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TallSilhouette said:
SvennoJ said:

Critical thinking is the most important thing to teach in schools and I wonder if it is being taught at all in the USA.

I grew up in a relatively good school system and even for me Critical Thinking was a college level course. It along with Media and Financial Literacy should be mandatory K-12 curriculum.

It's not just a course that needs to be taught, at least I never had a specific class about critical thinking.

It was part of everything, language, geography, science, history, politics, even religion. I went to a catholic school where they also taught about Islam and other religions (in a positive way). I had a school project on finding similarities between religious teachings, next to teaching about all the rifts and schisms. Everything taught in school was never simply presented as fact, understanding how theories and conclusions were reached / agreed upon was always the underlying focus.

And media was a big part of it as well, finding opposing views in the media was the main focus of social sciences. How are events portrayed in the media, find the bias. (Economics was also mandatory, mostly about book keeping) I was in high school during the Gulf war. While the world had all its attention on that, my political science teacher was having us look into the fall of the Soviet Union, developing at the same time, when, what, why, what next.

It wasn't perfect by a long shot, a lot of white washing and cherry picking in history for example, but the school at least taught me (how) to think for myself.

Around the Network

Tom Cotton might legitimately be the US's worst senator at this point, worse than Rand Paul. He also gets extra hate points for having such a punchable-looking face.






Republicans: We won't pass Ukraine aid until you give us a border deal.
Democrats: Okay, here's a bill to pass Ukraine aid with a border deal in it.
Republicans: We reject the deal!

Fucking Cult.

Ryuu96 said:

Republicans: We won't pass Ukraine aid until you give us a border deal.
Democrats: Okay, here's a bill to pass Ukraine aid with a border deal in it.
Republicans: We reject the deal!

******* Cult.

This is what is inside the deal President Biden proposed.

Border Deal

  • $60.1 Billion in Military Assistance for Ukraine
  • $14.1 Billion in Security Assistance for Israel
  • $10 Billion in Humanitarian Aid for civilians of global crises, which include Palestinians and Ukrainians
  • $20 Billion in Border Investments which include the following
    • Customs and Border Protection will receive $7 Billion
    • $723 million of that will hire new Border Patrol agents and OT
  • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services receives $4 Billion
  • Expanding the capacity of detention facilities by $3 Billion
  • Increasing screenings for fentanyl and other illicit drugs
    • DEA will receive $23 million to disrupt and disband fentanyl Mexican cartels in the southern border
    • State Department and USAID will receive $25 million for programs aimed at curbing the flow of drugs into the U.S.
  • Immigration and Customs Enforcement receives $8 Billion in emergency funding

Border Closure Trigger

  • Closes the border when +8,500 immigrants cross per day, or +5,000 immigrants cross per week
  • Unaccompanied minors from countries other than Mexico and Canada do not count towards that 5,000 or 8,500 total
  • Border may open once illegal crossing drop 75% from the initial closure trigger amount.
  • Additional Presidential Power to close the border if immigration reaches +4,000 people per day over a course of a week
  • During the closure, anyone crossing the U.S.-Mexico border will be quickly deported, with exceptions of unaccompanied minors and people who meet the requirements of the United Nations Convention Against Torture rules.


  • Asylum seekers must show greater proof of refuge
  • Approved asylum seekers will receive a lawyer if facing rapid deportation
  • All unaccompanied minors under 14 years of age are granted lawyers during removal proceedings
  • Asylum Seekers may enter the legal ports of entry during the border closures. And officials would have to process at least 1,400 asylum seekers per day
  • States and Local governments will receive $1.4 Billion to handle the influx of immigration
  • Afghans entering will be given permanent residency and receive special immigrant visas
  • U.S. allied Afghans will be deemed as refugees and are entitled to special State Department protections or immediate removal from Afghanistan
  • All Afghans with immediate relatives who served in the U.S. military or are currently serving are given special immigrant status
  • 2,500 special immigrant visas will be offered a year, for a total of 10,000.
  • 250,000 new visas over 5 years for people seeking to join family members or work in the U.S.
  • Any immigrant seeking asylum is eligible to work
  • Work Authorized to the children and spouses of people with H-1B visas in specialized jobs that require a bachelor’s degree (tech and engineering jobs)
  • Any immigrant is eligible for work if they have a U.S. citizen spouse/fiancé, or if their parent is the spouse/fiancé of a U.S. citizen


  • Continue construction of the wall that President Trump was building during his presidency

-New pathway for citizenship for children who accompanied their parents, who have valid work visa, and who could potentially lose their place in line for a green card at 21 years of age.

-Additional Presidential Power to hire more Border Portal agents and create yearly training requirements for non-lethal force, protecting due process and preserving civil and human rights

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

Already posted in another thread but the Federal Appeals Court ruled that Trump isn't a God with absolute immunity to commit crimes and get away with it.

Around the Network

The immigration bill seems remarkably conservative given the position the Dems were in just a couple years ago. If Trump gets elected to office, the chance of them voting for a near identical bill drops precipitously imo.

Personally, I don't know how I feel about it. Some bits of it I support, but a lot of other bits seem to go too far. Given the scope of the problem, I don't believe this is the solution, but I can't say for sure whether or not it is better than nothing.

sundin13 said:

The immigration bill seems remarkably conservative given the position the Dems were in just a couple years ago. If Trump gets elected to office, the chance of them voting for a near identical bill drops precipitously imo.

Personally, I don't know how I feel about it. Some bits of it I support, but a lot of other bits seem to go too far. Given the scope of the problem, I don't believe this is the solution, but I can't say for sure whether or not it is better than nothing.

Maybe that is the point.  Make this bill the love letter the GOP has always talked about they wanted but never actually did anything to do it so that when it times to campaign and they nix it, its something the Dems and Biden can use to show that the GOP is all talk but really no action.

Shtinamin_ said:

This is what is inside the deal President Biden proposed.

Border Deal

  • $60.1 Billion in Military Assistance for Ukraine
  • $14.1 Billion in Security Assistance for Israel
  • $10 Billion in Humanitarian Aid for civilians of global crises, which include Palestinians and Ukrainians
  • $20 Billion in Border Investments which include the following
    • Customs and Border Protection will receive $7 Billion
    • $723 million of that will hire new Border Patrol agents and OT
  • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services receives $4 Billion
  • Expanding the capacity of detention facilities by $3 Billion
  • Increasing screenings for fentanyl and other illicit drugs
    • DEA will receive $23 million to disrupt and disband fentanyl Mexican cartels in the southern border
    • State Department and USAID will receive $25 million for programs aimed at curbing the flow of drugs into the U.S.
  • Immigration and Customs Enforcement receives $8 Billion in emergency funding

Border Closure Trigger

  • Closes the border when +8,500 immigrants cross per day, or +5,000 immigrants cross per week
  • Unaccompanied minors from countries other than Mexico and Canada do not count towards that 5,000 or 8,500 total
  • Border may open once illegal crossing drop 75% from the initial closure trigger amount.
  • Additional Presidential Power to close the border if immigration reaches +4,000 people per day over a course of a week
  • During the closure, anyone crossing the U.S.-Mexico border will be quickly deported, with exceptions of unaccompanied minors and people who meet the requirements of the United Nations Convention Against Torture rules.


  • Asylum seekers must show greater proof of refuge
  • Approved asylum seekers will receive a lawyer if facing rapid deportation
  • All unaccompanied minors under 14 years of age are granted lawyers during removal proceedings
  • Asylum Seekers may enter the legal ports of entry during the border closures. And officials would have to process at least 1,400 asylum seekers per day
  • States and Local governments will receive $1.4 Billion to handle the influx of immigration
  • Afghans entering will be given permanent residency and receive special immigrant visas
  • U.S. allied Afghans will be deemed as refugees and are entitled to special State Department protections or immediate removal from Afghanistan
  • All Afghans with immediate relatives who served in the U.S. military or are currently serving are given special immigrant status
  • 2,500 special immigrant visas will be offered a year, for a total of 10,000.
  • 250,000 new visas over 5 years for people seeking to join family members or work in the U.S.
  • Any immigrant seeking asylum is eligible to work
  • Work Authorized to the children and spouses of people with H-1B visas in specialized jobs that require a bachelor’s degree (tech and engineering jobs)
  • Any immigrant is eligible for work if they have a U.S. citizen spouse/fiancé, or if their parent is the spouse/fiancé of a U.S. citizen


  • Continue construction of the wall that President Trump was building during his presidency

-New pathway for citizenship for children who accompanied their parents, who have valid work visa, and who could potentially lose their place in line for a green card at 21 years of age.

-Additional Presidential Power to hire more Border Portal agents and create yearly training requirements for non-lethal force, protecting due process and preserving civil and human rights

14.1 billion to Israel while committing suicide. Amazing. 

5k crossings x 52 weeks = 260,000, with chain immigration policies being this lax, it's not a fix. Lots of loopholes for asylum seekers as well, immediately eligible to work?  meh, the west is funding destruction so I can't say I care enough about this issue now or ever seeing what we're doing to Gaza. 

Republicans are a joke for sure, they didn't manage anything close to this when Trump was the man in power and they will not get anything as "good" as this if he's back. 

Well-played by the dems though, pretending their hand is forced into implementing more sensible stance on immigration including wall-building and exposing republicans' true love for deregulating everything including immigration. 

Good to see the impeachment farce against Biden and his administration is only spinning its wheels - at least so far.

Also nice to see that someone can actually get under the skin of an utterly shameless psychopath like Greene.

Lol. Lmao. House GOP can't govern. Johnson somehow is a bigger clown than McCarthy.

Can't pass their own impeachment inquiry, can't pass their own Israel bill.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 07 February 2024