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Rab said:
Ka-pi96 said:

The US isn't the oldest democracy. Switzerland exists. Plenty of older democracies that don't exist anymore too, but even if you're only counting continuing ones, the US still isn't the oldest.

As for how to improve it, simple, make it more democratic. Get rid of the electoral college stuff and just have a standard vote for the president. Whoever gets >50% of the votes is president, simple. No giving more weight to votes from some states than those in other states.

Not that it really matters in the big picture as the US democracy is very old (came into effect in 1789), it is consider by many sources to be the longest standing continuous Democracy in the world today 

Next in line is Switzerland from 1848

Then New Zealand from 1857 (Also the First Democracy to allow Women the vote in 1893)

It's not the oldest democracy.

If a claim is going to be made, then it does need to actually be factual.

Iceland predates it... As their parliament, the Althing, is the oldest one still in use. It was formed in 930 by Vikings.

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