BraLoD said:
The prices are $12 for 1 and 2 and $18 for 3 to 6.
Anyway, I get digital games mostly only in 2 scenarios:
1. It's only available digitally
2. It's quite cheap
Mostly when both of those conditions are met, physical is the vastly preffered choice for me.
I know what the prices are but if you buy the bundle of 6 - its $60 when it goes on sale like it is on Xbox right now, which makes it $10 per game since there's 6 games.

Better than buying it individually (whether now or later) which totals up to $95.

It likely wont go on sale below $60 anytime soon on consoles because of the Xbox version's release recently. The Steam bundle of 6 went down to $14 at one point back in May 2022 but its also been $60 recently, likely due to the fact that the series has been slowly re-releasing drip feed style - same thing happened with Kingdom Hearts where the complete collection was at $20 on PSN but you cant get it that cheap anymore, its typically $30 now when it goes on sale.
The pixel remaster has never went on sale physically, only digitally.

Honestly dont see a reason to buy it separately because if you like it and buy the rest even when on sale, it'll be more than the entire bundle and even the worst FF games (1 and 2) are still worth it.
I dont buy physical games anymore - the last physical game I bought was Final Fantasy XVI for PS5 over a year ago for like $40 but I'm gonna buy it digitally when it goes on sale again.
There's just no point in buying physical for me, waste of space and with gigabit internet with no data cap , downloading is so easy.
Anyways - buying the whole bundle and trying out each game is worth it - FF1 and FF2 take 10-15 hours tops, FF3 and FF4 takes 15-20 hours while FF5 and FF6 takes 20-25 hours.
I played through the entire bundle on Switch last year and gonna play the PS4 version soon. I'll play the Steam and Xbox versions later and will play the iOS versions last.