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KLAMarine said:
Shadow1980 said:

Behold "The Party of Law & Order," everyone:

Such respect for the law. Such orderly behavior. 🙄

Here's hoping you weren't among those defending the rioting of 2020.

Some people support rioting when the cause is justified, which you know believing lies that the election was stolen isn't exactly a justifiable position. Believing that unarmed black people shouldn't be shot without a trial, plenty of people view that to be a justifiable reason. 

Most importantly, I think the point isn't that rioting is bad; but that conservatives can't take the"moral highground". 

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The further left or right you go, the more they are the same.

Left and Right wing both support law and order when it suits.
Both are against law and order when it is against their moral judgement.

Both will try to "change" the law in order to adhere to their moral standing.

The place to be is right smack in the center where you can judge the Pro's and Con's of both the left and right and opt for the policy that benefits the nation the most overall... The constant mud flinging between both sides is old, stale and actually doesn't resolve anything.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:

The further left or right you go, the more they are the same.

Left and Right wing both support law and order when it suits.
Both are against law and order when it is against their moral judgement.

Both will try to "change" the law in order to adhere to their moral standing.

The place to be is right smack in the center where you can judge the Pro's and Con's of both the left and right and opt for the policy that benefits the nation the most overall... The constant mud flinging between both sides is old, stale and actually doesn't resolve anything.

Yes but there's a caveat to this, being center in Canada is being leftist in the US. While US consider universal health care as far Left removing it in Canada would be considered far Right.

You also have to take into consideration that the only prime goal of a governing entity is normally to create laws, infrastructure and service that will end up serving the most or your citizen (and that's is true even in non democratic country and even if reality and human factor makes often horrendous results on this goal).  So by definition should be somewhat skewed to the left.  

To me what's important is not being Left, Center or Right but to hold your positions as a results of thinking it through and understanding it and (as much as possible) avoid holding a position because you believe in it or are being dogmatic about it.

Last edited by EpicRandy - on 28 February 2023

the-pi-guy said:
KLAMarine said:

Here's hoping you weren't among those defending the rioting of 2020.

Some people support rioting when the cause is justified, which you know believing lies that the election was stolen isn't exactly a justifiable position. Believing that unarmed black people shouldn't be shot without a trial, plenty of people view that to be a justifiable reason. 

Most importantly, I think the point isn't that rioting is bad; but that conservatives can't take the"moral highground". 

For me rioting is never justified (as it is only counterproductive in getting your message through) however it is an unfortunate consequence of protesting which can be justified an important.

Last edited by EpicRandy - on 27 February 2023

the-pi-guy said:
KLAMarine said:

Here's hoping you weren't among those defending the rioting of 2020.

Some people support rioting when the cause is justified, which you know believing lies that the election was stolen isn't exactly a justifiable position. Believing that unarmed black people shouldn't be shot without a trial, plenty of people view that to be a justifiable reason. 

Most importantly, I think the point isn't that rioting is bad; but that conservatives can't take the"moral highground". 

Well if rioting is justifiable in certain circumstances, prepare to encounter rioters in both causes you believe in and causes that you don't believe in.

A double-edged sword is what some would call it...

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KLAMarine said:

Well if rioting is justifiable in certain circumstances, prepare to encounter rioters in both causes you believe in and causes that you don't believe in.

A double-edged sword is what some would call it...

Firstly I didn't say that I would justify it. I said plenty of people view that to be a justifiable reason. I am not plenty of people.

I do accept that riots happen as an extension of protests. I personally think certain things are more reasonable than others. 

Secondly I'm rather troubled that you're equating believing in a lie and causing damage to support that lie is equivalent to believing that black people's lives have value. 

KLAMarine said:
the-pi-guy said:

Some people support rioting when the cause is justified, which you know believing lies that the election was stolen isn't exactly a justifiable position. Believing that unarmed black people shouldn't be shot without a trial, plenty of people view that to be a justifiable reason. 

Most importantly, I think the point isn't that rioting is bad; but that conservatives can't take the"moral highground". 

Well if rioting is justifiable in certain circumstances, prepare to encounter rioters in both causes you believe in and causes that you don't believe in.

A double-edged sword is what some would call it...

I do now and have always maintained that 1/6 would have been 100% acceptable if it was based on reality. If the election was stolen, topple the government. When it happens in other countries we cheer, because sometimes we need to stand up to protect democracy. Those are the principles that America was based on. 

That is also why the President lying that an election has been stolen is such a ludicrously dangerous thing. The foundation of this country demands action if he is right. Knowingly lying about such a thing is tantamount to inciting a riot. 

So yeah, if this country fails us, it is our civic duty to act. If nothing changes in response to peaceful protest, whatever shall be shall be. No one is more outspoken about their belief that violence isn't off the table when the stakes are our rights than Republicans, so the sooner they start being honest about what that means, the better. 

the-pi-guy said:
KLAMarine said:

Well if rioting is justifiable in certain circumstances, prepare to encounter rioters in both causes you believe in and causes that you don't believe in.

A double-edged sword is what some would call it...

Firstly I didn't say that I would justify it. I said plenty of people view that to be a justifiable reason. I am not plenty of people.

I do accept that riots happen as an extension of protests. I personally think certain things are more reasonable than others. 

Secondly I'm rather troubled that you're equating believing in a lie and causing damage to support that lie is equivalent to believing that black people's lives have value. 

I never made any such equation...

KLAMarine said:
TallSilhouette said:

Been tempted to post about a few things recently like how released texts prove how Fox News deliberately, knowingly lies about things like Jan 6th to their audience and somehow still gets to call themselves a news channel or about Marjorie Greene tripling down on open, unashamed fascism for everyone to see but at the same time both kinda felt like telling people what they already know.

This may be in a similar vein but we can tally up another year where every extremist mass killing was committed by the right wing. Congrats on another remarkable achievement, conservatism.

Or left wing mass killings go under reported? Or what counts for 'right wing' is applied more loosely than what counts for 'left wing'?

Except the overwhelming majority of mass shootings are unambiguous about political proclivities.

If 10 mass killings take place during a given period whereby 9 of the perpetrators make it obvious what their ideology is while the remainder has been sneakier at hiding their principles, the under representation that was potentially created by that last killer is practically irrelevant given the first 9 making the case for a plurality.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

It will be interesting to see how Republicans respond to DeSantis statement that the new board he put into place to manage Disney could also use their influence to dictate the content that Disney produce. For a party that pride itself on small government and stating Dems government overreach, I wonder will they hold DeSantis to the same standard. Its always interesting how people are very quick to throw away their morals once they get into power.