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This thread is only reason I'm still on this website">"><img src="

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There was a time I was interested in visiting the UK but this thread has changed my mind.

Spade said:

This thread is only reason I'm still on this website

Said every Xbox fan since the early 2010s, which is both a testament to how great the small Xbox community is here and an utter disgrace to the state of this site that a nation thread like this (still) needs to exist. 

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

pikashoe said:
shikamaru317 said:

That's more so because of the ingredients than because of the taste, I feel like most foreigners that come here and taste our food love the taste, it's just that eating it slowly kills you over time xD But hey, we're all going to die someday anyway, might as well enjoy life xD

But the real cane sugar used in most sodas in other countries is way better tasting than the High Fructose Corn syrup we use in sodas here.

Nah the taste is horrendous, doesn't even taste like food a lot of the time. One of the biggest complaints for people going to America is how bad the food is. British food isn't thaf bad it's just kind of bland for the most part.

aint no way, they must be eating at dennys or something lol

Spade said:

This thread is only reason I'm still on this website

same, this thread is the only reason I came back. Love my Empire Peeps

Around the Network

Well this is odd to say the least, Xbox owns the IP. Two possibilities I can think of:

  • Xbox sold the IP back to Remedy at some point, and Remedy no longer wants it on Gamepass
  • The game has licensed music that is expiring and Xbox doesn't think it is worth it to either extend the license or patch the game to replace the license music

Didn't think of that second point.. Still not a good precedent :/

When the next Activision date? Need some good news again.">"><img src="

Catching up on rasslin' for WM tomorrow, and my god... PS killing it for advertisements They out here advertising their lineup, Spiderman 2 etc. Wtf happened to MS. Imagine having all that money and can't even be bothered to put up tv ads.">"><img src="

No point advertising when you don't have any consoles to sell. They need to stop using shipping routes through the Bermuda triangle I think.

Ryuu96 said:
shikamaru317 said:

I'd guess it's more likely that Lulu or Mike Ybarra are chosen to run ABK after Bobby Kotick takes his $400m and leaves in the wake of the acquisition. Both Lulu and Mike are higher up the totem poll than Rod is, Rod is only head of the Diablo team at Blizzard, Mike is President of Blizzard while Lulu is the Chief Communications Officer and Executive Vice President of Corporate Affairs for ABK overall.

Lulu? No chance Imo, I mean no offence but I really can't see a Communications Officer being made leader of the entire company...Think they'd want someone who is closer to the trenches of videogame development. It'd be almost like making Aaron Greenberg the Head of Xbox.

This is further proving why ABK shouldn't exist post-transaction though! It should just be Activision and Blizzard separated from each other, like lets say Mike takes over to run ABK then someone has to replace Mike and lets say that is Rod then someone has to replace Rod, Lol. Same case if someone from Activision takes over.

For real though, I think Rob Kostich will stay as President of Activision and I hope ABK is dissolved and Activision-Blizzard split.

ABK 100% need to be split post merger, some people here suggested that MS shouldn't buy more studios since Matt Booty might not be able to handle that many teams and yet ABK are over 13k employees with Blizzard having the majority at over 5k. Blizzard can handle themselves since the vast majority of the teams are in a campus and someone needs to be put in charge of Activision, Spencer will likely be involved in Activision specifically day one because of this

Last edited by EspadaGrim - on 01 April 2023