This is absolutely terrible. Permission to be human : to any executive reading this, friendly reminder that video games are an entertainment/cultural industry, and your business as a corporation is to take care of your artists/entertainers and help them create value for you.
— Dinga Bakaba (@DBakaba) May 7, 2024
For now, great teams are sunsetting before our eyes again, and it's a fucking gut stab. Lyon is safe, but please be tactful and discerning about all this, and respect affected folks' voice and leave it room to be heard, it's their story to tell, their feelings to express.
— Dinga Bakaba (@DBakaba) May 7, 2024
Even more inside baseball, but with a very, very wide range, as a wise and sorely missed man said:
— Dinga Bakaba (@DBakaba) May 7, 2024
"Please Stop."