Finished The Stanley Parable. Heard a lot about it so I'm glad it came to PS+ to check out. I'll say this that I am glad I had the chance to experience it.
The game comprises 2 parts: the original and the 'extra content', if that's what you want to call it.
I think the original release is pretty interesting, and I enjoyed the metacommentary on narration in games. There's not a lot to it though. But it was mildly amusing and thought-provoking. The extra content, on the other hand, didn't grab me as much. The metacommentary for it is far too on the nose, and while the game as a whole is very much an experiment in you choosing to stop whenever you want, the added content feels bloated and the humour didn't really click with me as much.
I suppose if the extra content had something particularly interesting to say, it would've been better. But what it comments on feels like a large disconnect from actual reality. Or perhaps, that's the point.
Check it out, even if only for a few run throughs (they're pretty short).
i also finished Dead Space Mobile (vita mod). Cool game and a nice mini DS experience. Would have made for a fantastic DLC for the new DS Remake (which I will get around to playing some time). Too bad it never got a native Vita release, could have been a special, albeit short game.
It's basically Dead Space, but the melee attack works in your favour a lot more. The story perspective is the most interesting part, but you don't really learn a lot about the protagonist to care aobut their story goes, unfortunately. But if you want more DS, you should def check it out.