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Trump Banned from the Colorado Ballot

"A divided Colorado Supreme Court on Tuesday declared former President Donald Trump ineligible for the White House under the U.S. Constitution’s insurrection clause and removed him from the state’s presidential primary ballot, setting up a likely showdown in the nation’s highest court to decide whether the front-runner for the GOP nomination can remain in the race."

As right leaning as today's SCOTUS is, I wonder if they're willing to prop up a dictator who could threaten their own power if he returns to office. Could set a bad precedent for Trump if they rule against him.

Around the Network

Groundhog day continues

UN Security Council again delays vote on Gaza resolution

The vote on this resolution, which is drafted by the United Arab Emirates, had already been delayed multiple times amid disagreement on text that could gain a “yes” vote from the United States, or at least an abstention, which would allow the measure to pass.

A diplomatic source tells CNN that key issues with the draft that remain in negotiation are the "cessation of hostilities" language and the call for the UN to "establish a monitoring mechanism in the Gaza Strip with the necessary personnel and equipment, under the authority of the United Nations Secretary-General."

Conflict between Israel and Hamas "needs to move to a lower intensity phase," top US diplomat says

The conflict between Israel and Hamas “needs to move to a lower intensity phase,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday.

“We expect to see, and want to see, a shift to more targeted operations, with a smaller number of forces, that's really focused in on dealing with the leadership of Hamas, the tunnel network, and a few other critical things,” Blinken said. “And as that happens, I think you'll see as well the harm done to civilians will also decrease significantly.”

Blinken’s comments echo what Biden administration officials have told Israel privately, CNN previously reported, which is that the US wants Israel to shift to a lower-intensity phase of the war in the next several weeks.

Biden says US pushing for Israel-Hamas deal on hostages and pause in fighting, but tempers expectations

President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that the US is pushing for Israel and Hamas to reach a deal that would include a pause in fighting and the release of hostages.

“We’re pushing it. There’s no expectation at this point, but we are pushing,” he told reporters as he arrived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

Earlier, CNN reported that a general framework had emerged in talks that would entail hostages being released in phases in exchange for a cessation in fighting.

Sources stressed, however, that a deal was not imminent.

I guess the new thing is Israel more openly targeting / blaming UNWRA

Israel will oppose new budget for UN relief agency working in Gaza, foreign ministry says

Israel will oppose bringing forward the annual budget for the United Nations agency that carries out humanitarian work in Gaza, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

The Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen has instructed the Israeli delegation to the UN “to oppose bringing forward the annual budget of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees,” according to the foreign ministry.

Cohen said bringing forward the budget from 2025 to 2024 would be precedent-setting and dangerous, “especially in light of the evidence of Hamas using the organization's facilities as terrorist infrastructure.”

Cohen said that "UNRWA is part of the problem, not part of the solution. The countries of the world must put an end to UNRWA's perpetuation of the conflict, and (its) turning a blind eye for years to incitement to terrorism and Hamas' cynical use of agency facilities and Gaza residents as human shields."

Gaza death toll rises to 20,000: Government Media Office

That includes 8,000 children and 6,200 women, the Gaza Government Media Office says.

All in the name of self defense

SvennoJ said:

Israel has gone into full denial over the church attack as well as about the accusations of using hunger as a weapon of war

Human Rights Watch accuses Israel of using starvation as a "weapon of war" in Gaza. Israel calls it a lie

Human Rights Watch’s Israel and Palestine director, Omar Shakir, told CNN that Israeli authorities "have for months been deliberately depriving Gaza’s population of food and water, willfully impeding humanitarian assistance, intentionally destroying objects indispensable to survival, including bakeries, grain mills and water and sanitation facilities, and apparently razing agricultural areas." 

The report is based on interviews with 11 displaced Palestinians in Gaza, public statements by members of the Israeli government and statements by organizations including the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, World Food Programme, Oxfam and the Norwegian Refugee Council. 

"Statements from high-level Israeli officials show that this is a deliberate policy to starve civilians as a weapon of war," Shakir said.

The Human Rights Watch report notes that "high-ranking Israeli officials, including Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, and Energy Minister Israel Katz have made public statements expressing their aim to deprive civilians in Gaza of food, water and fuel" and that this "policy" is "being carried out by Israeli forces." 

Other Israeli officials have publicly stated that humanitarian aid to Gaza "would be conditioned either on the release of hostages unlawfully held by Hamas or Hamas’ destruction," Human Rights Watch added. 

"That is an abhorrent war crime, compounding its collective punishment of Palestinian civilians and blocking of humanitarian aid, which are also war crimes," Shakir told CNN. "World leaders should speak out and take urgent action to prevent further atrocities—the lives of hundreds of thousands hang in the balance.”

Israel calls it straight up lies

Israeli government spokesperson Eylon Levy forcefully dismissed the watchdog's claims on Monday, saying Hamas was to blame for any shortages in Gaza. 

"This is a lie,” he said in response to a social media post from Shakir on X. “Israel has excess capacity to inspect more than twice as many aid trucks as are entering Gaza. We’re still pumping water into Gaza through two pipelines and have placed no restrictions on entry of food and water," Levy said. "Direct your anger to Hamas, which hijacks aid.” 

More lies. You know when Israel's government is lying when they use the English language...

Gaza water system ‘completely collapsed’

The lack of water or sanitation could soon become equally “dangerous” as the ongoing Israeli bombardment of Gaza, according to a member of Doctors without Borders, known by its French initials MSF.

“The water system isn’t working anymore – it has completely collapsed,” Ricardo Martinez, who spent four weeks in Gaza during the war, said in an interview posted on the aid group’s website.

“People are being pushed to the limit, having to fight for their survival. At most, people have one litre of water per day – that’s for drinking, washing and cooking,” added Martinez, a logistics coordinator for MSF.

EU parliamentarian slams Israeli delays at Rafah border crossing

A member of the European Parliament says he has “no doubt” that Israel is deliberately frustrating international humanitarian efforts to get aid into Gaza. Speaking after a parliamentary visit to the Egyptian side of the Rafah border crossing, Barry Andrews, the MEP for Dublin, said there were hundreds of trucks parked outside the crossing “as far as the eye can see”.

However, the vehicles were all being held up because anything going inside Gaza must be approved by Israel, which has listed thousands of items as being banned for “dual use”, meaning they can be used for both civilian and military purposes. “Humanitarian access is a basic requirement for any conflict,” Andrews posted on X. “There would be more truck movements at a busy supermarket in Ireland and yet, behind the gates at Rafah, 2.3 million people are suffering for want of food, water, medicine & fuel.”

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin "drilling down" in Israel

In his meeting with Israeli officials, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said he discussed pathways “toward a future for Gaza after Hamas,” the protection of civilians in Gaza and the need “to take urgent action to stabilize the West Bank.”

“Attacks by extremist settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank must stop,” Austin said at a joint news conference with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. “And those committing the violence must be held accountable.”

t would compound this tragedy if all that was waiting for the Israeli people and your Palestinian neighbors at the end of this awful war was more insecurity, fury, and despair,” he added. “As I have said, Israelis and Palestinians have both paid too bitter a price to just go back to October 6.”

Again not addressing the elephant in the room, the current situation, playing into Israel's distraction tactics

Aljahzeera's take:

‘Nothing new’ from Austin or Gallant

Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst Marwan Bishara says that the press conference from the US and Israeli defence chiefs was “more than half an hour of propaganda”. Bishara says he can distil the content of the conference down into “four Ds” – demonisation, dehumanisation, double standard and debacle.

“There’s a continuous demonisation of Hamas. They don’t even stop and think about why Hamas was able to withstand the incredible bombing, how they were able to resist the Israeli troops … Only that Hamas is there to kill Jews and destroy the Jewish state,” he said.

Moving on, Bishara addressed the dehumanisation of the Palestinians by the US and Israel. “Why is the secretary of defence of the United States incapable of expressing anything about what happened to the Palestinians?” he asked, leading him to discuss the “double standard” applied to by the US.

“When Secretary Austin talks about Ukraine, he talks non-stop about why collective punishment is a war crime, why the destruction of residential buildings in Kharkiv is a war crime. “But the destruction of residential buildings in Gaza? Nothing.”

Finally, Bishara discussed what he describes as the “debacle” of Israel’s military operations in Gaza. “There is no articulation that Israel could not achieve its objective despite the incredible suffering, that it still has months to go.”

Hamas' take (hosted their own press conference)

Hamas: ‘What American war experience are you sharing with Israel?’

Osama Hamdan, a senior Hamas official, is holding a news conference shortly after one given by the Israeli and American defence chiefs.

He played a video showing Hamas fighters targeting Israeli troops behind a tank with a rocket-propelled grenade. It also showed disabled Israeli military bulldozers being towed away through Gaza. “These are the invaders the sands of Gaza will swallow,” Hamdan told reporters in Beirut.

“We are asking what experience the American secretary of defence is sharing with Israel. Are we talking about the victories in Vietnam? Or their victory in Afghanistan after 20 years? The only experience to be shared is killing women and children, and destroying hospitals, houses and schools.”

This war isn't going anywhere

More distraction from Israel

Israel will gradually transition to the next phase of the war and expects displaced Palestinians from northern Gaza to return to their homes before those from the south, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on Monday.   

“Soon we will be able to distinguish between different areas in Gaza. … In every area where we achieve our mission, we will be able to transition gradually to the next phase and start working on bringing back the local population. This can be achieved maybe sooner in the north rather than in the south,” the minister said.  

His comments come as the United States continues to put pressure on Israel to transition to a more targeted campaign in Gaza to reduce civilian casualties. 

Return to what homes??? There's hardly anything left standing in Northern Gaza

Kirby's take on the hostage killings

“The IDF (Israel Defense Forces) admitted that they made a mistake very, very soon after. They made a mistake and I have no doubt that they will do the forensics on this to learn what happened and how to avoid it happening again,” National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said, calling it a “traumatic event.”

The IDF, he said broadly, will need to assess how the situation was handled and whether it will require adjustments to rules of engagement.

“Sometimes an event like this, a tactical event, does require you to take a look at your rules of engagement and maybe make adjustments, sometimes not. Sometimes the issue isn't the rules of engagement, sometimes it's just the way they're enforced or the interpretation by a unit on the ground or by an individual soldier,” Kirby said. 

Forensics on this specific incident will determine whether this is the result of a systemic issue, an individual issue or a “misunderstanding, miscalculation, fog of war," he said.

He cautioned the United States should “be careful at this early stage … to point the fingers at the exact rules of engagement.”

Well at least he finds something traumatic, but lets put the blame on the individual soldiers that actively chased and executed the 3rd shirtless fleeing hostage waving a white flag after already killing the first two. As response Israel put up a Sesame Street level video to explain to its soldiers it's not OK to shoot unarmed surrendering civilians.

That could easily be a sketch on SNL.

The rules of engagement have already been exposed months ago, ok to sacrifice up to 100 civilians for one suspected Hamas member presence. Hannibal directive and from countless evidence: shoot anything that moves.

Gaza grandfather describes Israeli soldiers killing his family

When Israeli soldiers entered a Gaza school where Yousef Khalil was sleeping near his family, they began shooting indiscriminately, killing nine people, including children, he says, pointing to bullet-pocked, bloodstained walls.

His account to the Reuters news agency, which Israel’s military said it is looking into, comes after the killing of three Israeli captives in Gaza raised new questions about Israel’s rules of engagement.

Khalil says he sheltered with his family in early December in the Shadia Abu Ghazala school in the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza. “They are my children and grandchildren. Why did they shoot them in front of my eyes?”

Reporter who told story on dead babies shot by suspected Israeli sniper

A journalist who reported on decomposing bodies of babies abandoned in a Gaza hospital says he believes he was shot by an Israeli sniper.

Mohammed Balousha – who was wearing a helmet and press badge – told the Washington Post he was filming near his home in Jabalia, in northern Gaza, when he was shot in the leg. Israeli’s military didn’t respond to the Post’s request for comment.

Working for the UAE-owned Al Mashhad channel, Balousha reported last month on the decomposed bodies of four babies left behind at the Nasser Hospital after Israeli troops forced medical staff to evacuate.

Some more pressure back in the US

On Twitter

US legislators to Biden: Israel must 'shift tactics'

A number of Democratic lawmakers who served in the military and in the CIA say Israel’s tactics in the Gaza Strip are endangering efforts to defeat Hamas militants and called on President Joe Biden to use “all our leverage” to secure an immediate shift in Israel’s approach.

In a letter sent Monday to Biden, the House lawmakers said they were “deeply concerned” by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s current military strategy in Gaza.

“The mounting civilian death toll and humanitarian crisis are unacceptable and not in line with American interests; nor do they advance the cause of security for our ally, Israel,” the group wrote. “We also believe it jeopardizes efforts to destroy the terrorist organization Hamas and secure the release of all hostages,” the letter said.

As the death toll keeps mounting and will soon surpass 20,000 (minus the 8,000 missing, likely trapped under ruble)

At least 19,453 people, including 7,729 children, have been killed in Israeli attacks since the start of the war, according to new figures from the Health Ministry in Gaza. The number of people wounded also rose to 52,286, including 8,663 children, the ministry added.

UN Security Council draft resolution stuck on phrase ‘cessation of hostilities’

Some of the Security Council members – behind the scenes – are doing closed-door negotiations at this very hour to try to come up with a different draft or wording that would be acceptable to the United States.

The key sticking point, we believe, is this ‘cessation of hostilities’ [phrase]. The United States and Israel say that any resolution that has those words in it is akin to a ceasefire. And they say that would only benefit Hamas, and so the US would reserve its veto power as it has done in the past.

That is what we really think are the sticking points.

It should also be noted, though, that … this resolution calls for the UN to monitor all of the aid distribution in Gaza, as well. That’s something that’s new.

‘Greater risk of escalation’ with US-led coalition deployed to Red Sea

Marco Forgione, from the Institute of Export and International Trade, says major shipping companies – in at least the medium term – are looking for other routes through the Red Sea after the spate of Houthi attacks from Yemen, a serious threat to the global economy.

He also questioned the US-led initiative to establish a multi-national military operation to safeguard commerce. “The reality is I have great concerns that if you militarize in this environment, there is an even greater risk of escalation. What we need to do is try and reach a situation of calm discussion that allows for a peaceful resolution to what’s happening here,” he told Al Jazeera. “I think we need to understand the role China can play here. They have a large naval base in Djibouti on one side of the Bab al-Mandeb Strait, and they are reliant to a great degree on oil transiting through those straits on the way to China. So there are other actors that need to be involved.”

Lebanon-Israel border in ‘dangerous’ situation: UN

Lebanon’s border with Israel is “dangerous” with ongoing exchanges of fire between Hezbollah and Israel, the head of the UN peacekeeping force there warns. “The situation now, as everybody knows – it is tense. It is difficult, it is dangerous,” said Aroldo Lazaro, the head of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon. “We are trying to continue with our liaison and coordination role … in order to avoid miscalculations, misinterpretations that could be another trigger for escalation,” Lazaro told journalists.

More than 130 people have been killed in hostilities on the Lebanese side. On the Israeli side, four civilians and seven soldiers have been killed.

(Formatting isn't working properly on this site, very different view in edit and on page while trying to clean it up, sorry for the mess...)

There is still an italic/em tag open here somewhere...

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 20 December 2023

Bofferbrauer2 said:

There is still an italic/em tag open here somewhere...

Yeah the whole page turned italic, fixed on a new page :/
I couldn't find where. Could be one of the inserts from quoting CNN. Anyway quoting that post didn't break this page.

Ah your quote revealed it. It was the sentence starting

“[ I ] t would

The brackets with I were interpreted as italic, turning the sentence in "t would
Did'nt happen on the source page though (CNN), also no idea why they put the [ ]  there.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 20 December 2023

The Biden administration is finalizing plans to urge Switzerland to reject a request from Palestine and its supporters to hold a conference on violations of the Geneva Conventions.

As bloodshed continues in Gaza, State Department officials are quietly working to stymie an attempt to spur global pressure to end the fighting there.

U.S. diplomats are finalizing a démarche ― a diplomatic initiative ― to their Swiss counterparts that Washington hopes will scuttle plans for a meeting to discuss violations of the Geneva Conventions in the current war between Israel and Hamas, the Gaza-based militant group, according to State Department documents seen by HuffPost.

The revelation comes as the U.S. is simultaneously slow-rolling the most high-profile international attempt to ease suffering in Gaza: a United Nations Security Council resolution that would drastically increase the flow of humanitarian aid into the besieged strip.


Palestinian diplomats and a significant group of U.N. member states, including some European nations allied with the U.S., are preparing a call for Switzerland to launch such a conference focused on the fighting on Israel-Palestine that would cover Geneva Conventions violations by all parties, according to the State Department documents and a person familiar with the Palestinian effort.

Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the International Commission of Jurists are supporting the call for an urgent conference.

Such conferences have previously been held in 1999, 2001 and 2014, all of them focused on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The Biden administration wants to ensure 2024 does not see a similar event.

Biden, how low can you go.

Around the Network

As expected, the ongoing genocide is only strengthening Hamas,

US intelligence analysis warns Hamas’ influence has grown since its attack on Israel

A flurry of new analysis by US intelligence agencies has warned that Hamas’ credibility and influence has grown dramatically in the two months since the October 7 terror attack and the onset of Israel’s military response in the Middle East and beyond.

As Israel’s relentless air campaign has killed thousands of civilians inside Gaza, Hamas – which is designated as a terrorist group by the United States and Europe – has been able to cast itself as the lone armed group fighting back against a brutal oppressor killing women and children. 

Officials familiar with the different assessments say the group has successfully positioned itself across some parts of the Arab and Muslim world as a defender of the Palestinian cause and an effective fighter against Israel.

Hamas’ growing influence comes in the wake of its ghastly October attack on Israel that killed about 1,200 men, women and children. The US has staunchly defended Israel’s right to defend itself in the wake of the attack, including its campaign to eliminate Hamas entirely.

From Hamas’ perspective, the October 7 attack on southern Israel was a stunning operational success.

Meanwhile, Hamas propaganda videos casting the group as highly moral fighters who follow the teachings of Islam – despite the horrific details of the October 7 attack and the descriptions of sexual violence against Israeli women reported by eyewitnesses from that day – coupled with a flood of devastating images of civilian suffering inside Gaza, have gone viral on Arab social media.

Survey: With no political solution in sight to end siege, Palestinians support Hamas decision to fight Israel

The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR) has just published the findings of its latest survey into Palestinian attitudes.

Seven hundred and fifty adults were interviewed face to face in the West Bank, and 481 were interviewed in Gaza, also in person. The Gaza data collection was done during the recent truce, when it was safer for researchers to move about.

The survey has a four-point margin of error (rather than the usual three-point).

It found that almost three-quarters (72%) of all respondents believe Hamas’s decision to launch its attack on Israel on October 7 was “correct.” Less than a quarter (22%) said it was “incorrect.”

“Palestinians believe that diplomacy and negotiations are not an option available to them, that only violence and armed struggle is the means to end the siege and blockade over Gaza, and in general to end the Israeli occupation,” Shikaki said.
But that doesn’t mean support for atrocities, he adds. “No one should see this as support for any atrocities that might have been committed by Hamas on that day.”

This important distinction is teased out by three of the poll’s data points. Almost 80% of respondents told PCPSR researchers that killing women and children in their homes is a war crime.

An even higher number (85%) of respondents said they had not watched videos shown by international news outlets of acts committed by Hamas on October 7 – a figure which may hint at why only 10% of those surveyed said they believed Hamas had committed war crimes that day.

Polling in a war zone comes with difficulties even in the lulls. Interviewing people in the center and south of the enclave was relatively straightforward as most were still at home, but surveying people from the north of Gaza was partially compromised because so many had been displaced to shelters.

It's a deadlock since Hamas will not negotiate until Israel stops and Israel won't stop until... nobody knows.

Hamas rebuffs prisoner swap talks prospect: Hamas said in a statement Thursday that Palestinian factions will not agree to any talks about prisoner swaps until after Israel ends its military operation in Gaza. “There is a Palestinian national decision that there should be no talks about prisoners or exchange deals except after a full cessation of aggression,” Hamas said in a statement Thursday, claiming to speak on behalf of all Palestinians. This comes after Israel had proposed a fresh pause in fighting in exchange for Hamas releasing hostages that are still held captive in Gaza.

The aftermath will last for generations

‘Indiscriminate bombardment renders Gaza unliveable with generational costs’

Jan Egeland, the secretary-general of the Norwegian Refugee Council, has warned Israel and the US that “the indiscriminate bombardment renders Gaza unliveable with generational costs, bottom-less suffering for Palestinians and insecurity for the whole region, including Israel”.

In a series of posts on X, the head of the humanitarian organisation said about 70 percent of homes in Gaza have been damaged or destroyed as the death toll from aerial, land and sea bombardment has reached 20,000.

“As humanitarians we will do all we can to provide urgent aid and keep people alive. But we cannot clear the shattered remains of whole cities, raise infrastructure from rubble, or construct multi-story buildings,” Egeland said.

“When the dust finally settles, Israel & U.S./Western nations providing the arms must meet the responsibility for the chaos and destruction caused by the disproportionate bombardment,” he added.

Blinken's 'solution' to end the war

Blinken calls out other countries for not demanding Hamas surrender and "stop hiding behind civilians"

Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday called out other countries for not demanding Hamas surrender.

“What is striking to me is that even as, again, we hear many countries urging the end to this conflict, which we would all like to see, I hear virtually no one saying – demanding of Hamas that it stop hiding behind civilians, that it lay down its arms, that it surrender. This is over tomorrow if Hamas does that. This would have been over a month ago, six weeks ago, if Hamas had done that,” Blinken said during a press briefing at the State Department Wednesday.

“How can it be that there are no demands made of the aggressor and only demands made of the victim,” Blinken went on to say.

The strong comments from Blinken come as the United Nations Security Council continues to negotiate a resolution calling for a suspension in fighting and encouraging more humanitarian aid into the beleaguered Gaza Strip, and as the United States’ support for the resolution remains unresolved.

Why don't you tell that to the Ukrainians... Just surrender to Russia and the war will be over. Go back to (continue) living under oppression is Blinken's solution. Plus it's basically the choice of getting shot while surrendering or tortured in military prison while your family (if any left) keeps on living under oppression and apartheid. Without an alternative, people will fight to the death. People with nothing left to lose are the most dangerous, and the US and Israel are creating more and more people with nothing left to lose.

I think what makes this genocide so bad is are tax dollars are going to bombs killing woman and children.

I think it does not matter anymore I just cannot worry about it meow.


As the UNSC vote on, what has now been downgraded to, 'a suspension of hostilities' has again been postponed, people really can't wait any longer

This latest food security analysis for Gaza, which includes data from the World Food Programme (WFP), other UN agencies and non-governmental organizations, confirmed that the entire population of Gaza – roughly 2.2 million people – are in crisis or worse levels of acute food insecurity. The IPC report further highlighted that 26 percent of Gazans (576,600 people) have exhausted their food supplies and coping capacities and face catastrophic hunger (IPC Phase 5) and starvation.

“WFP has warned of this coming catastrophe for weeks. Tragically, without the safe, consistent access we have been calling for, the situation is desperate, and no one in Gaza is safe from starvation.” said WFP’s Executive Director Cindy McCain.

According to the IPC, there is a risk of famine occurring within the next six months if the current situation of intense conflict and restricted humanitarian access persists. From earlier assessments, WFP food security experts had already established that Gazans have used up all their resources, livelihoods have collapsed, bakeries are destroyed, shops are empty, and families can’t find food. People told WFP staff that they often go entire days without eating and that many adults go hungry so that children can eat. 

“These are not just numbers – there are individual children, women and men behind these alarming statistics,” said WFP Chief Economist Arif Husain. “The complexity, magnitude and speed that this crisis has unfolded is unprecedented.”

Even with the weaker resolution passed I don't see how Israel nor Hamas will suspend fighting. Israel only wants to stop for another 40 hostage exchange deal and Hamas doesn't want to release anymore hostages until Israel withdraws from Gaza.

Thomas-Greenfield spoke after a closed-door meeting in which the UNSC again delayed a vote on the resolution, which calls for a suspension of fighting between Israel and Hamas and an increase in humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. 

Thomas-Greenfield didn't share how she will vote on the measure, but said “it will be a resolution – if the resolution is put forward as is – that we can support.”

The resolution will bring humanitarian assistance and support “the priority that Egypt has in ensuring that we put a mechanism on the ground that will support humanitarian assistance,” Thomas-Greenfield added.

The Rafah crossing from Egypt has been the bottleneck since the start, dunno if this will improve anything.

Congratulations Netanyahu and Biden, you left your mark on Earth.

‘Gaza is now a different colour from space’: Wartime mapping expert

Corey Scher, a mapping expert at the CUNY Graduate Center, made the dire remark after analysing data from the Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellite alongside Oregon State University’s Jamon Van Den Hoek, the Associated Press news agency reports.

They found that over two-thirds of all structures in northern Gaza have been destroyed since the war began, while in the southern Khan Younis area, a quarter of all buildings have been destroyed in that same period.

“Gaza is now a different colour from space,” Scher told AP. “It’s a different texture.”

Ami Ayalon head of the Shin Bet, Israel's secret service calls israel current government extremists with the same thought process as isis. This is what America is backing.