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epicurean said:
Leynos said:


So....I answered the question?

Edit: To expand, I view it as normalizing something that I think harms kids' development. Seeing it and thinking it as a viable option that I believe will cause them more pain than other options. 

Herein lies the problem. There's a whole game which flopped because people were uninterested in a new trend chasing entry in a saturated genre, felt the selection of characters was badly designed and not interested in their skillset... And this criticism is boiled down to "the characters have pronouns" (we all do in the English language, even our cats and dogs lol) and "there is a single trans character"

It's honestly an obsession derived from bigotry and bullying/hatred of a tiny minority group. To try and parade this as being concerned for the children needs a lot of self reflection... Seemingly people who take this stance of concern seem to have no actual interest in fostering a safer, accepting world where said children are actually emotionally supported. Where males and females who are non-gender conforming (sometimes for biological reasons like intersex) are comfortable expressing themselves regardless of pronouns/gender identity. That would be a true antidote if someone wanted to reduce medical transitions and make people comfortable in whatever body they were born in. I'll try not to take a negative tone because I do not believe you to necessarily be  acting in malice but the article you link to, links to the IG post of the voice actor which then reveals comments like:

"lmfao please keep DEI and ESG out of gaming. go woke go broke 😴"

"Thank you for being part of gaming history. The BIGGEST video game flop of all time almost solely because the characters were so ass"

A game which acknowledges an ultimately vulnerable spectrum of society in the most harmless/discrete form (I mean you won't even know the character is trans without researching) is not the problem. People so hell bent on villainising and harassing, self identifying LGBT individuals and making the world a more volatile place for them, are the problem. I want to throw you a bone and say as a gay man, I don't necessarily agree with every talking point that may be defaulted by the left on topics relating to gender dysmorphia/identity etc but there is no world in which good/progress is done by making them feel outcast, alien or making their existence frowned upon or reason to boycott a game. 

For example I don't necessarily feel comfortable with the idea of children taking puberty blockers, but I'm also not a Doctor/Psychologist dealing with children who are questioning their gender identity.  At most, my feelings should translate into me amplifying the voices of medical professionals who deal with this, in relation to what their expertise tells them. Not me randomly hating on trans voice actors or Sony for acknowledging and hiring people from this typically under cast/employed minority.