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Is free speech suppressed on the internet's main public squares

Yes 61 54.95%
No 46 41.44%
Undecided 4 3.60%

yes why do you think there are moderartors on every website.


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Man, Elon is really unraveling...

TallSilhouette said:

Man, Elon is really unraveling...

Sweet! It seems Elon Musk is now aligned on messaging with the anti-Twitter activists trying to get advertisers to stop supporting the platform… only with drunken profanity.

Last edited by Jumpin - on 01 December 2023

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Musk has a lot of money, but he is still a poor guy. What a loser.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

He does look a bit like Mac’s mom… While there’s new poor, Mac’s family has generations of poverty, otherwise known as old poor.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Around the Network
RolStoppable said:

Musk has a lot of money, but he is still a poor guy. What a loser.

So you're saying he's basically this.

And he's dipping deeper and deeper down into that...

RolStoppable said:

Musk has a lot of money, but he is still a poor guy. What a loser.

Yeah, because he has done nothing with his life or done anything good for anybody else, right? And why are you angry at him? Because he doesnt feel and think the way you do at all times?

Bofferbrauer2 said:
RolStoppable said:

Musk has a lot of money, but he is still a poor guy. What a loser.

So you're saying he's basically this.

And he's dipping deeper and deeper down into that...

No, that's not what I meant.

For a guy like Musk it's not enough to be crazy rich. Additionally, everyone is supposed to view him as one of the greatest men to have ever lived; but money can't buy him that and it frustrates him, hence why his statements get more perplexing with each month that passes. In order to be recognized as great, one has to be great. But Musk isn't even average. He is, quite frankly, scum. That's why he is poor; extremely poor in virtue.

KLXVER said:
RolStoppable said:

Musk has a lot of money, but he is still a poor guy. What a loser.

Yeah, because he has done nothing with his life or done anything good for anybody else, right? And why are you angry at him? Because he doesnt feel and think the way you do at all times?

A reason to be angry at Musk is that he tried to buy a highly popular social media platform with the intent to manipulate the global population. In the span of a year he has retweeted a lot of bullshit tweets in the hopes of shaping public opinion and even influencing elections. In the beginning he said that free speech was oppressed on Twitter before he bought it, and after he bought it, it didn't take long until he began to oppress free speech by banning people who criticized him. That was the first blatant sign of how fake Musk is.

I could ask myself why you even bother to defend him, but that's already been answered by your final question which is typical projection. The reason for your defense of him is that Musk supports at least some opinions that align with yours, hence you think that people who don't like him do so merely because of a difference of opinion.

If Musk was just another guy with questionable to stupid opinions, there'd be no good reason to talk about him. But he's a billionaire who uses his money to spread propaganda and intentionally mislead people to vote for far-right political parties who are willing to lick anyone's boots if that helps them to gain power. While regular political parties are by no means innocent of trading money for power, there's at least some sense for moral standards left.

In the most recent video, it's also pathetic how Musk wants to blame a potential ruin of X on companies who pulled out of advertising. Objectively, it's clear that Musk himself is the culprit, but I suppose he assumes that there are enough idiots out there who sympathize with him and fall prey to believing him, because there are also a lot of people out there who still support Donald Trump. But the difference is that Musk is fat while The Donald is so cool.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

RolStoppable said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

So you're saying he's basically this.

And he's dipping deeper and deeper down into that...

No, that's not what I meant.

For a guy like Musk it's not enough to be crazy rich. Additionally, everyone is supposed to view him as one of the greatest men to have ever lived; but money can't buy him that and it frustrates him, hence why his statements get more perplexing with each month that passes. In order to be recognized as great, one has to be great. But Musk isn't even average. He is, quite frankly, scum. That's why he is poor; extremely poor in virtue.

KLXVER said:

Yeah, because he has done nothing with his life or done anything good for anybody else, right? And why are you angry at him? Because he doesnt feel and think the way you do at all times?

A reason to be angry at Musk is that he tried to buy a highly popular social media platform with the intent to manipulate the global population. In the span of a year he has retweeted a lot of bullshit tweets in the hopes of shaping public opinion and even influencing elections. In the beginning he said that free speech was oppressed on Twitter before he bought it, and after he bought it, it didn't take long until he began to oppress free speech by banning people who criticized him. That was the first blatant sign of how fake Musk is.

I could ask myself why you even bother to defend him, but that's already been answered by your final question which is typical projection. The reason for your defense of him is that Musk supports at least some opinions that align with yours, hence you think that people who don't like him do so merely because of a difference of opinion.

If Musk was just another guy with questionable to stupid opinions, there'd be no good reason to talk about him. But he's a billionaire who uses his money to spread propaganda and intentionally mislead people to vote for far-right political parties who are willing to lick anyone's boots if that helps them to gain power. While regular political parties are by no means innocent of trading money for power, there's at least some sense for moral standards left.

In the most recent video, it's also pathetic how Musk wants to blame a potential ruin of X on companies who pulled out of advertising. Objectively, it's clear that Musk himself is the culprit, but I suppose he assumes that there are enough idiots out there who sympathize with him and fall prey to believing him, because there are also a lot of people out there who still support Donald Trump. But the difference is that Musk is fat while The Donald is so cool.

I like to "defend" people who use their money to do some good in the world. Elon Musk has and does. He might be a bit weird and I dont agree with everything he says or does, but Im from an older generation I guess. I like to deal in facts over feelings. Although feelings about someone are important, they shouldnt completely disregard everything about a person. Twitter was already manipulating people to vote Democrat, but Im guessing you never noticed that back then. Just people on the right being banned all the time for nothing pretty much, while people on the left could say what they wanted. I think it is more free now. I rarely hear about anyone getting banned for their political beliefs. I dont know how many people he has banned for criticizing him, but he should try to handle that better.(When it comes to actual criticism of course and not the people verbally attacking the man)


I used to like Musk until the whole cave diver fiasco where he accused a cave diver of being a paedophile because the diver said that Musk's idea to save the children wouldn't work. Musk showed then how much of an egotistical prick he really is, Musk who has no expertise in this area, got so offended at someone who does have expertise in this area, saying that his device would be useless, that instead of actually giving a shit about the kids, Musk instead decided to call the cave diver a paedophile, it showed that he didn't care about the kids at all, the dude just wanted his ego stroked as the "saviour"

Then I feel like (for me) since then his image has collapsed bit by bit, you see that his wealth is propped up by the blood money of his fathers emerald mines, him being fired from Paypal and seeing how much of a fucking idiot he is in anything which isn't Tesla/Space X but he keeps butting his unasked for nose into everyone's business.

It's clear he never had any intention of actually buying Twitter but the idiot was going to be forced to go through with it, his handling of Twitter's business has been nothing short of a complete disaster and once again showing his lack of knowledge outside of his wheelhouse (Tesla/SpaceX). Under him, in my personal experience, I get far more spambots, far more absolutely stupid ads, I see far more antisemitism and racism, I see blue check mark fuckers straight up cosplaying as Nazis talking shit about Jews.

And Musk not only responds to these people, he actively endorses some of them! He spread pro-Russian propaganda and hurt Ukraine ability to fight back against Russia because the dude wants the war to end, not because he cares about the lives, but because he wants to go back to investing into Russia again. Now his whole Israel/Gaza stuff has been a shitshow, firstly actively promoting antisemitism which caused the advertisers to pull out, then in an effort to save face, he goes and pals around with that piece of shit Netanyahu and after all that, tells advertisers to fuck off, Lol.

The only dude who has a bigger ego than Musk is Andrew Taint.

Oh lets not forget his own child seems to hate him, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 02 December 2023