

Here's my hands compared to Nintendo Switch, I'm very scared to actually post it :c

They seem rather normal on pictures. However the rest of your body seems to be of the chunky variety. Remove sugar and plant oils from your diet (high calorie, low nutrients) and replace them with high proteins foods like athletes do and you will be better off long term.

Yes, I am currently obese, but I do plan on losing weight. Sadly I will have to give up sugary soda which will be the hardest for me.

I have started walking recently and I'm considering signing up for the Pool nearby.

ClassicGamingWizzz said:

Here i was thinking i had big amazing hands and they are like the same size of yours lol
There is nothing wrong with your hands dude.

You probably had a dumbfuck that joked about them one time and that stuck with you forever , it hapened to me too, its funny how these things can affect a person...

Thank You, but I'm pretty sure your hands are bigger, it's always hard to tell on pictures but in real life you would notice it in a milisecond. I don't even stare at people, but I still notice their hands size right away and it makes me sad about mine.

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Cobretti2 said:

Is it your hands that are small or your fingers? i.e. square palm and short fingers? Well if you believe that these attributes play a part in personality, just means you are a practical person vs people with long fingers who are more feeling.

My hands have square palms with shorter fingers but i got a big head which isn't good when finding hats lol. Only time I think about missing out on longer fingers is when carrying something heavy and wish they were longer to get a better grip. Other than that no one has said to me your hands look weird or whatever, so I is it just you overthinking others will mock you or has it happened?

I'm not sure, but if you look at the picture I sent you can see the palm itself is decent size but the finger lenght and width is more like children's.

I did have a lot of trouble in the past with trying to carry furniture, bigger boxes etc. because the fingers are short and the thumb is only 5,5 cm (same as short finger)

Hands are the least thing to worry about.

Height and weight will play a bigger role in terms of appearances.

BasilZero said:

Hands are the least thing to worry about.

Height and weight will play a bigger role in terms of appearances.

Even if said hands are much smaller than average? Sometimes I feel like a child when I have to reach my hand to pay for groceries.

Radek said:

Even if said hands are much smaller than average? Sometimes I feel like a child when I have to reach my hand to pay for groceries.


Some people may judge you on your hands but it'll likely be a very small amount.

The major aspects people look into when it comes to dating/marriage when it comes to appearance is height, weight and hair (on head).

Height you'll be surprised especially on how finicky people can be.

BasilZero said:
Radek said:

Even if said hands are much smaller than average? Sometimes I feel like a child when I have to reach my hand to pay for groceries.


Some people may judge you on your hands but it'll likely be a very small amount.

The major aspects people look into when it comes to dating/marriage when it comes to appearance is height, weight and hair (on head).

Height you'll be surprised especially on how finicky people can be.

I'm 5'8" but still taller than majority of women where I live, now the question is how many of them only date 6'0 guys lol.

Sadly I don't have much hair on my head anymore, just like my father before me.