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We’re about to see Lenovo release a handheld PC with SteamOS, which you would think is counterintuitive since Valve has the Steam Deck, but they recently released a “Powered by SteamOS” banner that is to be used on a multitude of devices. MS is clearly trying to take a play out of Valve’s book of using their OS on a variety of devices. Valve attempted it with Steam Machines a decade ago, but we know how that turned out.

Seems like Xbox may be doing the same. Open sourcing the OS to as many third party OEM’s as possible while also still offering their own niche first party hardware. I wouldn’t be surprised if Game Pass gets added to Steam if the rumors are true of some sort incorporation with Steam.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

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ice said:

Huh, maybe it was just my timeline I saw almost nothing for xbox, some good PS5 deals tho almost snagged one. Only problem with losing more and more marketshare is developers will skip xbox more than they already do. That sucks as a consumer invested into the ecosystem but I guess it remains to be seen. Gamepass's main driver is the console so it's really in their best interest to keep the platform alive, plus they make a good amount on 3rd party sales, mtx, etc. Hopefully they give people a reason to buy the next xbox

Looking at it again, looks like there's been a few in the past week or so as well

Not a Microsoft/Xbox backed sale but every now and then stores do discount deals.

I'm hoping with what I think Xbox is heading towards (a store more like Steam but be more accessible) , they'll have more third party support rather than less. I especially want them to succeed so we can continue accessing the titles for b/c.

BasilZero said:
ice said:

Feel like xbox doesn't care much about marketshare since their new strategy is turning everything into an xbox, which is probably why there was next to no deals this christmas. Can't help but to think this new vision for xbox will eventually bite them in the ass but I guess we will see lol

They are likely bleeding money from the hardware all these years and the higher ups are wanting a much better return.

It's this, they already make a loss of $100-$200 per Xbox Series sold, I think even before sales. Microsoft straight up told Phil they aren't subsiding hardware anymore than they are already doing. Hardware parts aren't getting cheaper, some are even getting more expensive, Lol. And after all the layoffs this year, it's pretty obvious that Xbox is trying to shore up profit margins.

Plus the deemphasis (not total disregard) of hardware, in that hardware isn't all Xbox is anymore, I honestly think Microsoft will be fine with the next Xbox hardware selling "only" 20-30m units as long as it's profitable. I do wonder what the full range of "Xbox hardware" will be but I'm bored of predicting that stuff now and would just rather wait and see their plans from their own mouths now, Lol.

Ryuu96 said:
BasilZero said:

They are likely bleeding money from the hardware all these years and the higher ups are wanting a much better return.

It's this, they already make a loss of $100-$200 per Xbox Series sold, I think even before sales. Microsoft straight up told Phil they aren't subsiding hardware anymore than they are already doing. Hardware parts aren't getting cheaper, some are even getting more expensive, Lol. And after all the layoffs this year, it's pretty obvious that Xbox is trying to shore up profit margins.

Plus the deemphasis (not total disregard) of hardware, in that hardware isn't all Xbox is anymore, I honestly think Microsoft will be fine with the next Xbox hardware selling "only" 20-30m units as long as it's profitable. I do wonder what the full range of "Xbox hardware" will be but I'm bored of predicting that stuff now and would just rather wait and see their plans from their own mouths now, Lol.

I still can't believe their plans for next gen as they've said are for it to be the biggest leap yet.

Components are just going to get worse for a next-gen machine in terms of cost. I feel like Xbox 5 will be $700, and that will probably involve a $100 or more loss. PS6 will probably be $700.

I know PS5 Pro is an enthusiast device, but I feel like the $700 price tag and the 2 TB Series X at $600 are preparing us for next gen pricing. 

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 40 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million. then 48 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

Xbox plans are always delayed anyway those 'incompetent issues' are not getting better (yet). We saw it last weeks with deals on games. Some games have nice deals going on Swith/PS/PC but the same game has no deal on xbox. Some trueachievement members contacted the devs and the devs claimed the would love to make some money with discounting their games on xbox but their are issues with contacting the xbox team.

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At the close of 2024, I’m incredibly proud of everything that we’ve achieved as in growing the games ecosystem in SE Asia, Taiwan and HK.

🧵 below:

[image or embed]

— Junch ( 24 December 2024 at 13:32

☀ Discovered and engaged with over 300 new games and devs in 2024 (⬆️ vs. 2023).

🤝 Funded more games and developers (⬆️vs. 2023) from countries including Singapore, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand, and Malaysia.

🔩 Onboarded a ton of devs to the ID@Xbox program (⬆️vs. 2023).

[image or embed]

— Junch ( 24 December 2024 at 13:32

🚀 Supported the launch of many titles from the region including Nine Sols (for Game Pass), The Star Named EOS, Cat Quest 3, My Lovely Empress, Paper Ghost Stories: Third Eye Open, Dark Light, DreadHaunt, and Petit Island.

[image or embed]

— Junch ( 24 December 2024 at 13:32

📢 SE Asia and Taiwan titles featured in Xbox marketing and showcases including the East, South and Southeast Asia Indies Select collection, Gamescom and Tokyo Game Show, producing a regional games sizzle reel, Indie Selects features, the ID@Xbox Digital Session Asia and more.

[image or embed]

— Junch ( 24 December 2024 at 13:32

📋 Delivered several major Xbox-led events including Game Camp Asia across multiple SE Asia markets, the first ever Thailand Xbox Discovery Day, Singapore Xbox Discovery and Women in Games Asia event, and brought many SE Asia devs to Korea Dev Days.

[image or embed]

— Junch ( 24 December 2024 at 13:32

👩‍🏭 Supported the games industry through regional events like Taipei Game Show, GDS Philippines, PGDX, Taipei Game Dev Forum, IGDX, Tokyo Game Show, SwKGDC, Brunei Indie Jam, and Gamescom Asia.

[image or embed]

— Junch ( 24 December 2024 at 13:32

👩‍💻 We showed up for women and underrepresented devs: 11 out of 12 Game Camp Asia teams from SE Asia featured women devs, the Creator collection highlights underrepresented devs and games from across Asia, strong ongoing partnership with Women in Games Asia.

[image or embed]

— Junch ( 24 December 2024 at 13:32

💬 We continue to work closely with important leaders and associations to push forward progress for SE Asia, Taiwan and Hong Kong. I can feel the palpable energy and excitement as our massive kampung (“village”) continues to rally around each other and our ecosystem’s growth.

[image or embed]

— Junch ( 24 December 2024 at 13:32

I am also thankful for all that my boss Agnes, my colleagues and teammates from across Xbox, as well as leadership, have done to help SE Asia, by providing opportunities, unlocking resources and supporting the devs and games directly.

[image or embed]

— Junch ( 24 December 2024 at 13:32

We also have an incredible 2025 ahead. The work goes on to bring as many of the exciting games and devs from region to the Xbox ecosystem, so they may benefit from our platform's support.

[image or embed]

— Junch ( 24 December 2024 at 13:32

We're also going to see new opportunities spin up by passionate community leaders and groups across SE Asia, and my hope is that Xbox can do its part to accelerate and support as many of these as we can.

[image or embed]

— Junch ( 24 December 2024 at 13:32

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 December 2024

Top 10 most completed Xbox games of 2024, ready for your eyes! 🎖️

Check it out ⬇️

[image or embed]

— TrueAchievements ( 27 December 2024 at 13:00

Mat Piscatella's Top 10 Games of 2024 - Giant Bomb

#1 - Indiana Jones. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Anyone try to use Xcloud the last few days? It was working before Christmas fine, but afterwards I haven't been able to use it.