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PixelPirate said:
VersusEvil said:

Was this what it was like for Sega fans before the end?

At least Dreamcast had some banger exclusives before the curtain fell. I still have a dreamcast, it is really an awesome console.

Games still look pretty good using the VGA output. Really impressive. Lot of fun 'arcade' like games.

Yup and it got games officially until 2007 (in Japan)

I have 3 of them 2 of them hooked up and one to the HDTV with a HDMI box. It sucked hard when SEGA bowed out but it wasn't the end all. Xbox was launching and SEGA fans adopted it initially. Esp with Jet Set and Shenmue early on. Only helped when Panzer Dragoon Orta came over. So SEGA fans still had a ton of amazing games to look forward to. A console they identified as closest to Dreamcast. Only SEGA's business end sucked in the late 90s to DC's discontinuation but SEGA never stopped making amazing games in that era.

What is happening with Xbox feels far worse. It's not just seeing a brand die but they own so many studios they could just take down with them and the industry as a whole is doing the same thing. Buying everyone up then firing everyone.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Matt Booty is an utter moron.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Read someone say that ABK purchased Xbox not the other way around and now I can’t unthink it 🙃

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Phil Spencer

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

VersusEvil said:

Read someone say that ABK purchased Xbox not the other way around and now I can’t unthink it 🙃

This is essentially what has happened, Microsoft execs have seen ABK's profit margins and said "We want that across all divisions" and want Activision to remain a COD factory, Zenimax to turn into a Fallout/Elder Scrolls factory. They might as well rehire Bobby Kotick at this point if they no longer care about public perception and only care about infinite growth.

Ryuu96 said:


During a town hall with ZeniMax staff on Wednesday morning, Xbox president Matt Booty praised Hi-Fi Rush but did not specify why the company had shut down the development studio behind it, according to three people who were in attendance.

Speaking about the closures more broadly, Booty said that the company's studios had been spread too thin — like "peanut butter on bread" — and that leaders across the division had felt understaffed. They decided to close these studios to free up resources elsewhere, he said.

The sudden closure of several video-game studios at Microsoft Corp.’s Xbox division was the result of a widespread cost-cutting initiative that still isn’t finished. This week, Xbox began offering voluntary severance agreements to producers, quality assurance testers and other staff at ZeniMax, which it purchased in 2020 for $7.5 billion, according to people familiar with the company’s plans. Others across the Xbox organization have been told that more cuts are on the way.

Xbox Studio Closures: Microsoft Plans More Cost-Cutting Measures After Layoffs - Bloomberg

Matt Booty's comment makes zero fucking sense.

I disagree but it only depends on who actually get cut and who does not.  I think people look at a studio and think of an independent development studio but to be honest, it's just another division of the main company.  Meaning that if I have separate teams for marking, HR, operations and other jobs that is duplicated throughout the company that is a lot of redundant positions.  You can literally just remove those business units and combine all of the relevant staff as different teams within the same company.  You do not need to have multiple studios.  So, it really comes down to exactly how is MS is consolidating these studios into Bethesda.  While MS closed those studios, did they offer staff jobs on teams within Bethesda or did they get rid of all the development staff along with the other positions.  Since I have not looked into who stayed and who goes, it's not yet determined how the restructure is going but I actually do agree that just having a bunch of separate studios isn't always the best setup as we can look at embracers to see how well that goes.

Vampire survivors Contra DLC is out today (no achievements tho-

Is SteamDeck 2 rumoured or anything? Any information on if it's happening? When it could happen?

How does SteamDeck compare with ASUS Ally in terms of resolution and framerate?

What are your reviews on SteamDeck and ASUS Ally?

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 09 May 2024