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NobleTeam360 said:

Just reading that Final Fantasy tweet. I'm confused, aren't publishers the ones who typically have to go to the console maker to have their game on their system? Square is trying to make it sound like it's the other way around and the platform holders are the ones who have to pay THEM to have their games on whatever platform. Instead of what I assume is a standard practice of splitting revenue 70/30 (70% to the pub and 30% to the platform holder).

With Square's more big budget games, it absolutely wouldn't shock me if that's how they operate

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It would make sense as to why nearly all SE games that actually do come to Xbox are Game Pass releases.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

shikamaru317 said:
VersusEvil said:

Tbf, at least with Persona 6 being a PS exclusive for like 5yrs you’ll have plenty of time to finish Persona 5 :P

We're also getting P3 Remake on Xbox according to the leak, Sony only hatted Persona 6. No news about Atlus' Project ReFantasy being announced this summer though, one has to wonder what is taking so long on it. It was announced way back in 2016, and in 2020 the director, Katsura Hashino, stated that development had reached it's climax, that was 2 and a half years ago.

Is there a decent amount of validity to that P3 Remake rumor? Seen the clip and seems like people are pretty split on it being fake or real. I personally hope it's real Persona 3 deserves a full on remake, P3P does not do Persona 3 justice at all. 

gtotheunit91 said:

Out of curiosity, what is everyone hoping to see at the Xbox Showcase that would make you personally feel like the showcase is a success? Like once it’s over, you’re feeling good about Xbox’s future.

As a bonus, what do you specifically want to see during the Starfield Direct that will make you stoked for Starfield’s release?

Avowed gameplay + release date, Starfield in depth gameplay (I'm just going to include Bethesda with the Xbox Showcase) and Starfield console shown (available for pre-order now), Hellblade 2 gameplay + release date, Fable anything, SMT V port, State of Decay 3 anything. 

gtotheunit91 said:

It would make sense as to why nearly all SE games that actually do come to Xbox are Game Pass releases.

bruh wbk they the kings of taking deals, whether it be sony, nintendo, MS (gamepass), epic. They just confirming what we already knew lol (and just to be clear redfall is ass, don't come at me)

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NobleTeam360 said:
shikamaru317 said:

We're also getting P3 Remake on Xbox according to the leak, Sony only hatted Persona 6. No news about Atlus' Project ReFantasy being announced this summer though, one has to wonder what is taking so long on it. It was announced way back in 2016, and in 2020 the director, Katsura Hashino, stated that development had reached it's climax, that was 2 and a half years ago.

Is there a decent amount of validity to that P3 Remake rumor? Seen the clip and seems like people are pretty split on it being fake or real. I personally hope it's real Persona 3 deserves a full on remake, P3P does not do Persona 3 justice at all. 

A pretty reliable insider, Nate the Hate, is the one who said that P6 is a timed Sony hat, while P3 Remake is multiplatform and may be announced on the Xbox Showcase. Between that and the earlier Sega leak that had the video footage of P3 Remake, I would assume it's real. You can read about Nate's leak here:

Here is one of Nate's earlier leaks which largely proved accurate:

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 22 May 2023

Interesting, seems several different insider sources claimed that the secret Ubisoft fiscal 2024 (April 2023-March 2024) game from their roadmap for the fiscal year is Ubisoft Massive's open world Star Wars game, Project Helix, releasing in March 2024. This would mean that Ubisoft Massive is releasing both Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora and Star Wars Project Helix in the same fiscal year, likely only a few months apart from one another with Avatar Holiday 2023 and Star Wars March 2024. However, 2 of the insider sources also stated that development hasn't been progressing as smoothly as Ubisoft hoped, and that Project Helix may be delayed into fiscal 2025 instead (April 2024-March 2025) if development progress doesn't pick up quickly. They also stated that Ubisoft has high hopes for Project Helix internally, Ubisoft believes that it may be their next Assassin's Creed tier franchise. They also stated that the game has interstellar travel, meaning it has multiple open world planet maps. A reveal on Ubisoft's summer showcase the day after Xbox's Summer Showcase seems likely, unless either Sony or Xbox got the marketing rights and it gets a teaser reveal early ahead of the full reveal on the Ubisoft show. 

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 23 May 2023

Ok Empire plebs listen up, we’re going to go over some basic rules for tomorrow;

1. If Sony doesn’t shove it down your throat about it being exclusive then it’s coming to Xbox, give it 24hrs for that information to come out. 

2. If Sony screams out loud like a kid with ADHD you’ve taken their crayons away from about “exclusivity” then it’s coming to PC so unless you are a Xbox only user you’ll be fine. 

3. Exclusive multi-platform games are very likely lifetime exclusives or at the very least 2yrs. Blame Spencer for being a wimp and not wanting to actual get exclusives. 

4. Expect some big third party exclusives too, Ryuu says T2 and EA won’t sell out but that is pure copium. So blame him when you can’t play the next big sequel. 

Stay safe Xbots. 

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed