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Donald Trump has pledged to scrap President Biden’s policies on electric vehicles and wind energy, as well as other initiatives opposed by the fossil fuel industry.

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Republican lawmakers are pushing legislation aimed at stopping President Biden from withholding weapons shipments to Israel.

Why it matters: The administration's move to block the arms sales has drawn backlash from pro-Israel lawmakers in both parties.

  • Most recently, Rep. Brad Schneider (D-Ill.) said in a statement on Thursday he is "deeply concerned" about the decision "as well as the President's comments about withholding security assistance to Israel."

What's happening: The administration has paused transfers of ammunition, 500-pound bombs and 2000-pound bombs – a way of signaling U.S. concerns about a potential invasion of Rafah, per Axios' Barak Ravid.

  • Biden said in a CNN interview on Wednesday that the U.S. will stop supplying offensive weaponry that could be used for an assault on Rafah if Israel makes the decision to invade.
  • "If they go into Rafah, I'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically ... to deal with the cities," he said.

Driving the news: Rep. Beth Van Duyne (R-Texas) introduced the Immediate Support for Israel Act on Thursday, which would require transfers of some weapons to Israel to occur within 30 days of procurement.

  • "Israel is currently engaged in a war with a terrorist organization that is still holding over 100 civilian hostages. There is simply no excuse for this delay," Van Duyne said in a statement.
  • The bill would only apply to weapons approved in the $95 billion foreign aid package that Congress passed last month, however. The shipments Biden has paused were authorized and appropriated by earlier legislation.

Zoom in: Rep. Cory Mills (R-Fla.) is taking things a step further, telling Fox News he is drafting articles of impeachment against Biden for withholding the aid.

  • Several GOP lawmakers have floated impeachment as the ideal legislative route, with Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) saying the House "has no choice but to impeach Biden."
  • It's a long-shot, however, especially given that the House's more than year-long impeachment inquiry into the Biden family's finances has fallen flat.

Republicans Want to Force Biden to Send Arms to Israel With Legislation

More impeachment nonsense.


LurkerJ said:


Pessimistic. The polls have been concerning but Dems have consistently outperformed them every year since Trump was elected and this year has continued that trend thus far. I also think it's downright silly that he calls Dems the more divided party over Gaza when the GOP led House is in absolute shambles and hundreds of thousands of conservative voters are writing in candidates that dropped out months ago (ie Nikki Haley). Regardless of approval ratings, a significantly higher percentage of Dems are voting for Biden at the end of the day than Reps for Trump. That disparity will only increase if the economy holds steady, Trump actually does get convicted of something, and/or hostilities cool off in the Middle East in time for the election.

Trump absolutely, depressingly still has a very real chance of getting reelected this year, but I'd still say the odds are in Biden's favor so long as the universe doesn't decide to fuck things up at the last minute. If Trump is reelected, I will officially have given up on this country and begin making earnest plans to emigrate.

Get Trump on the debate stage so independents can be reminded how much of a fucking idiot he is again.


“Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020. Since then he hasn’t shown up for a debate. Now he’s acting like he wants to debate me again,” Biden said in a direct-to-camera video released Wednesday.

“Well, make my day, pal, I’ll even do it twice. So let’s pick the dates, Donald – I hear you’re free on Wednesdays,” Biden continued, alluding to Trump’s court schedule. In the letter, Biden’s campaign acknowledged that the first debate would likely take place after Trump’s criminal hush-money trial has concluded.


"I hear you're free on Wednesdays" 💀

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 15 May 2024

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Great original content and work. 

Insults Fly During House Oversight Committee Meeting

God, MTG is such a fucking clown.

Fetterman is such a massive disappointment too, a major dick lately.

His video of him recording that woman who was asking him a simple question was embarrassing.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 17 May 2024

Monster Abbott and Stand Your Ground strike again:

Republican Congressman Rich McCormick files for divorce amid rumored relationship with House GOP colleague

Republican Rep Beth Van Duyne confirms she's "happily" in relationship with fellow lawmaker Rich McCormick amid swirling romance rumors

Ordinarily I wouldn't give two shits about what two consenting adults do in their off-time. But both McCormick and Van Duyne run on "Christian" family values" platforms and work openly to deny rights to LGBTQ+ to protect the "sanctity of marriage." It's the hypocrisy, just like it was when Newt Gingrich was going after Bill Clinton over getting a windy from Monica Lewinsky while he was begging his fourth wife for an open marriage so he could continue having sex with his mistress Calista, who is now his fifth wife. I don't want morality lectured or legislated at by these "Christians" who run around with their pants unzipped and their legs open.