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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What console has the best startup sequence?

Probably nostalgia speaking but the PS1's is still my favourite.

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PS2 always.

KratosLives said:

I'm digging the xbox series intro. It gives me the dolby intro vibes, especially when the volume is up loud.

Ooh, just saw it! Very nice!

I also like PS1 and OG Xbox but these three are my favorite.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

One that doesn’t have one. Just click, on and go. That’s the best.

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Was about to say ps1 but then i saw the gamecube one, that is the best.


PS1 is iconic. Gamecube one is cool.

OG Xbox, hands down the most epic.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--


I like the PS2 one as well. But it also gives me PTSD because of this.

PS1 and there is no contest.
I really love the very simple one from GBA too.