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Ok Empire plebs listen up, we’re going to go over some basic rules for tomorrow;

1. If Sony doesn’t shove it down your throat about it being exclusive then it’s coming to Xbox, give it 24hrs for that information to come out. 

2. If Sony screams out loud like a kid with ADHD you’ve taken their crayons away from about “exclusivity” then it’s coming to PC so unless you are a Xbox only user you’ll be fine. 

3. Exclusive multi-platform games are very likely lifetime exclusives or at the very least 2yrs. Blame Spencer for being a wimp and not wanting to actual get exclusives. 

4. Expect some big third party exclusives too, Ryuu says T2 and EA won’t sell out but that is pure copium. So blame him when you can’t play the next big sequel. 

Stay safe Xbots. 

Ride The Chariot | Games Completed ‘25 Edition