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Dulfite said:
Machiavellian said:

If you believe that then you definitely do not understand what is going on.  As I have stated, there is no doubt that Phil is definitely in charge and he got promoted for it.  Do not believe that any decisions made was not made, approved and initiated by Phil.  You guys really just do not understand how big corps like MS work.  

How do you feel?

I do not feel one way or the other because I just do not have enough information.  There could be plenty of reasons why Tango got caught up in the restructure of Bethesda but one thing for sure, something was going to happen within Bethesda as I have felt that recently they just are not pulling their weight as a first party studio.  One thing for sure is that we have never seen anyone make any big decisions concerning any of MS studios not since Phil took over so it's very hard for me to see anyone making any real decisions now.  There is a primary shift going on at MS and just like with Lionhead, decisions are being made whether good or bad but those decisions are being made from the person in charge of gaming and that would be Phil.

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My old Xbox 360 died in 2013 from natural causes (RROD).
After I bought an Xbox One in 2015, I was able to transfer all my save games into the "Xbox cloud" (I resurrected the broken 360 with the "towel trick" for one last hour).

A few days ago I got another Xbox 360 console for my 360 games without BC. Even a Kinect camera (plus Kinect Adventures) was included, so I ordered a few Kinect games to try them.

Which/how many Xbox 360 games without Xbox One/Series compatibility do you have? And are you planning to add some digital titles before they are delisted in the Xbox Marketplace?

These are my 360-games without BC:
Band Hero, Condemned 2: Bloodshot, Dead or Alive 4, Dead Rising, Eternal Sonata, Fight Night Round 3, Forza Motorsport 3 + 4, Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock, LEGO Rock Band, Project Gotham Racing 3, Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy and The Beatles: Rock Band.

The Kinect games I ordered: Child of Eden, Kinect Star Wars and The Gunstringer

Conina said:

Which/how many Xbox 360 games without Xbox One/Series compatibility do you have? And are you planning to add some digital titles before they are delisted in the Xbox Marketplace?

None - I only want the games if they are b/c with my Series X.

I completed a little to the left, the 100 (consecutive) daily quest was annoying.

Conina said:

My old Xbox 360 died in 2013 from natural causes (RROD).
After I bought an Xbox One in 2015, I was able to transfer all my save games into the "Xbox cloud" (I resurrected the broken 360 with the "towel trick" for one last hour).

A few days ago I got another Xbox 360 console for my 360 games without BC. Even a Kinect camera (plus Kinect Adventures) was included, so I ordered a few Kinect games to try them.

Which/how many Xbox 360 games without Xbox One/Series compatibility do you have? And are you planning to add some digital titles before they are delisted in the Xbox Marketplace?

These are my 360-games without BC:
Band Hero, Condemned 2: Bloodshot, Dead or Alive 4, Dead Rising, Eternal Sonata, Fight Night Round 3, Forza Motorsport 3 + 4, Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock, LEGO Rock Band, Project Gotham Racing 3, Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy and The Beatles: Rock Band.

The Kinect games I ordered: Child of Eden, Kinect Star Wars and The Gunstringer

I have over 120 xbox 360 games, many arent backwards compatible. These include Forza Horizon 1, Forza Motorsport 2 3 and 4, Project Gotham Racing games, Transformers Cybertron games, Eternal Sonata, Last Remnant, Resonance of Fate, Test Drive,  Sega Rally, Ridge Racer, Enslaved, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2, Need for Speed Carbon and Most Wanted, The Orange Box, Tomb Raider Legends.

Inactive. Bye!

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In terms of Xbox Library...

All digital.

Only buying BC games on sale and I doubt I'll even play those. It's mostly for having them in my collection.

PixelPirate said:

I have over 120 xbox 360 games, many arent backwards compatible. These include Forza Horizon 1, Forza Motorsport 2 3 and 4, Project Gotham Racing games, Transformers Cybertron games, Eternal Sonata, Last Remnant, Resonance of Fate, Test Drive,  Sega Rally, Ridge Racer, Enslaved, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2, Need for Speed Carbon and Most Wanted, The Orange Box, Tomb Raider Legends.

You should try Forza Horizon 1 again.

Not only BC, but also X-enhanced... gorgeous in 4K:

I didnt know! Will give it a shot. Surely enjoy the progession in Forza Horizon 1 and 2 more compared to the latest entries.

Inactive. Bye!

PixelPirate said:

I didnt know! Will give it a shot. Surely enjoy the progession in Forza Horizon 1 and 2 more compared to the latest entries.

I can confirm it works because I downloaded and tried it out on my Series X.

It even says it on the Xbox store page too.