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Then the CMA bodied them. Circle of life.

BET: Delay in October will happen again.">"><img src="

What y'all's favorite ES and Fallout game? I love Oblivion and Fallout 4 (with mods)

I’d love to see Starfield get a 95 or higher but I’ll go with 93. At least a few publications have a hate boner for Starfield before even playing it so I expect at least a few 7’s and a few 6’s which will probably keep it from hitting a 95+

NobleTeam360 said:

I’d love to see Starfield get a 95 or higher but I’ll go with 93. At least a few publications have a hate boner for Starfield before even playing it so I expect at least a few 7’s and a few 6’s which will probably keep it from hitting a 95+

Damage control rushing to the ring.">"><img src="

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jason1637 said:

What y'all's favorite ES and Fallout game? I love Oblivion and Fallout 4 (with mods)

Skyrim and Fallout 3. 

jason1637 said:

What y'all's favorite ES and Fallout game? I love Oblivion and Fallout 4 (with mods)

-> Fallout 4 

-> Skyrim

No mods for any games :)

Spade said:

Then the CMA bodied them. Circle of life.

BET: Delay in October will happen again.

How did the CMA bodied them.  Actually, if you really think about it, nothing really changes for MS.  The only thing MS did was give away the XCloud license for ABK games but what they did not do is give up their ability to put all of ABK games day one on GP.  MS does not have to actually put ABK games on XCloud as we have multiple reports that MS does not see Cloud as being more important in the future as they do their GP service.  The only thing this deal does is make so that MS needs to pay to put ABK games on XCloud but they still come out on top because it will always be cheaper for them to do so compared to any other vendor.  If the sleight of hand move MS is doing here make you believe the CMA bodied them, then Sarah Bond has truly embraced her last name.

Y’all crazy if you think Starfield will be in the 90s.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

VersusEvil said:

Y’all crazy if you think Starfield will be in the 90s.

Let the bots dream bruh. 

Us in reality just get to sit back and lol.">"><img src="