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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sell-through expectations for the PlayStation 5 in 2023?


Sell-through expectations for the PlayStation 5 in 2023?

Less than 12 million 56 8.22%
12.0 - 13.9 million 29 4.26%
14.0 - 15.9 million 73 10.72%
16.0 - 17.9 million 100 14.68%
18.0 - 19.9 million 142 20.85%
20.0 - 21.9 million 116 17.03%
22.0 - 23.9 million 49 7.20%
24.0 - 25.9 million 28 4.11%
26.0 - 28.0 million 11 1.62%
More than 28 million 77 11.31%
VideoGameAccountant said:

Interesting to read everyone's predictions. I think the folks saying 12-13M are about right with the recession in 2023 coming. Funny I've been saying that for a while, so surprised to see other people say it.

One potential problem for the system could be the scalper issue. Its not been said how bad it is, but some predictions put it at 25-33 percent. I expect after this holiday its closer to 15, so about 4 million consoles. We're already seeing people using credit cards a lot and car repos will likely hit in a month or two. As bills pile up, a lot of scalpers may take a lose on the PS5s and sell them at below market rate. This could really hurt demand for the system, especially at a critical juncture. So it could be closers to 9-10 million next year. Otherwise, think 12-13 is pretty reasonable

It's already up a lot in places like Japan and the UK though. There is zero chance it's flat for the year, let alone notably down.

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ConservagameR said:
VideoGameAccountant said:

Interesting to read everyone's predictions. I think the folks saying 12-13M are about right with the recession in 2023 coming. Funny I've been saying that for a while, so surprised to see other people say it.

If the recession is tied to a crash then I'd be more inclined to agree. If it's just a recession, unless it goes on for a year or two (in which case sales will slow), I don't think sales will be any less than last year.

Some thought during covid we'd see extremely weak sales which wasn't the case. Not that they were record breaking either, but people won't just sit around and do nothing, even if they aren't getting a government check here and there. They'll find something cheaper and do that instead. A console and an online game or two, or a sub, is a relatively cheap way to keep yourself entertained for years if you're just looking to hold out as a casual until things get back on track.

If I had to guess, if we see the rumored PS5 (Slim) this holiday, it'll be no more than $399 (and $50-$100 more for the disc drive add on). Might even be $349 if Sony is seeing a long enough recession coming. PS hardware sales are good but software is a bit lacking. The way to fix that is get the hardware manufacturing cost down as much as possible and subsidize it a bit if need be. Then people will buy more games and it'll be worth it, especially in a recession.

Most likely, this recession will be worse than 2008. The problems of 2008 weren't solved and with COVID, there is way too much money in the system. This, coupled with the fact a lot of the world is de-dollarizing, means more inflation in the US, higher rates, and less growth. A decline in the US would result in a decline every, and Europe is going to get hard due to high energy prices. There are also more assests that are overvalued than 2008, one of the most notable being cars. That's the asset I'd watch.

There are a lot of structural problems for the PS5 (issues getting consoles to market, a lot of scalpers buying up consoles, third parties not wanting to fully commit, Sony included). A bad recession could be a tipping point and really hurt momentum. The system did very well in Holiday 2022 thanks to GoW and better availability, but when push comes to shove, and with not a lot of compelling titles coming out, consumers may just stick with their PS4. 

Aside, but a recession will hurt Nintendo and Microsoft as well, but in different ways (and Microsoft may be the one better off). 

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Known as Smashchu in a former life

Went for 18-20m could be lower but there are some people really taking the cake in here.

I can't even begin to fathom how anyone could think PS5 could be down YoY.

Under 14m is insanity.

Tom Henderson has recently said that Sony expects to ship 10M PS5's in Q3 this year.

I'm not sure how that stacks up against other PlayStation systems, or industry records, but it would topple the PS4's best Q3 by a decent margin.

VideoGameAccountant said:

There are a lot of structural problems for the PS5 (issues getting consoles to market, a lot of scalpers buying up consoles, third parties not wanting to fully commit, Sony included).

Man it must be really lonely in your world of delusions....

There are ZERO "structural problems" for the PS5 within the next 12 months.

If we take Sony's FY23 plan to manufacture 23.5M units, subtract this fj22 4th quarter of 6M units, and add a pessimistic 4M units for the fj23 4th quarter, we get an estimated lower limit of 21M units shipped for this calendar year. Sony has always been very good with their plans so anyone thinking of less than 20M units shipped this year might think again. Trolls with estimates under 12M should think of finding a new hobby.

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drkohler said:
VideoGameAccountant said:

There are a lot of structural problems for the PS5 (issues getting consoles to market, a lot of scalpers buying up consoles, third parties not wanting to fully commit, Sony included).

Man it must be really lonely in your world of delusions....

There are ZERO "structural problems" for the PS5 within the next 12 months.

If we take Sony's FY23 plan to manufacture 23.5M units, subtract this fj22 4th quarter of 6M units, and add a pessimistic 4M units for the fj23 4th quarter, we get an estimated lower limit of 21M units shipped for this calendar year. Sony has always been very good with their plans so anyone thinking of less than 20M units shipped this year might think again. Trolls with estimates under 12M should think of finding a new hobby.

VideoGameAccountant is the person who said PS4 will never pass Wii's numbers.

Crediblity = 0%

PotentHerbs said:

Tom Henderson has recently said that Sony expects to ship 10M PS5's in Q3 this year.

I'm not sure how that stacks up against other PlayStation systems, or industry records, but it would topple the PS4's best Q3 by a decent margin.

Yes I heard this too and I heard 30.5 million for FY23.  This would be 68 million total.  If this is true it's a forgone conclusion that PS5 gets to 100 million.  

These numbers are unbelievable.  It Would be wonderful to see the Switch pass the PS2 and the the PS5 to top that.  That would be insane.  What a time we live in lol.

I have noticed 666 respondents to the poll so Sony is run by the Devil.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

Zippy6 said:

Went for 18-20m could be lower but there are some people really taking the cake in here.

I can't even begin to fathom how anyone could think PS5 could be down YoY.

Under 14m is insanity.

There should be a competition between the  eighty odd people who went for the bottom two predictions and the 80 odd people who went with the top two predictions, now all we need is a poll to decide the type of competition and it should be silly in keeping with those predictions so post your suggestions.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

VideoGameAccountant said:
ConservagameR said:

If the recession is tied to a crash then I'd be more inclined to agree. If it's just a recession, unless it goes on for a year or two (in which case sales will slow), I don't think sales will be any less than last year.

Some thought during covid we'd see extremely weak sales which wasn't the case. Not that they were record breaking either, but people won't just sit around and do nothing, even if they aren't getting a government check here and there. They'll find something cheaper and do that instead. A console and an online game or two, or a sub, is a relatively cheap way to keep yourself entertained for years if you're just looking to hold out as a casual until things get back on track.

If I had to guess, if we see the rumored PS5 (Slim) this holiday, it'll be no more than $399 (and $50-$100 more for the disc drive add on). Might even be $349 if Sony is seeing a long enough recession coming. PS hardware sales are good but software is a bit lacking. The way to fix that is get the hardware manufacturing cost down as much as possible and subsidize it a bit if need be. Then people will buy more games and it'll be worth it, especially in a recession.

Most likely, this recession will be worse than 2008. The problems of 2008 weren't solved and with COVID, there is way too much money in the system. This, coupled with the fact a lot of the world is de-dollarizing, means more inflation in the US, higher rates, and less growth. A decline in the US would result in a decline every, and Europe is going to get hard due to high energy prices. There are also more assests that are overvalued than 2008, one of the most notable being cars. That's the asset I'd watch.

There are a lot of structural problems for the PS5 (issues getting consoles to market, a lot of scalpers buying up consoles, third parties not wanting to fully commit, Sony included). A bad recession could be a tipping point and really hurt momentum. The system did very well in Holiday 2022 thanks to GoW and better availability, but when push comes to shove, and with not a lot of compelling titles coming out, consumers may just stick with their PS4. 

Aside, but a recession will hurt Nintendo and Microsoft as well, but in different ways (and Microsoft may be the one better off). 

Not so sure about that. Maybe, but 2008 wasn't anticipated by most and was quite abrupt, where as things have been weakening for some time now and many have been keeping an eye on it for some time. That's not to say there won't be a crash and it won't be bad, but we're far more aware of the situation this time around so we can much better maneuver. How much that softens the blow is hard to say. There was a general narrative that we were going to see another crash around 2020, but with covid, we may have potentially avoided a hard crash, and instead are riding it out slowly over years. Though it's also possible we've been maneuvering around it for years now and it's going to hit at some point no matter what.

If we do get a crash as I said, then sales will slow a bit. Yet people will still want something to do and gaming is cheap and can be repetitive in a good way, and even cheaper for PS5 come this fall hopefully, so I don't see sales hurting too much even with a crash. Unless the crash is somehow terribly devastating across the board, which at that point all products and markets are in massive trouble.

I'd say right now it looks more like a long slow drawn out recession. That's something that will hold back PS5 sales a bit, but won't cause them to falter much for the next couple years.