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shikamaru317 said:

Things aren't looking good for physical discs on Xbox, first we heard that Best Buy may be removing them from stores, now this leaked memo suggesting that Walmart will begin closing out Xbox discs, starting with Starfield by selling remaining stock at a mere 3 cents and disposing of any unsold discs. 

I’m sure the trend is happening but this article is bullshit. Just go into Walmart and you won’t find Starfield for $0.03 lol.

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jason1637 said:
shikamaru317 said:

Things aren't looking good for physical discs on Xbox, first we heard that Best Buy may be removing them from stores, now this leaked memo suggesting that Walmart will begin closing out Xbox discs, starting with Starfield by selling remaining stock at a mere 3 cents and disposing of any unsold discs. 

I’m sure the trend is happening but this article is bullshit. Just go into Walmart and you won’t find Starfield for $0.03 lol.

Discount was supposed to start today but some stores could be late. Supposedly the leaked internal memo from Walmart has now been corroborated by multiple sources.

Edit: Ok, did some more research into it and it looks like the 3 cents was only an internal mark-down to flag Starfield copies for disposal, not to actually sell them to customers at 3 cents.

People went into their local Walmarts to try and buy Starfield for 3 cents today only to find that Walmart now has Starfield marked as unsellable in their inventory system, when people asked if they could buy a copy at all they were told by the employees that Starfield can no longer be sold to customers because they have to take the remaining copies from the shelves and backroom and dispose of the copies by February 5th, as per the above leaked memo.

So basically instead of selling their remaining stock of Starfield to gamers at a discounted price (whether it be $30, $20, $10 or whatever), they are going to just give it the E.T. landfill treatment pretty much. What a shame.

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 23 January 2024

Its a YMMV type of thing.

Walmart is notorious for selling stuff at stupid cheap but it varies location by location - and its not advertised online.

So weird. Why start with Starfield.. game released not even half a year ago.

Inactive. Bye!

I don't get why retailers would rather just trash perfectly good products instead of selling them to consumers. They could mark it down to like 5 dollars or something and they'd probably have tons of people running to stores to get a copy and they'd still at least get some kind of money for the game. Does it pain them so much to offer something for so cheap?

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Yikes, Schreier sure is insufferable at times. He put at statement saying Starfield only reviewed well because of Xbox fansites inflating it's score, in his eyes the fact that 5 out of 15 of Starfield's 95 or higher scores on Metacritic came from Xbox fansites meant that the score is inflated (never mind the fact that 2/3rds of it's high scores on Metacritic came from normal gaming sites, while more than 6/7ths of it's high scores on Opencritic came from normal gaming sites instead of Xbox fansites).

People decided to roast him with pictures of perfect 10's for weaker Sony games from PS fan sites, such as GT7:

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 23 January 2024

Speaking of Starfield, it surpassed Skyrim and Battlefield 3 on True Achievements! But yeah, only a small percentage of Xbox players buys physical nowadays.

shikamaru317 said:

Things aren't looking good for physical discs on Xbox, first we heard that Best Buy may be removing them from stores, now this leaked memo suggesting that Walmart will begin closing out Xbox discs, starting with Starfield by selling remaining stock at a mere 3 cents and disposing of any unsold discs.

Is gamepass responsible for this? Though you think it would only effect the sales of games actually on it so them ditching all physical Xbox games is something. Now we have to see if the FTC leaked series X revision this year is still coming and if it is still digital only. Would be sad to see physical die on Xbox even if I personally almost never buy physical games. But with over half Xbox Series sold in the USA being Series S and the existence of gamepass we knew physical sales were poor on Xbox.

It probably is an insurance thing, instead of selling it (you really don't know if it will sell at for example 9.99) they probably can get a budget from insurance that gives them more.

Also physical in Europe for xbox is (like the pics I took before) basically done.

That's why I expect MS will push the next games from ABK like COD to be only digital to push the digital margin even higher in the console market.

Which is why I think GameStop dumpster diving became a thing
