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Good to see. But as I expected, Greenberg is now sticking to business.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

I've also seen a ton of Sea of Thieves advertising lately.

Ryuu96 said:

And again, none of these issues are exclusive to Xbox.

Maybe not exclusive, but I don't think Nintendo is seeking infinite growth. They seem to understand their core audience and make great games which drives people to their console. That is just what they do. They try to create a console with a wide appeal and some amazing games to support it.

With Xbox, it always feels like they need to expand and find new customers and subscribers. First the Xbox One, which was supposed to be the all-in-one solution for everyone. We know how that went..., so they changed strategy and created new services like cloud gaming, gamepass etc. And like Sarah Bond mentioned: 'Every screen is an Xbox'. 

Btw, I think GamePass is amazing. Discovered so many great games there. But now again, this strategy also seems to fail because subscribers aren't growing enough for them to be happy, so they are changing strategy again to find growth in profits. With Sea of Thieves going pretty well on PS5, I wouldn't be suprised if Microsoft will try go GAAS with many of their projects.... Which makes me sad... 

Inactive. Bye!

Ryuu96 said:

I know he's formerly PR of Xbox but I don't buy his argument Tbh. Hi-Fi Rush with or without Game Pass would have underperformed, it flopped on PlayStation and Steam too, where Game Pass doesn't exist. Redfall can't be attributed to Game Pass at all. He's right that Game Pass has stagnated but Game Pass is still profitable on its own.

I think something the streaming industry is still grappling with, is how do you measure that success?

How do you measure how successful the subscription is overall?

If MS is spending $4 billion on development every year, but they make $3 billion through subscriptions and $3 billion on game sales, they're overall profitable. But is the subscription profitable? It arguably is and isn't.  The subscription is simultaneously making them more than they need it to, to be profitable, but not individually profitable. 

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the-pi-guy said:
Ryuu96 said:

I know he's formerly PR of Xbox but I don't buy his argument Tbh. Hi-Fi Rush with or without Game Pass would have underperformed, it flopped on PlayStation and Steam too, where Game Pass doesn't exist. Redfall can't be attributed to Game Pass at all. He's right that Game Pass has stagnated but Game Pass is still profitable on its own.

I think something the streaming industry is still grappling with, is how do you measure that success?

How do you measure how successful the subscription is overall?

If MS is spending $4 billion on development every year, but they make $3 billion through subscriptions and $3 billion on game sales, they're overall profitable. But is the subscription profitable? It arguably is and isn't.  The subscription is simultaneously making them more than they need it to, to be profitable, but not individually profitable. 

I'm guessing something like

  • t =  monthly time spent on a specific title
  • T = monthly time spent on gamepass
  • r =  monthly revenue associated to a specific title
  • R = overall gamepass revenue
  • C = MS cut amount

r= (R-C)*t/T

I have included a ms cut to support 3rd party but it may also apply in case of 1st party.

PixelPirate said:

I'm playing Unicorn Overlord! Great game :)

I’m playing Stellar Blade. Game of the generation contender, up there with Elden Ring and SMT V. It’s like Nier Automata and Sekiro had a baby. Highly recommended for anyone who enjoyed Sekiro.

Ryuu96 said:

Is SteamDeck 2 rumoured or anything? Any information on if it's happening? When it could happen?

How does SteamDeck compare with ASUS Ally in terms of resolution and framerate?

What are your reviews on SteamDeck and ASUS Ally?

I’ve already told, please don’t but ROG Ally, don’t make the same mistake. I’m saving you a 500$. It’s god damn awful. Bad performance, terrible 1 hour battery life. PC handhelds don’t seem like a good idea with current level of technology.

shikamaru317 said:

I was never a fan of the Activision deal to be honest, not only do they not make many games I care about, but I always suspected that gigantic ass price tag would screw them over, one way or another. Seems I was right. I wish that Xbox had gone for a much cheaper publisher acquisition instead like buying WB Interactive when the owner was looking to sell, or one of the JP pubs. Instead they bought an overpriced double edged sword that seems to have screwed the whole Xbox division over by causing the bean counters like Amy Hood to start penny pinching the division.

Thank god MS hasn’t bought a single JP dev, publisher. And I hope they never ever will. Look at what happened to Tango. That’s why I never cheered on SEGA deal. SEGA is better off staying independent. 


Gotta agree with Parris just rip the bandaid off and tell what you they plan to do.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Ryuu96 said:She responds to 3 main points in this video:

1. "If a studio doesn't want layoffs or to shut down, they should just make good games." Her response: the quality of a game no longer matters. You can have a Hogwarts Legacy that sells gangbusters, but all Warner Bros. sees is a potential risk if it fails. Live service games can also fail, they often do, but the overall cost-benefit analysis actually makes them less risky.

2. As an addendum to 1, the biggest focus right now for most entertainment companies isn't even necessarily money, it's time. Because the more time you spend on a platform, the more you're likely to spend money, view ads, and have all your info mined and sold. A one-and-done experience is fundamentally not aligned with that goal.

3. "More studios should just go indie so they aren't beholden to these awful practices." Her response: the indie space is just as volatile and doing pretty bad right now, studios are closing all the time, they just aren't all big news like a AAA studio closing. Indies are having increasing trouble getting publishing support or just funding for projects in general, specifically because they're often more niche, less focused on monetization, and therefore more risky, even if they're generally smaller scale. But whereas a flop at a big studio might result in layoffs or maybe a closure at worst, an indie flop is probably just going to tank the whole company immediately and it might not even release if the stars don't align.

Now, there are still big games, Tears of the Kingdom, Baldur's Gate 3, Elden Ring, Cyberpunk. But she feels these will increasingly become the exception in the industry, not the rule. Companies like Fromsoft and Nintendo will become the go-to companies you go to for your single-player experiences, while 90% of the rest of the industry chases what they see as the bigger cheese, and even if 10+ more live services fail, a company is going to keep trying because the cost-benefit is still conceivably more attractive than any single player game could ever be. If that crashes a company, pull your losses and move on to the next company and hope they succeed.


Another perspective from the Xbox OT in ResetEra which got some praise.

Idk, maybe it's awful of me but I hope live service games continue to fail. Especially if it's from a studio I like, I don't want them stuck on a single game for a decade plus. 

shikamaru317 said:

I was never a fan of the Activision deal to be honest, not only do they not make many games I care about, but I always suspected that gigantic ass price tag would screw them over, one way or another. Seems I was right. I wish that Xbox had gone for a much cheaper publisher acquisition instead like buying WB Interactive when the owner was looking to sell, or one of the JP pubs. Instead they bought an overpriced double edged sword that seems to have screwed the whole Xbox division over by causing the bean counters like Amy Hood to start penny pinching the division.

Thank god MS hasn’t bought a single JP dev, publisher. And I hope they never ever will. Look at what happened to Tango. That’s why I never cheered on SEGA deal. SEGA is better off staying independent. 

I was thinking this yesterday when the news broke about Bethesda. I'm so glad MS didn't buy any Japanese publishers and honestly, if I was any pub or dev in Japan I wouldn't even consider any offer from MS no matter how much they offer, especially after Tango.