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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Most Wanted December

So business as usual on here. I missed my opportunity to get my Most Anticipated Title thread for December out but since the pickings were a little more slim than usual, I just took the games that recieved votes in this months Most Wanted points based on how many votes they received (there were only 3 games from next month got votes, Crisis Core, Callisto Protocol, and High On Life).

As far as the top of the chart goes, it appears that Final Fantasy XVI got the boost from God of War releasing. Nintendo's votes that went to Pokemon are being distributed between Fire Emblem, Octopath Traveler II, and Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe. 

The Callisto Protocol had the highest debut thanks to the boost but the PS version of Tales of Heroes was pretty close to having the highest entry.  

Saying the quiet part out loud, The Legend of Zelda is unlikely to lose the top spot unless something drastic occurs. Despite there being 3 different games listed for Final Fantasy, it still doesn't quite reach the total points Tears of the Kingdom.  

Current Previous Title Boxart/Platform Points Votes
1 1 The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom 58 15
2 5 Final Fantasy XVI 32 9
3 3 Starfield 18 4
4 12 Fire Emblem: Engage 16 5
5 6 Resident Evil 4 14 4
6 53 Octopath Traveler 2 13 4
7 13 Hogwarts Legacy 13 3
8 40 Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe 11 3
9 11 Final Fantasy VII Rebirth 9 3
10 34 Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core Reunion 8 2

11 64 High On Life S|X 7 2
12 NEW The Callisto Protocol S|X 7 2
13 25 Fable S|X 6 3
14 47 Forspoken PS 6 3
15 37 Grand Theft Auto VI PC 6 2
16 NEW The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure PS 6 2
17 16 Starfield PC 5 2
18 26 The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure NS 5 2
19 18 Avowed PC 5 1
20 20 Hollow Knight Silksong S|X 5 1
21 21 Homeworld 3 PC 5 1
22 NEW ILL PC 5 1
23 8 Like A Dragon Ishin PS 5 1
24 NEW Wo Long: Fallen Destiny PS 5 1
25 24 Xenonauts 2 PC 5 1

26 NEW Dead Space Remake PS 4 2
27 61 Diablo IV PC 4 2
28 29 Hollow Knight Silksong PS 4 2
29 38 Hogwarts Legacy PC 4 1
30 RE Hollow Knight Silksong NS 4 1
31 NEW Like A Dragon 8 PS 4 1
32 30 Master Detective Archives: Rain Code NS 4 1
33 RE The Wolverine PS 4 1
34 RE Turbo Overkill NS 4 1
35 32 UBOAT PC 4 1
36 NEW Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition S|X 3 1
37 RE Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core Reunion PC 3 1
38 NEW Grand Theft Auto VI S|X 3 1
39 RE Hogwarts Legacy PS 3 1
40 50 Mass Effect 4 PC 3 1
41 14 Metal Slug Tactics PC 3 1
42 NEW Phantom Fury NS 3 1
43 7 Resident Evil 4 PS 3 1
44 RE Spider-Man 2 PS 3 1
45 45 The Lords of the Fallen PC 3 1
46 NEW Wanted: Dead PS 2 2
47 58 AEW Fight Forever PS 2 1
48 59 Age of Mythology: Retold PC 2 1
49 RE Amid Evil NS 2 1
50 NEW Assassin's Creed Mirage S|X 2 1
51 60 Dead Island 2 PS 2 1
52 RE Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core Reunion S|X 2 1
53 NEW Have A Nice Death NS 2 1
54 RE Like A Dragon Gaiden S|X 2 1
55 67 Persona 4 Golden NS 2 1
56 55 Star Wars Jedi: Survivor S|X 2 1
57 RE The Callisto Protocol PS 2 1
58 RE The plucky Squire PC 2 1
59 NEW Another Crab's Treasure NS 1 1
60 NEW Black Myth: Wukong PS 1 1
61 RE Deltarune Chapter 3 NS 1 1
62 RE Fable PC 1 1
64 RE Lies of P S|X 1 1
65 51 Metroid Prime 4 NS 1 1
66 RE Persona 3 Portable PC 1 1
67 RE Pikmin 4 NS 1 1
68 15 The Callisto Protocol PC 1 1
69 RE The Plucky Squire NS 1 1

As far as the combined platform chart, as previously stated, The Legend of Zelda still has a healthy lead above the rest. Hogwarts jumps into the top 5. Quite a few new faces replace the games that released last month. So the lower half of this chart is filled with new games.

1 1 The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom 58 15
2 6 Final Fantasy XVI 32 9
3 3 Starfield 23 6
4 10 Hogwarts Legacy 20 5
5 4 Resident Evil 4 17 5
6 16 Fire Emblem: Engage 16 5
7 14 Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core Reunion 13 4
8 7 Hollow Knight Silksong 13 4
9 NEW Octopath Traveler 2 13 4
10 NEW The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure 11 4
11 NEW Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe 11 3
12 19 The Callisto Protocol 10 4
13 15 Final Fantasy VII Rebirth 9 3
14 NEW Grand Theft Auto VI 9 3
15 NEW High On Life 7 2
16 NEW Fable 6 3
17 NEW Forspoken 6 3
18 NEW Avowed 5 1
19 NEW Homeworld 3 5 1
20 NEW ILL 5 1

As far as the top 10 games with release dates, these are your top 10 games. Crisis Core, Callisto Protocol, and High On Life will spend their last months on this chart. It looks like February 24th is going to be a great day for Switch owners since Kirby and Octopath Traveler 2 is coming out that day. And it's officially last call on votes for Fire Emblem: Engage! Again, hoping some release dates come out of the VGA's this year since this list is drying up pretty quickly. January and February are looking pretty stacked but the rest of the year is very much up in the air as of right now. 

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom May 12th
Hogwarts Legacy February 10th
Resident Evil 4 March 24th
Fire Emblem: Engage January 20th
Octopath Traveler 2 February 24th
The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure March 14th
Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core Reunion December 13th
Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe February 24th
The Callisto Protocol December 2nd
High On Life December 13th

Last edited by axumblade - on 01 December 2022

Around the Network

Resident Evil 4 14 4 Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core Reunion 3 1
Grand Theft Auto VI 6 2 Mass Effect 4 3 1
Starfield 5 2 Metal Slug Tactics 3 1
Avowed 5 1 The Lords of the Fallen 3 1
Homeworld 3 5 1 Age of Mythology: Retold 2 1
ILL 5 1 The plucky Squire 2 1
Xenonauts 2 5 1 Fable 1 1
Diablo IV 4 2 IXION 1 1
Hogwarts Legacy 4 1 Persona 3 Portable 1 1
UBOAT 4 1 The Callisto Protocol 1 1

Final Fantasy XVI 32 9 The Wolverine 4 1
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth 9 3 Hogwarts Legacy 3 1
Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core Reunion 8 2 Resident Evil 4 3 1
Forspoken 6 3 Spider-Man 2 3 1
The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure 6 2 Wanted: Dead 2 2
Like A Dragon Ishin 5 1 AEW Fight Forever 2 1
Wo Long: Fallen Destiny 5 1 Dead Island 2 2 1
Dead Space Remake 4 2 The Callisto Protocol 2 1
Hollow Knight Silksong 4 2 Black Myth: Wukong 1 1
Like A Dragon 8 4 1

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom 58 15 Amid Evil 2 1
Fire Emblem: Engage 16 5 Have A Nice Death 2 1
Octopath Traveler 2 13 4 Persona 4 Golden 2 1
Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe 11 3 Another Crab's Treasure 1 1
The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure 5 2 Deltarune Chapter 3 1 1
Hollow Knight Silksong 4 1 Metroid Prime 4 1 1
Master Detective Archives: Rain Code 4 1 Pikmin 4 1 1
Turbo Overkill 4 1 The Plucky Squire 1 1
Phantom Fury 3 1

Starfield 18 4 Grand Theft Auto VI 3 1
Hogwarts Legacy 13 3 Assassin's Creed Mirage 2 1
High On Life 7 2 Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core Reunion 2 1
The Callisto Protocol 7 2 Like A Dragon Gaiden 2 1
Fable 6 3 Star Wars Jedi: Survivor 2 1
Hollow Knight Silksong 5 1 Lies of P 1 1
Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition 3 1
Last edited by axumblade - on 01 December 2022

1. Avowed (PC)
2. Starfield (PC)
3. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (NS)
4. Age of Mythology: Retold (PC)
5. Fable (PC)

Last edited by G2ThaUNiT - on 01 November 2022

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

1. The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom (NS)
2. Like A Dragon 8 (PS4)
3. Resident Evil 4 (PS4)
4. Dead Island 2 (PS4)
5. Pikmin 4 (NS)

1 - Wo Long: Fallen Destiny PS5
2 - Forspoken PS5
3 - Hogwarts Legacy PS5
4 - Dead Space Remake PS5
5 - Black Myth: Wukong PS5

Proudest Platinums - BF: Bad Company, Killzone 2 , Battlefield 3 and GTA4

Around the Network

1. Like a Dragon Ishin!

2. Octopath Traveler II NS

3. Zelda Tears NS

4. AEW Fight Forever PS5

5. Wanted: Dead PS5

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

1. Starfield - Series
2. Fable - Series
3. The Callisto Protocol - Series

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

1. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (NS)
2. Master Detective Archives: Rain Code (NS)
3. Fire Emblem Engage (NS)
4. The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure (NS)
5. Metroid Prime 4 (NS)

1. Starfield (XSX)
2. Hogwarts Legacy (XSX)
3. Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition (XSX)
4. Like A Dragon Ishin (XSX)
5. Fable (XSX)

Results from last month are up!

As usual, if there are any issues, feel free to let me know and I will correct them when I get a chance. Until then, feel free to cast your votes in this thread.