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Is free speech suppressed on the internet's main public squares

Yes 61 54.95%
No 46 41.44%
Undecided 4 3.60%
KiigelHeart said:
Ryuu96 said:


It is publicly available data, so I don't agree that it counts as doxing, anyone can look this stuff up, it took me under a minute to find it, it's a bit like someone publicly posting their house on Twitter and someone reposting it, that isn't doxing Imho. You'd probably have to push law to make stuff like ADS-B illegal and other flight trackers.

But the location is broadcasted by the jet as required by law, no matter who owns it, you want a private jet, it has to be registered, if he doesn't want to be tracked in this way then he can just fly commercial like the rest of us, Lol.

Plus Musk said that he wouldn't ban the account, then suddenly changed Twitter's rules to make this kind of thing against the rules and suddenly banned the account and since I don't agree the above is doxing, I really don't agree that journalists reporting on it is doxing, it's public data and it's a constantly moving jet, it isn't like Musk lives there, by the time journalists report on it, he'll be gone.

ElonJet IIRC was set up to expose Musk's hypocrisy on climate change whilst constantly using a private jet, similarly people have tracked other celebrities private jets across the years cause it's pretty easy to find this stuff out (and a lot recently used it to track Russian Oligarchs, Lol).

Twitter blocked NYP because they had a policy against leaking hacked materials, which is a lot more understandable than publicly available data, Imo. But hey it's Musk's Twitter now so w/e, he can create all the rules he wants, I just don't agree that it is doxing, he just had a grudge against that ElonJet account.

Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast - Wikipedia

Imo doxxing can be done by sharing public information. It might not be illegal but social media platforms should monitor such behaviour. Identifying information like names, phone numbers, home address etc are publicly available in many countries. If this information is shared in a way it's likely to lead to harrasment and threats then it's not ok.

Twitter might have had more understandable reasons to block NYP but in my opinion it was still a bigger deal to block such news. And I read they consider they made a mistake blocking it and it wasn't a clear-cut violation of their policy against hacked materials. Anyway, I do not think it was a good decision and this laptop became a holy grail of conspiracy theories and far-right propaganda. 

And I don't agree with you Musk can or should be allowed to create all the rules he wants :P Imo these huge social media platforms should be considered kind a like 'public squares' when it comes to freedom to express your opinion or share news. Free speech doesn't  cover fake news, doxxing, threats and other illegal stuff of course.

But he shouldn't ban people for their opinions. A right-wing echo chamber isn't what conservatives (maybe outside of the most extreme ones) want either, so Twitter will certainly die if Musk starts banning left-leaning opinions. It's not looking good so far.

The thing about Twitter blocking the NYT info is that they did discuss it and err on the side of caution.  My thing is that any particular group can make a mistake and go from that mistake.  No big deal to be honest.  This is how you tighten your moderation. Whichever media site gets the right balance will probably get the lionshare of users because really, everyone doesn't want to hear every opinion from every person 

As for Musk being able to do whatever he wants since he bought Twitter, I am actually in favor of it.  Its his product, he paid the money to be the boss and he get to set whatever rules he want with the product.  As long as he does not trip on any particular laws then all is good.  If Musk want to turn Twitter into Gab go right ahead but that will eat big time into how twitter will be able to make money and limit its reach outside of the US.  Musk can put everything behind the blue check mark if he so desires, if its successful then he reaps the rewards if not it will be a pretty big dent into his mystique.  

I do not agree that every big social media site needs to be a public square.  The thing is there isn't such a thing as free speech on someone else product.  Just like you cannot go into your job and say whatever you want, you cannot go into any business and say whatever you want etc.  If you want a public square then lobby your local, state or federal government to create one which does not suppress speech based but even still their will always be limits.  Case in point is a site like GAB.  You can pretty much say whatever you want doesn't matter how racist, homophobic, you name it.  The question is why isn't that site more popular.  The reason probably is that most people actually do not want to be bombarded with it.

I feel what will define most of these social media site which has defined most of anything when its used by a large group of people is money and users.  The users go where they feel comfortable and the money will go to the place where the users are at.  Why did a lot of company's suspend advertising on twitter.  It was because Musk in the beginning was threaten to make twitter like GAB and none of those corporations want their ads associated with all that Free speech.  Now Musk had to pull back big time on his plans as I am sure a number of people told him twitter operate in multiple countries and his ideal of free speech doesn't work on an international stage.  

Around the Network

Elon meeting with Kushner in Qatar. Elon responding to one of Putins biggest supporters and propagandists nowadays (Kim Dotcom) after a "lost" poll and how he has such great ideas. Elon mentioning how only people who pay should be allowed to vote in a poll on Twitter (which was already stupid before since it wasn't a poll to every Twitter user but especially his followers). Let's just ignore the voice of people who don't want to pay or even worse who can't pay especially from poorer countries. You want your voice to be heard? Just pay me money!

Great week like always of him. Proving every day what kind of human he is and still having tens of millions of people who would kiss his feet^^

crissindahouse said:

Elon meeting with Kushner in Qatar. Elon responding to one of Putins biggest supporters and propagandists nowadays (Kim Dotcom) after a "lost" poll and how he has such great ideas. Elon mentioning how only people who pay should be allowed to vote in a poll on Twitter (which was already stupid before since it wasn't a poll to every Twitter user but especially his followers). Let's just ignore the voice of people who don't want to pay or even worse who can't pay especially from poorer countries. You want your voice to be heard? Just pay me money!

Great week like always of him. Proving every day what kind of human he is and still having tens of millions of people who would kiss his feet^^

That is the beauty of Musk as CEO of twitter.  Outside looking in he made all these claims.  Once he actually purchased the company he is showing that actually money is more important than any real grand ideal or ideology stance.  The most fun part is how people that support Musk are more than willing to support whatever he does all the while claiming transparency and free speech and other nonsense while the actual opposite is being represented.  If Musk put those free speech items and voting behind the blue check mark, then we will see that money always trumps ideals, especially for the rich.  Pay me to be free, its the American way and setup a class based system.  Oh the irony its just too delicious.

crissindahouse said:

Elon meeting with Kushner in Qatar. Elon responding to one of Putins biggest supporters and propagandists nowadays (Kim Dotcom) after a "lost" poll and how he has such great ideas. Elon mentioning how only people who pay should be allowed to vote in a poll on Twitter (which was already stupid before since it wasn't a poll to every Twitter user but especially his followers). Let's just ignore the voice of people who don't want to pay or even worse who can't pay especially from poorer countries. You want your voice to be heard? Just pay me money!

Great week like always of him. Proving every day what kind of human he is and still having tens of millions of people who would kiss his feet^^

Who does he think he is? The Catholic Church?

Is that “Quarterining” guy for real? Or a satire account?
If it’s satire, funny as fuck.
If it’s for real, what a sad fucking loser :D

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Around the Network
Jumpin said:

Is that “Quarterining” guy for real? Or a satire account?
If it’s satire, funny as fuck.
If it’s for real, what a sad fucking loser :D

No, he's for real, a far right chud.

He deleted his tweets though.

Only when the poll doesn't go your way.

Meanwhile at Tesla.

Ryuu96 said:

Only when the poll doesn't go your way.

Meanwhile at Tesla.

Yep, he's using the same playbook as Trump and Kari Lake. The polls are rigged unless I win.

Tesla was, at one time, worth over $1 trillion, and was still worth close to that much when Musk announced interest in buying Twitter. At that time, conservatives were cheering on Musk to buy Facebook as well, since Facebook was also falling upon hard times.

Now, Facebook is worth $311 billion, Tesla $437 billion. Musk had to borrow money to cover the $44 billion price he originally agreed to for Twitter, so Facebook is now well out of his grasp. Musk has also fallen far behind Bernard Arnault of LVMH in net worth, and is going to end up behind India's Gautam Adani if current trends continue. 

Hope it was worth it.

Barozi said:
crissindahouse said:

Elon meeting with Kushner in Qatar. Elon responding to one of Putins biggest supporters and propagandists nowadays (Kim Dotcom) after a "lost" poll and how he has such great ideas. Elon mentioning how only people who pay should be allowed to vote in a poll on Twitter (which was already stupid before since it wasn't a poll to every Twitter user but especially his followers). Let's just ignore the voice of people who don't want to pay or even worse who can't pay especially from poorer countries. You want your voice to be heard? Just pay me money!

Great week like always of him. Proving every day what kind of human he is and still having tens of millions of people who would kiss his feet^^

Who does he think he is? The Catholic Church?

With the amount of followers who would do anything for him I think it could be a close race between him and the catholic church

So Mush says he will step down but he will still stay on directing the software department. Hmm I wonder who he will pick and will that CEO have complete autonomy. I would believe not. I am sure all decisions will have to get a OK from the owner before anything goes through which probably means change just may be cosmetic.

Personally, I voted for Musk to stay as CEO. He purchase the company with these grand ideals and basically kind of made a promise to change the company around for the better. To leave without finishing the job seems way to much like a cop out. Musk paid 44 billion to be the default leader of the company, fired all execs, disbanded the board and make the company private. Do what you say you were going to do and not leave it to some poll so you have an excuse to run when stuff got difficult.