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Forums - Politics Discussion - The US is ranked as a 'Flawed Democracy', what needs to change?

the-pi-guy said:
ConservagameR said:

What's the point in even asking if so many are afraid to speak because of who and how many are silenced?

Might be a good place to start.

Who do you think is being silenced?

I'm going to refer you to a few rich famous people who were extremely well liked, until they were not, more recently. Worth 1000 words.


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Ka-pi96 said:

The US isn't the oldest democracy. Switzerland exists. Plenty of older democracies that don't exist anymore too, but even if you're only counting continuing ones, the US still isn't the oldest.

As for how to improve it, simple, make it more democratic. Get rid of the electoral college stuff and just have a standard vote for the president. Whoever gets >50% of the votes is president, simple. No giving more weight to votes from some states than those in other states.

Not that it really matters in the big picture as the US democracy is very old (came into effect in 1789), it is consider by many sources to be the longest standing continuous Democracy in the world today 

Next in line is Switzerland from 1848

Then New Zealand from 1857 (Also the First Democracy to allow Women the vote in 1893)

Rab said:
Ka-pi96 said:

The US isn't the oldest democracy. Switzerland exists. Plenty of older democracies that don't exist anymore too, but even if you're only counting continuing ones, the US still isn't the oldest.

As for how to improve it, simple, make it more democratic. Get rid of the electoral college stuff and just have a standard vote for the president. Whoever gets >50% of the votes is president, simple. No giving more weight to votes from some states than those in other states.

Not that it really matters in the big picture as the US democracy is very old (came into effect in 1789), it is consider by many sources to be the longest standing continuous Democracy in the world today 

Next in line is Switzerland from 1848

Then New Zealand from 1857 (Also the First Democracy to allow Women the vote in 1893)

It's not the oldest democracy.

If a claim is going to be made, then it does need to actually be factual.

Iceland predates it... As their parliament, the Althing, is the oldest one still in use. It was formed in 930 by Vikings.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

I'm of the opinion that Switzerland is most likely the only democracy in the world.

No one in Canada disputes the results of elections because the voting standards are strict. This encourages confidence in our democracy.

ID is required (and proof of address, I couldn't vote even with ID in the last election, I had to do a lot of paperwork to vote at all). There are no ballot drop boxes like in the US. Advanced registration with ID is required for mail in voting, and ballots have to be RECEIVED not post marked, a week before the election happens (so up to 2 weeks earlier than in the US).

The US could adopt those features from Canada that are supported by all the left-wing governments here. But unfortunately, the US has crazy Democrats who don't want a reliable electoral system. They call people racist if they want a trustworthy system like all the other modern countries. It is non-sensical, would you call the Liberals in Canada racist because the voting standard is strict?

They said Trump was illegitimate and they are saying the future 2024 election will be the same, even though it hasn't happened yet. Then they are surprised the right thinks the same calling Biden illegitimate (how did he get more votes than Obama?). We need both parties to stop that. The only way forward is a system that everyone trusts.

There is no desire among the left in the US to improve democracy. They don't want to talk about it with their fellow left-wing Europeans and Canadians. They have their practiced attack lines and don't want to give up the demagoguery that works.

Last edited by Alistair - on 26 October 2022

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ConservagameR said:
the-pi-guy said:

Who do you think is being silenced?

I'm going to refer you to a few rich famous people who were extremely well liked, until they were not, more recently. Worth 1000 words.


You can't be serious. 

These people were not silenced. 

Conservatives should make the effort to distance themselves from the far-right instead of tolerating or even embracing them. That would be a good start to cut down on a lot of the American bullshit.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

RolStoppable said:

Conservatives should make the effort to distance themselves from the far-right instead of tolerating or even embracing them. That would be a good start to cut down on a lot of the American bullshit.

Same is true with liberals and the far left.  

The middle doesn't exist anymore.  

Last edited by Chrkeller - on 26 October 2022


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

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What needs to change - well everything. The two-party system needs to change. Every adult citizen needs to be a voter by definition, without being registered as one. You need to prove your identity when voting.

The funny thing is, that European countries seem to be sliding towards the US system, and not the other way around, as parties are forming "blocs" in different parts of Europe.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

Pemalite said:
Rab said:

Not that it really matters in the big picture as the US democracy is very old (came into effect in 1789), it is consider by many sources to be the longest standing continuous Democracy in the world today 

Next in line is Switzerland from 1848

Then New Zealand from 1857 (Also the First Democracy to allow Women the vote in 1893)

It's not the oldest democracy.

If a claim is going to be made, then it does need to actually be factual.

Iceland predates it... As their parliament, the Althing, is the oldest one still in use. It was formed in 930 by Vikings.

Don't forget the the Athenians.. probably even many others before them.. anyway

The Althing was disbanded entirely by the Danish king in 1800, in 1844 the Althing was restored, but the country wasn't an independent Democracy until 1918

So it still appears the US is the longest standing continuous Democracy in the world today