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They've released two patches so far today for Xbox, seems like the cert has been sped up, still behind Steam though.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 January 2024

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Ryuu96 said:

They've released two patches so far today for Xbox, seems like the cert has been sped up, still behind Steam though.

I am not sure if those certs should be sped up.  As I stated, a hard crash like I am experiencing after the update does not impart confidence in this developer ability to not brick my series X.  

Zippy6 said:
Ryuu96 said:


This is fucking insane for a weekday.

Palworld will basically make as much revenue in it's first 7 days as Sony purchased Insomniac for. That's a funny thought. How these no-name developers, of questionable competence judging by some of the development stories, released a game with a budget of less than $7m and now have ungodly amounts of money.

Running the numbers and the tiered steam cuts... at 7 million sold it would be:

Revenue - $189 Million
Steam Cut - $41 Million
Pocket Pair - $148 Million

So after the $7m budget that's $141m profit lol.

Now that’s a ROI!

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Machiavellian said:
Ryuu96 said:

They've released two patches so far today for Xbox, seems like the cert has been sped up, still behind Steam though.

I am not sure if those certs should be sped up.  As I stated, a hard crash like I am experiencing after the update does not impart confidence in this developer ability to not brick my series X.  

Has a game update ever bricked an entire console before? I'm not sure but if it does it's extremely rare.

That's the risk you're willingly taking by participating in an early access title, that it is going to be buggy, you're literally playing the game as it is being developed. These same warnings are displayed when people participate in the early access program for console OS updates too, shit can break, that is the risk which you as the consumer are taking.

DroidKnight said:

If the next consoles are digital only, then I'll be hanging up my Playstation and Xbox shoes and just wear my Mario hat.

Same here.

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:
Machiavellian said:

I am not sure if those certs should be sped up.  As I stated, a hard crash like I am experiencing after the update does not impart confidence in this developer ability to not brick my series X.  

Has a game update ever bricked an entire console before? I'm not sure but if it does it's extremely rare.

That's the risk you're willingly taking by participating in an early access title, that it is going to be buggy, you're literally playing the game as it is being developed. These same warnings are displayed when people participate in the early access program for console OS updates too, shit can break, that is the risk which you as the consumer are taking.

Depends on how you define brick.  At worse updates have caused major issues with Xbox in the past but mostly MS is very good with their updates and that has not happen in a while, probably because they do a extensive cert phase to insure that does not happen.  This is why I am saying no short cuts in the process or the need to feel pressure to speed up the process for a popular game and miss something that has a huge impact on the system.  You will be surprised how easy it is for a developer to screw up a patch that can have system damaging effects outside of just their own game.

Why should Palworld get a free pass in the cert? From the looks of things they can’t even release a stable working patching as is, why people think making the cert process more lax for this game will somehow improve the devs ability to release working patches is … weird.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

VersusEvil said:

Why should Palworld get a free pass in the cert? From the looks of things they can’t even release a stable working patching as is, why people think making the cert process more lax for this game will somehow improve the devs ability to release working patches is … weird.

They literally just did though, Lol. They released a patch, fixed some stuff, still some known issues, they released a 2nd patch hours later, fixed those issues and again, runs mostly fine at Steam, otherwise it wouldn't be sitting at a 92%

Not saying Palworld should get a free pass, I'm saying all EA titles should have more relaxed rules on certification, it makes no sense for an early access title, which is clearly labelled as being in progress development, and having the potential to be very buggy, to have the same certification process as a full game release.

Some early access titles have dozens of patches within a few weeks due to their very nature of being early access/in development, full releases are typically on a slower schedule for patches and thus the certification does not need to be sped up.

Despite that, even full release titles which aren't labelled as early access can be utterly broken and run like shit, MW3 literally just released an update which broke the game, Lol. At least early access is honest and you know what you're willingly choosing to get yourself into.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 January 2024

Machiavellian said:
Mnementh said:

Be aware that the Xbox version (and apparently also the Gamepass on Windows version) is crashing and buggy. Steam version has more patches. I hope the patches will arrive on Xbox soon, because... the game is fun in between crashes.

I would not get my hopes up any time soon for Palworld on Xbox.  The new update hit yesterday and its worse now.  Instead of the game crashing to the menu which is a pain but at least it did not lose you anything, now it crashes the Xbox where it turns off which is something I never like in a game.  I am moving on from it until I see more updates that addresses these crashes.

When I was playing yesterday it ran well for me. I stopped playing at the end because I was under leveled in a matchup I died and the game crashed LOL. But my data saved .

At minimum as well, the PC Store should not have a certification process like Steam doesn't, and yet we don't hear about early access Steam titles destroying thousands of machines every month, Lol. Otherwise Windows Store will ALWAYS be behind Steam in updates. This hasn't just affected Palworld in the past but multiple other games waiting weeks for a Windows Store patch.

As for Xbox, I don't think it should be removed entirely but why should the certification process for a clearly labelled work in progress title be the same certification process as a full release? It sort of defeats the entire purpose of early access which is in progress development requiring multiple updates constantly, they get that on Steam, they can't get that on Xbox, and it results in situations like now where the Xbox version is way behind the PC version and will ultimately hurt Xbox as people just play the game on Steam instead.

If it's clearly labelled, then it's the consumer who is willingly taking that risk. Xbox OS has the same early access program for updates which have the potential to brick Xbox consoles and I imagine an OS update is far more likely to brick a console than a game update but it's still extremely rare, these risks are clearly labelled and people can choose different tiers, each one would have a different certification process, the Alpha ring would have a different certification to the Beta ring and so on.

Maybe they could do different tiered early access programs, allowing the user to choose which one they want and choose what risk they want to take, Minecraft allows the user to opt into early updates. Again, I'm not saying to remove it completely but to speed it up. Makes no sense to have a certification process for early access the same length of time as a full game release.