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Groundhog day continues

UN Security Council again delays vote on Gaza resolution

The vote on this resolution, which is drafted by the United Arab Emirates, had already been delayed multiple times amid disagreement on text that could gain a “yes” vote from the United States, or at least an abstention, which would allow the measure to pass.

A diplomatic source tells CNN that key issues with the draft that remain in negotiation are the "cessation of hostilities" language and the call for the UN to "establish a monitoring mechanism in the Gaza Strip with the necessary personnel and equipment, under the authority of the United Nations Secretary-General."

Conflict between Israel and Hamas "needs to move to a lower intensity phase," top US diplomat says

The conflict between Israel and Hamas “needs to move to a lower intensity phase,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday.

“We expect to see, and want to see, a shift to more targeted operations, with a smaller number of forces, that's really focused in on dealing with the leadership of Hamas, the tunnel network, and a few other critical things,” Blinken said. “And as that happens, I think you'll see as well the harm done to civilians will also decrease significantly.”

Blinken’s comments echo what Biden administration officials have told Israel privately, CNN previously reported, which is that the US wants Israel to shift to a lower-intensity phase of the war in the next several weeks.

Biden says US pushing for Israel-Hamas deal on hostages and pause in fighting, but tempers expectations

President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that the US is pushing for Israel and Hamas to reach a deal that would include a pause in fighting and the release of hostages.

“We’re pushing it. There’s no expectation at this point, but we are pushing,” he told reporters as he arrived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

Earlier, CNN reported that a general framework had emerged in talks that would entail hostages being released in phases in exchange for a cessation in fighting.

Sources stressed, however, that a deal was not imminent.

I guess the new thing is Israel more openly targeting / blaming UNWRA

Israel will oppose new budget for UN relief agency working in Gaza, foreign ministry says

Israel will oppose bringing forward the annual budget for the United Nations agency that carries out humanitarian work in Gaza, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

The Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen has instructed the Israeli delegation to the UN “to oppose bringing forward the annual budget of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees,” according to the foreign ministry.

Cohen said bringing forward the budget from 2025 to 2024 would be precedent-setting and dangerous, “especially in light of the evidence of Hamas using the organization's facilities as terrorist infrastructure.”

Cohen said that "UNRWA is part of the problem, not part of the solution. The countries of the world must put an end to UNRWA's perpetuation of the conflict, and (its) turning a blind eye for years to incitement to terrorism and Hamas' cynical use of agency facilities and Gaza residents as human shields."

Gaza death toll rises to 20,000: Government Media Office

That includes 8,000 children and 6,200 women, the Gaza Government Media Office says.

All in the name of self defense