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Nuclear-level L coming in hot!

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RIP Xbox. 

Last edited by VersusEvil - on 07 May 2024

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Seriously bro, WTF?!?!? Fuck this man! I was hopeful for Arkane Austin since they were on a hiring spree, but what the hell about Tango?! I feel like there was seriously no reason to shut them down.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Nevermind, yeah this sucks. Closing Tango Gameworks and Arkane Austin is hugely disappointing. 

Last edited by smroadkill15 - on 07 May 2024 avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

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Microsoft does Microsoft things.

Alpha Dog and Roundhouse I understand, they aren't exactly being fully shutdown but merged into Zenimax which I sort of understand because Roundhouse is just a support studio and Alpha Dog is just a mobile studio and both are tiny.

But Arkane Austin being shutdown is disgusting after Phil said all that shit last year about how they'll come back from this in the future, why the fuck jump straight to a shutdown? Why not merge Arkane Austin back with Arkane Lyon? Does that not make more sense than a fucking shutdown? Even if Redfall was a huge flop critically and commercially, they have talent which can benefit Lyon.

Tango Gameworks being shutdown is infuriating, Hi-Fi Rush clearly flopped and they tried to use PlayStation to save it and it flopped on PlayStation too but they went through all that multiplatform drama for Hi-Fi Rush only to kill the studio and Hi-Fi Rush even if it flopped was an amazing product, Tango can't have been that expensive to operate, they had like 100 employees based in Japan which is well known for low pay!

Mikami said he was planning on leaving Tango years ago but didn't because he was afraid of Zenimax shutting them down, he left now because he felt like Tango was safe, that is Mikami's words and then months later, Xbox decides to shut them down and spit in Mikami's face, there's no way they shut Tango down because they lost Mikami when John Johanas made Tango's best IP in its existence!

I wish Xbox wasn't apart of Microsoft, Microsoft is just too fucking greedy, need that 30-40% profit margin or w/e.

Fuck Tim Stuart and every CFO in Microsoft, it may also be time for Phil to stepdown, even if it was forced upon him by Microsoft, he is the face of the company and now his reputation is destroyed in terms of being someone who cares about studios, I could see multiple XGS now buying back their independence because they no longer trust Microsoft.

Right before June showcase too.

This bullshit has made me want to switch to PC more than the multiplatform stuff.

First studio shutdown in 8 years and then they shutdown 2, both critically acclaimed studios (Redfall is a single dud).

Could see Josh Sawyer leaving Obsidian Tbh, he is already someone who isn't shy about his political views, I'm pretty sure I saw him before liking tweets being against Microsoft acquiring so much, shit like this could push him over the edge to join someone else, the only thing that will keep him at Obsidian is his love for the people but I seriously doubt he likes Microsoft.

Robert Altman is turning in his grave.

Phil needs to step down now.

I'm clearing the studio segment of the OP and just leaving "upcoming games"

Cba to put all this effort into the OP when MS doesn't even respect its own studios.