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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Was Xbox's 2022 First Party Output the worst in their gaming HISTORY?

KratosLives said:

Dreadful year, and pentinent isn't a must have title. Grounded is probably the only game i'd say is worth playing

Pentiment might not be a must have title but everyone that has Game Pass should at least try it I like it a lot better than Grounded.  Also, even though it controls like a mobile game As Dusk Falls is also a game everyone that has Game Pass should at least try out.

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eva01beserk said:
smroadkill15 said:

Nobody said those games would be coming "soon". They gave no time-frame or date. Nobody lied like you are making it out to be. I would rather the studios be heads down getting the work done than wasting time on tech demos to show progress if they still have years of work to do. Last year was good, this year is not, and next year will be great. Time to move on already. 

You are asking questions only those actually working on the games can answer, yet you continue to ask us. Its obvious you are antagonizing at this point. 

I get it. When you really dont want to hear something you see it as antagonistic. 

But if you dont hold their feet to the fire they will just keep doing the same thing they have been doing for almos a decade now. Wich is why i dont think they will improve much. Because there dont seem to be much consecuenses for MS. 

MS has heard it all. Adding yours isn't going to make a difference. MS has already done more in the last 4 years to grow their 1st party than anyone could have expected. To say they continue to do the same thing is not even remotely true especially when the quality of their games has increased. Xbox Game Studios was the highest graded publisher last year via Metacritic. This could very well be the last dry year Xbox has going forward. Next year is already stacked with great games so it's obviously not a continuing issue going into next year. 
We all know your feelings about Xbox and this concerning trolling isn't fooling anyone. 

Can I get your Xbox gamertag since you are such a compassionate fan? 

Last edited by smroadkill15 - on 20 November 2022

smroadkill15 said:
eva01beserk said:

I get it. When you really dont want to hear something you see it as antagonistic. 

But if you dont hold their feet to the fire they will just keep doing the same thing they have been doing for almos a decade now. Wich is why i dont think they will improve much. Because there dont seem to be much consecuenses for MS. 

MS has heard it all. Adding yours isn't going to make a difference. MS has already done more in the last 4 years to grow their 1st party than anyone could have expected. To say they continue to do the same thing is not even remotely true especially when the quality of their games has increased. Xbox Game Studios was the highest graded publisher last year via Metacritic. This could very well be the last dry year Xbox has going forward. Next year is already stacked with great games so it's obviously not a continuing issue going into next year. 
We all know your feelings about Xbox and this concerning trolling isn't fooling anyone. 

Can I get your Xbox gamertag since you are such a compassionate fan? 

Yea i was never concerned for xbox. I always thought they where a cancer to gaming by adding the worst practices. Always thought they should go away and stop ruining gaming. So no concern trolling here.

Next year is always the best year for xbox. And what did it cost for xbox to have a "good" 2021? Another bad 2022 and a terrible 2020.

By the way i think 2020 was the worst year for xbox mainly cuz they had no titles either, it was the launch of a new gen so that should have hurt the most.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

Your 2017 list is missing good stuff like Cuphead, ReCore DE, and Halo Wars 2, plus stuff like the Voodoo Vince/Phantom Dust remasters, and that Fable card game. Probably forgetting some others. 

I think 2022 is easily their worst, but because of GamePass and an understanding of WHY 2022 was their worst, it’s fine. GamePass has changed gaming for me. It literally is the worst year of Xbox first party and yet I have no shortage of amazing games to play and my backlog has grown. I bought Ragnorok on my PS4 and downloaded the 2018 game to finish it first and instead all I have been playing is Vampire Survivors, aka GOTY. 

The onslaught of games is coming and it will get even better next year when the ABK deal closes.

Spade said:

I don't know why Microsoft is even in the console/gaming business anymore to be honest. I've been very patient with my series x, but I feel like I was lied to. I was given this false hope of a better tomorrow. So far, they have not delivered. Let's rewind to Xbox One reveal. TV, TV, COD, Kinect, Always Online, DRM, Sports, TV, watercooler, get a 360. Arguably the worst of Xbox's days right? Wrong. 2017. Cancelled games, studios, projects, etc. Scalebound, Lionhead, Fable Legends. Even before then, Halo 4 was the last game of the 360 that year, they put out nothing else... This shows that historically speaking they do not deliver when push comes to shove. They rest on their laurels, Halo, Forza, Gears; all three are currently in a massive decline. Halo, not even going to mention the problems with that. I'd need another 3000 characters probably. Forza is the same racing game with prettier graphics, yawn, and again, Gears has not been good since 3. Judgment terrible, 4 and 5, no real impact and dead player based games.

Looking at their studios they currently had were abysmal. They had 5 studios, mostly all on the decline. Halo has never recovered since Halo 3. Gears of War has never come close to its glory days since 3. Fable, still dead at the time. Forza Horizon? It's the same game with a new coat of paint. Motorsport has gotten progressively worse with microtransactions as well. Minecraft, they can't take any credit for that as it was already created. And MS just bought them out, shocked. Their other studios like Rare putting out SoT, arguably their worst game. Sure it has done well numbers wise, but that's because of PC.

Then you fast forward to the false good years I'll call it. All those studios they bought. What have they really done since? Obsidian. Grounded and Pentiment are small games with no real impact. Where are the AAA games from them? We are still waiting for Avowed, and ToW 2. Ninja Theory still working on Hellblade. I remember Xbox fans trashing games like Uncharted, but they seem to love a walking sim like Hellblade? Hmmmm. Compulsion hasn't done really anything of note, Inexile another one stuck in limbo rumor-ville. The Initiative ended up being a lazy studio that has to hire outside help. Double Fine nothing new, Psychonauts 2 has no MS credit. Undead Labs, still making glitchy broken game and still no word from SoD 3. Perfect Dark and Indian Jones have had no real substance in a long time, except fake news from journalists pretending to be insiders.

Then they bought Bethesda.. and what have they done since. Starfield delayed, mixed messages on exclusivity. They've pretty much rode on the success of their MMOs for player count alone... Using that player stat to buff up their investor meetings probably to make them look like they have higher engagement. Arkane was working on a game before MS bought them, same with Tango. So MS gets no credit. They end up getting "cuked out" and have to wait a whole year to even put the game on the game pass. Gamepass... been a massive let down tbh. Low meta, shovelware games. It's even more of a scam that once gamepass runs out, you can't even play them anymore. Like wtf. I'll touch on Japanese support which has been dry as well. Missing games to Stadia ie Trails of and Ys. Still no FF, and missing a lot of obscure games that just do not get the light of day on Xbox. Redfall another delay that looks like a bland co op Back 4 Blood clone. A bunch of 2nd party games from mid studios like Avalanche. Only good thing about Contraband was that song in the beginning. Nothing else shown either. Insider rumors on 2nd party games from IO as well. 2025 and beyond. I don't know what I'm doing in 37 hours, let alone 2025 for Project Dragon???. More rumors which end up being fake from games years away. This is MS' problem, they show these games so early and then have nothing to show for it and base hype around those rumors.

2022... Literally the only good part of 2022 could be argued was January. When they announced the purchase of Activision. They wasted billions on mobile gaming which does nothing for Xbox, COD which will remain on PS unless Phil lies again (FF 14 anyone?), COD support studios that haven't produced in years. Activision/Blizzard themselves which are a PR disaster that already happened. Mixed messaging on exclusivity as well. Is it coming to PS or is it not? Billions of that money could have been put into making their own studios. What tastes better store bought tomatoes from like Dollar Tree, or home grown delicious, ripe, juicy tomatoes that were made by yourself. The answer is obvious. Gamepass releases have been a disaster, as well as delays as well, which have plagued Xbox in 2022. 2023 doesn't look much better. Starfield will get delayed again and release in a broken state. You're better off waiting until 2024-25 for the full complete edition as well. Redfall and Forza, will have no real impact as well.

All in all, MS has gotten to where they are simply through spending money with no real talent to back them up. Their solution is to sell the people on false hope, waste money on studios because they don't have their raw talent to create things themselves (look at the initiative), and get people to worship false idols like Game pass. the cult of game pass is probably one of the worst things that have come out of Xbox. If any good could come from 2023, it will be MS getting denied their Activision deal, they lose even more consumer trust, and eventually are forced to adapt to change or fade to obscurity.

Been saying most/all of this and more for years now, and I keep getting eviscerated on this forum. Best of luck to you, my friend. 

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

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Chris Hu said:

Yeah, nope Forza Motorsports really never had microtransactions you could buy credits in FM3, FM4, and FM5 but earning credits was super easy in all those games the only one that was somewhat of a grind were FM3 and FM4 but in FM4 if you had all the DLC you could not buy all the cars anyway due to limited garage space.  The Activison deal is pretty much done no one denied AT&T from acquiring Warner Brothers and in the big picture of things that was a much bigger deal than MS acquiring Activison Blizzard.  Unfortunately, that deal really turned into a shit show since Warner Brothers is now owned by Discovery and is in a rapid decline when it comes to quality it would have been in much better hands if Paramount Global would have bought them instead.

What planet are you living on? 

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

Runa216 said:
Spade said:

I don't know why Microsoft is even in the console/gaming business anymore to be honest. I've been very patient with my series x, but I feel like I was lied to. I was given this false hope of a better tomorrow. So far, they have not delivered. Let's rewind to Xbox One reveal. TV, TV, COD, Kinect, Always Online, DRM, Sports, TV, watercooler, get a 360. Arguably the worst of Xbox's days right? Wrong. 2017. Cancelled games, studios, projects, etc. Scalebound, Lionhead, Fable Legends. Even before then, Halo 4 was the last game of the 360 that year, they put out nothing else... This shows that historically speaking they do not deliver when push comes to shove. They rest on their laurels, Halo, Forza, Gears; all three are currently in a massive decline. Halo, not even going to mention the problems with that. I'd need another 3000 characters probably. Forza is the same racing game with prettier graphics, yawn, and again, Gears has not been good since 3. Judgment terrible, 4 and 5, no real impact and dead player based games.

Looking at their studios they currently had were abysmal. They had 5 studios, mostly all on the decline. Halo has never recovered since Halo 3. Gears of War has never come close to its glory days since 3. Fable, still dead at the time. Forza Horizon? It's the same game with a new coat of paint. Motorsport has gotten progressively worse with microtransactions as well. Minecraft, they can't take any credit for that as it was already created. And MS just bought them out, shocked. Their other studios like Rare putting out SoT, arguably their worst game. Sure it has done well numbers wise, but that's because of PC.

Then you fast forward to the false good years I'll call it. All those studios they bought. What have they really done since? Obsidian. Grounded and Pentiment are small games with no real impact. Where are the AAA games from them? We are still waiting for Avowed, and ToW 2. Ninja Theory still working on Hellblade. I remember Xbox fans trashing games like Uncharted, but they seem to love a walking sim like Hellblade? Hmmmm. Compulsion hasn't done really anything of note, Inexile another one stuck in limbo rumor-ville. The Initiative ended up being a lazy studio that has to hire outside help. Double Fine nothing new, Psychonauts 2 has no MS credit. Undead Labs, still making glitchy broken game and still no word from SoD 3. Perfect Dark and Indian Jones have had no real substance in a long time, except fake news from journalists pretending to be insiders.

Then they bought Bethesda.. and what have they done since. Starfield delayed, mixed messages on exclusivity. They've pretty much rode on the success of their MMOs for player count alone... Using that player stat to buff up their investor meetings probably to make them look like they have higher engagement. Arkane was working on a game before MS bought them, same with Tango. So MS gets no credit. They end up getting "cuked out" and have to wait a whole year to even put the game on the game pass. Gamepass... been a massive let down tbh. Low meta, shovelware games. It's even more of a scam that once gamepass runs out, you can't even play them anymore. Like wtf. I'll touch on Japanese support which has been dry as well. Missing games to Stadia ie Trails of and Ys. Still no FF, and missing a lot of obscure games that just do not get the light of day on Xbox. Redfall another delay that looks like a bland co op Back 4 Blood clone. A bunch of 2nd party games from mid studios like Avalanche. Only good thing about Contraband was that song in the beginning. Nothing else shown either. Insider rumors on 2nd party games from IO as well. 2025 and beyond. I don't know what I'm doing in 37 hours, let alone 2025 for Project Dragon???. More rumors which end up being fake from games years away. This is MS' problem, they show these games so early and then have nothing to show for it and base hype around those rumors.

2022... Literally the only good part of 2022 could be argued was January. When they announced the purchase of Activision. They wasted billions on mobile gaming which does nothing for Xbox, COD which will remain on PS unless Phil lies again (FF 14 anyone?), COD support studios that haven't produced in years. Activision/Blizzard themselves which are a PR disaster that already happened. Mixed messaging on exclusivity as well. Is it coming to PS or is it not? Billions of that money could have been put into making their own studios. What tastes better store bought tomatoes from like Dollar Tree, or home grown delicious, ripe, juicy tomatoes that were made by yourself. The answer is obvious. Gamepass releases have been a disaster, as well as delays as well, which have plagued Xbox in 2022. 2023 doesn't look much better. Starfield will get delayed again and release in a broken state. You're better off waiting until 2024-25 for the full complete edition as well. Redfall and Forza, will have no real impact as well.

All in all, MS has gotten to where they are simply through spending money with no real talent to back them up. Their solution is to sell the people on false hope, waste money on studios because they don't have their raw talent to create things themselves (look at the initiative), and get people to worship false idols like Game pass. the cult of game pass is probably one of the worst things that have come out of Xbox. If any good could come from 2023, it will be MS getting denied their Activision deal, they lose even more consumer trust, and eventually are forced to adapt to change or fade to obscurity.

Been saying most/all of this and more for years now, and I keep getting eviscerated on this forum. Best of luck to you, my friend. 

Yup, truth hurts sometimes.">"><img src="

eva01beserk said:
smroadkill15 said:

MS has heard it all. Adding yours isn't going to make a difference. MS has already done more in the last 4 years to grow their 1st party than anyone could have expected. To say they continue to do the same thing is not even remotely true especially when the quality of their games has increased. Xbox Game Studios was the highest graded publisher last year via Metacritic. This could very well be the last dry year Xbox has going forward. Next year is already stacked with great games so it's obviously not a continuing issue going into next year. 
We all know your feelings about Xbox and this concerning trolling isn't fooling anyone. 

Can I get your Xbox gamertag since you are such a compassionate fan? 

Yea i was never concerned for xbox. I always thought they where a cancer to gaming by adding the worst practices. Always thought they should go away and stop ruining gaming. So no concern trolling here.

It shows in all of your Microsoft related debates and confirms to others why debating with you is pointless, nothing that Microsoft will ever do will be good enough for you when you're filled with that much hatred towards a company. Some of you need to touch some grass and realise that gaming is just a harmless hobby, go play some PlayStation and let others enjoy their Xbox.

But at least this specific part of your comment is a good reminder to Xbox fans that debating with you is a pointless waste of time and you'll just forever change goalposts because Xbox is a cancer who should leave gaming, so thanks for admitting to that, I'm sure it'll serve as a helpful reminder in the future.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 November 2022

Ryuu96 said:
eva01beserk said:

Yea i was never concerned for xbox. I always thought they where a cancer to gaming by adding the worst practices. Always thought they should go away and stop ruining gaming. So no concern trolling here.

It shows in all of your Microsoft related debates and confirms to others why debating with you is pointless, nothing that Microsoft will ever do will be good enough for you when you're filled with that much hatred towards a company. Some of y'all need to touch some grass and realise that gaming is just a harmless hobby, go play some PlayStation and let others enjoy their Xbox.

But this is a good comment to remind people that debating with you is pointless and you'll just forever change goalposts because Xbox is cancer, so thanks for admitting to that.

Again if you only want an echo chamber go ahead do just that. But im the one not changing goalpost here. Im showing their history and doubting their future. Excusing their past and basing their future in just hopes and dreams seems a little nonsensical to me. I can only base my opinion on their past. And its been terrible.

Also i have never hid this. I belive i have called MS a cancer multiple times.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

Spade said:
Runa216 said:

Been saying most/all of this and more for years now, and I keep getting eviscerated on this forum. Best of luck to you, my friend. 

Yup, truth hurts sometimes. 
