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Spade said:
Barozi said:

Sounds like the start of a competition. Who is the biggest supporter of Japanese games in the whole Empire?


I claim the King of Japanese games in empire. 

Anyone feel free to challenge my title. 

You've just been disqualified by crowning yourself as king instead of emperor.

Bow down to the Tennō bitch. :D

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Spade said:

I claim King of Japanese games on Xbox.

-Bought all Atlus games on Xbox (CE for two fo them); all bought despite being on goatpass. As well as Persona fighting games.
-Tales of (CE of Arise), Special edition of symphonia, Vesperia.
-Played all FF games on Xbox.
-Bought all Yakuza games on xbox as well as spinoffs; 90% cheevo completion.
-Misc SE crumbs bought (Santa) --> Diofield and Mid Ocean.
-Supported new ips with Scarlett Nexus.
-Bought all Dangan games.
-One of the few who played Ni No Kuni here.
-Expanded to fighting genre with BlazBlue, JoJo, SC, Dead or Alive.
Every game played so far is a game beaten.
Only holes in my Japanese library is Capcom (remedied with SF 6), and Souls games.
However, the above more than covers that lost ground. Even if I played a game on PS, I re-buy, play and beat on superior Xbox.

Therefore, I am.. the King of Japanese games on Xbox.

Come for the king, yall best not miss.

I've done none of this. Who's the real winner here? 

I’m with Angelus on this one, you’ve played yourself Spade, should be ashamed.

Ride The Chariot || Games Complete ‘24 Edition

Some of the more notable newsworthy titles to keep an eye on this weekend:

Yall are mean lmao">"><img src="

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VersusEvil said:

I’m with Angelus on this one, you’ve played yourself Spade, should be ashamed.

Yeah tbf, I've pretty much crowned myself King of the Dents :/ 

VGC Japanese audience full of weirdos, so that's my people i guess.">"><img src="

Alright, so when will we get the Neptunia series on xbox?

Angelus said:
shikamaru317 said:

It doesn't matter what my personal feelings towards any of those games leaving are. The fact of the matter is that the overall situation in Japan is not going to improve unless Xbox starts putting in more effort over there. After these leave and Wo Long comes in, we will have 26 JP games on Gamepass by my count. In most Gamepass updates no JP games are added to Gamepass, with only an occasional update adding a few. Their chief competitor, the new PS Plus mid and high tier, had around 100 JP games the last time I checked, and each monthly update they seem to add at least 3 JP games, sometimes more, this month for instance we don't even have the full list yet but 2 of the 4 that have already leaked early are JP games. 

While it's true that I don't particularly care about any of these 3 games that are leaving (Lightning Returns was well known to be a bad game unlike the first 2 FF13 games, while the other 2 just don't interest me), the fact of the matter is that the overall health of Gamepass within Japan plays a part in the decisions of JP publishers about what games to port to Xbox, what games to sign Gamepass deals with Xbox on, and the overall sales of Xbox in Japan. And to be frank, the picture is not looking too pretty over there right now. Japanese gamers are raging against the uncalled for Xbox price increase in Japan, we are getting less JP ports announced for Xbox than at any point in the last 5 years I'd say, the overall JP Gamepass line-up is weaker than it was in the past. 

The fact of the matter is that the JP games I am interested in and would play if they were added to Gamepass, rarely seem to get added. There are some, which are already on Xbox, that I have been sitting and waiting and hoping to see on Gamepass that still haven't been added 2 years or more later in some cases, and I can't really buy them either as they are JP games that don't get big price discounts in digital sales. Others, which have yet to be ported to Xbox, I have been sitting and waiting and hoping to see Xbox make Gamepass deals to win over Xbox ports, and that too hasn't happened. And that, ultimately, is the main source of my frustration. The JP games that Xbox does seem to get Gamepass deals on are often the ones I'm not interested in, like Wo Long for instance, I just don't have any interest in Souls-like games and never will. 

And I am far from alone on this. I frequently speak with fellow Xbox fans on twitter who are just as frustrated with the current JP situation on Xbox as I am.

See, this right here, is the shit that pisses me off. You lead your post with "oh it doesn't matter how I personally feel about such and such, this shit is important for the future of the health of Xbox in Japan, and getting more Japanese games for the rest of us!" But then a couple paragraphs later it's "oh but these Japanese games aren't the RIGHT Japanese games, and even the ones that are available on Xbox for me to buy, that I would like, I can't, so I'm just waiting and waiting for everything to be the way I want it to be..." Yea, ok. Big shocker that a lot of Japanese devs may not think it's worth their time doing Xbox ports, if the Xbox fans who supposedly care about Japanese games actually just sit around do precisely jack shit to show that they actually care in the one way the means something to a business. Aka, spending time and money on the games that are actually available.

MS, for their part, are doing everything they can to secure more Japanese support. They've made deals with Sega for Yakuza (and the creator has credited said deal for making the series more popular in the west), they finally managed to bring the entire Persona series to Xbox, they've worked with Capcom and brought Monster Hunter Rise to GP on day one, we're getting a new IP from TeamNinja on GP on day one, Tango just released a fantastic new IP, they're working with Kojima on a project of some sort, before Square decided "fuck everything Xbox" they brought a ton of their old games to GP. The fact of the matter is, they ARE generating as much goodwill with devs there as they can without paying literally everyone off to simply get their games at all, which isn't financially feasible, or good business.

Everything isn't gonna be on GP. Sometimes, if you really want a game, you're simply gonna have to buy it. The economic reality is that Xbox and PS do not have the same exact audiences. GP subscribers and PS whatever tier subscribers will not have largely the same expectations, purchasing habits, or general gaming interests. It doesn't make sense for MS to invest a bunch of money in adding tons of Japanese games to GP, if their data shows that only a tiny fraction of their subscribers are going to engage with that content, and/or only a tiny amount of new subscribers are gained. If something matters to YOU, then put your money where your mouth is. 

Your fellow Xbox gamers in this thread just made Persona 5R their GotY for 2022. Hell, even I played it, and I had literally 0 emotional investment in it ever coming to Xbox. You know who didn't play it? The one person in this thread that never fucking stops going on about Japanese games. It's getting old. And hey, I get it, we all have time, and budget restraints that keep us from doing certain things, but all companies can do is look at what you ARE actually prioritizing when you are in fact playing games, and you're clearly NOT prioritizing Japanese games. 

Sorry for the late response, was playing some Hogwarts Legacy xD

You can't judge the entire Xbox fanbase as not buying Japanese games simply because I often don't. I'm a special case, my gaming budget is ridiculously tiny, on a good year these days I may spend $200 on games, often less. So yes, I am quite choosy about what I buy, and wait for deep, deep discounts, often as much as 70% or 80% off the launch price. My buying habits with Japanese games very likely don't reflect the Xbox fanbase overall in the slightest. It's silly to say that those like me are the reason that Japanese publishers often ignore the Xbox fanbase. We have proof of Japanese games that sold well on Xbox and still the publisher abandoned us, FFXV being a prime example, all evidence points to it's lifetime sales on Xbox One being in the neighborhood of 1.5-2m, and yet Square hasn't released a single mainline FF game on Xbox since, they took Sony hat money instead. And yes, I spent $70 on the FFXV deluxe edition at launch, it was one of the few games I didn't wait for deep discounts on, one of the reasons I bought it full price is because I hoped strong sales at full price would convince Square to bring more support Xbox's way, but sadly things didn't really work out that way.

I'll agree with you that Xbox has done a good bit to win more Japanese support in recent years, but I can't agree they are doing everything they can be doing. Take a look at Nihon Falcom for instance, they have even put their games onto Stadia and Luna, 2 completely untested platforms, one of which flopped hard, and yet they still haven't put their games onto Xbox, even though Gamepass and xCloud were far more sure of a thing than Stadia or Luna, which tells me Xbox has never even talked to Nihon Falcom most likely. They could also actually acquire some Japanese studios like the head of Xbox Asia told us they were attempting to do 2 or 3 years ago now, and no I don't buy the claim that they tried and failed to make any acquisitions there, with the number of Japanese studios that were struggling financially in recent years and having to turn to Chinese investment just to survive, surely some studio would have leapt at the chance of guaranteed paychecks from Xbox if Xbox had actually tried to acquire them.

Sometimes you have to throw money at a problem to get somewhere. Peter Moore understood that, it is why he moneyhatted so many Xbox 360 Japanese exclusives, those deals grew Xbox from 500k to 1.6m in Japan while also driving increased Xbox sales among western fans of Japanese games, and they would have driven even more sales if Don Mattrick had not put a stop to those deals halfway through the generation to focus on chasing Wii with Kinect instead. Xbox could have grown a lasting and permanent Japanese gaming fanbase for generations to come if Mattrick hadn't screwed it all up in the 2nd half of the generation an then again with Xbox One. The damage he did to Xbox's relationship with Japan and Japanese developers has lasted for years and will last for years further into the future. I honestly think pulling a Peter Moore and throwing money at Japan is Xbox's only realistic way to repair the remaining effects of Mattrick's blunders in Japan in any sort of reasonable time frame.

As for Persona 5, I would ask that you please not judge me as being some fake Japanese gaming fan simply because I haven't played it. I have various reasons for not playing it and may or may not play it in the future. No single game is going to appeal to everyone, we shouldn't use rather or not somebody played a certain Japanese game as some kind of mark of how serious they are about caring about Japanese games. I never claimed to be the biggest fan of Japanese games in this thread, I don't know where you would have gotten the idea that I was. My gaming habits lean more western than Japanese, always have. That being said, I know people on Xbox who play alot more Japanese games than I do and I feel for their plight, which is why I advocate on their behalf. I wanted Persona to come to Xbox because I knew people, both within the thread and outside of it, who wanted to play it, and that is more than enough reason for me to have pushed for it to come to Xbox, even though I personally was never all that hyped for it. One reason I wanted to win Atlus support on Xbox was because I hope to see Project ReFantasy on Xbox, that seems like it may be more my speed than Persona. 

I also find it odd that you think I never stop talking about Japanese games on Xbox, to me it feels like 2 or 3 posts per month most months. You make it sound like I talk about it practically daily. I'll occasionally complain when I see a JP game leaving Gamepass with none coming in to replace it that same month, or if somebody else is discussing Japan like Slade I will join in and talk about it a bit, usually positive things in those conversations. If my infrequent posts about it bother you that much, you should be glad you don't travel in my circles, I know people who complain about Xbox's JP issues far more often than I do, some of them talk about it pretty much a few times a week as most of the games they play are Japanese and more than 2/3rds of all JP games skip Xbox, so pretty much every time a JP game they are interested in is announced as skipping Xbox they complain about it. 

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 15 February 2023

shikamaru317 said:
Angelus said:


I don't buy the claim that they tried and failed to make any acquisitions there, with the number of Japanese studios that were struggling financially in recent years and having to turn to Chinese investment just to survive, surely some studio would have leapt at the chance of guaranteed paychecks from Xbox if Xbox had actually tried to acquire them.

I don't know if this is that hard to believe, the choice is selling out to an American company who has next to zero presence in Japan and has repeatedly fucked up there or take an investment from wealthy Chinese giants who are looking to expand and not having to sell your company.

And Tbh I can't really think of many independent Japanese developers. Microsoft should have nabbed a few in 2018 but the climate is a lot more competitive over the past few years to the point that even new studios are propping up and getting huge investments easy.

Should have got a few in 2018 when it was relatively early but if they started looking for Japanese studios later than that, I could buy that it became a lot harder to acquire them, NetEase and Tencent are being very aggressive.

ice said:

Alright, so when will we get the Neptunia series on xbox?

When we get FF 7 remake on Xbox, or when Noble returns to Xbox.">"><img src="