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pikashoe said:
Angelus said:

Literally no nation on earth makes worse food than the British

I'm irish and we hate the brits, but Americans probably have the worst food in the world. It's so bad a lot of it is outright banned in many countries outside of America.

In terms of health definitely. There's so many random chemicals and ingredients in American food it's insane. When McDonalds fries have 3 ingredients in the UK and over 10 in the USA you have to question what on earth they are doing. "We need chemicals to make the fries yellow!"

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pikashoe said:
Angelus said:

Literally no nation on earth makes worse food than the British

I'm irish and we hate the brits, but Americans probably have the worst food in the world. It's so bad a lot of it is outright banned in many countries outside of America.

That's more so because of the ingredients than because of the taste, I feel like most foreigners that come here and taste our food love the taste, it's just that eating it slowly kills you over time xD But hey, we're all going to die someday anyway, might as well enjoy life xD

But the real cane sugar used in most sodas in other countries is way better tasting than the High Fructose Corn syrup we use in sodas here.

shikamaru317 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Imagine Rod Fergusson as Head of Activision. 🤔

I'd guess it's more likely that Lulu or Mike Ybarra are chosen to run ABK after Bobby Kotick takes his $400m and leaves in the wake of the acquisition. Both Lulu and Mike are higher up the totem poll than Rod is, Rod is only head of the Diablo team at Blizzard, Mike is President of Blizzard while Lulu is the Chief Communications Officer and Executive Vice President of Corporate Affairs for ABK overall.

Lulu? No chance Imo, I mean no offence but I really can't see a Communications Officer being made leader of the entire company...Think they'd want someone who is closer to the trenches of videogame development. It'd be almost like making Aaron Greenberg the Head of Xbox.

This is further proving why ABK shouldn't exist post-transaction though! It should just be Activision and Blizzard separated from each other, like lets say Mike takes over to run ABK then someone has to replace Mike and lets say that is Rod then someone has to replace Rod, Lol. Same case if someone from Activision takes over.

For real though, I think Rob Kostich will stay as President of Activision and I hope ABK is dissolved and Activision-Blizzard split.

shikamaru317 said:
pikashoe said:

I'm irish and we hate the brits, but Americans probably have the worst food in the world. It's so bad a lot of it is outright banned in many countries outside of America.

That's more so because of the ingredients than because of the taste, I feel like most foreigners that come here and taste our food love the taste, it's just that eating it slowly kills you over time xD But hey, we're all going to die someday anyway, might as well enjoy life xD

But the real cane sugar used in most sodas in other countries is way better tasting than the High Fructose Corn syrup we use in sodas here.

This would be me, I know it's awful for me but it tastes so good

Years ago I abandoned soda (coke) for the most part though, my body can thank me for that at least

I went from 3-4 cans of coke a day to maybe one every 3-4 months, that shit was making my heart palpitate like mad.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 31 March 2023

This week the American Bar Association organised the Antitrust Law Spring Meeting 2023.

Today, Holly Vedova (the head of the FTC Bureau of Competition) was there and according to MLex she said that for the FTC litigating big cases is a top priority:

”We want to bring cases that have a big impact. A court decision can still help us as enforcers notwithstanding the results (
in relation to the Meta-Within case)”.

She mentioned the MS-ABK as one of the pending merger cases that have been challenged by the FTC and that “It’s important to revitalise our litigation program”.

We’ll see what happens in April-May, but right now it doesn’t sound like the FTC is willing to settle anything :P

Source: Idas

Yeah, FTC isn't settling, Lmao.

Around the Network

Remember I said a couple weeks ago that I heard someone say this, now Hoeg is essentially saying the same. Basically the FTC doesn't care about losing in court, they're using the losses to build a narrative that they can't get anything done without changes to the law, a loss in court is still a win in their view.

VersusEvil said:

When you’re so starved for games you end up talking about fucking beans. We need cone back.

Ikr, we need Cone back to ban Ryuu.">"><img src="

Spade said:
VersusEvil said:

When you’re so starved for games you end up talking about fucking beans. We need cone back.

Ikr, we need Cone back to ban Ryuu. 

You and your 20 posts in a row would be banned too under the old rules. 👀

shikamaru317 said:
Ryuu96 said:

You Texans sure don't let anything go to waste huh.

ice said:

I like to meme on the beans and toast but from the shit Ryuu has showed me, it's easily the best dish from the UK

It ain't all bad! Aside from a huge lack of seasoning!

I'm going to upset some more Americans.

  • Cheese on Bread with Tomato Ketchup.
  • Cheese & Onion Walkers Crisps on Bread.
  • Scotch Egg!

But the obviously good stuff.

  • Fish and Chips.
  • Yorkshire Pudding.
  • Sunday Roast.
  • Full English.
  • (Some) Pies.
  • Bread and Butter Pudding (Don't be a hater).

Fuck Haggis.

You liked the Cauliflower Cheese I showed you at least!

HAHAHAHHA. Fuck da Brits.

Angelus said:

Literally no nation on earth makes worse food than the British

^^^ Rather eat my own mattress than British cuisine">"><img src="

Ryuu96 said:
Spade said:

Ikr, we need Cone back to ban Ryuu. 

You and your 20 posts in a row would be banned too under the old rules. 👀

It wasn't about achievements so I'm good">"><img src="